
9/28/2019 9:58 – Facebook Post

From Brenden Velez


Nordic Music

There is a simple riddle of how such a ferocious people could create such
Poetic and Heart moving Music.

Passion is inspired by the Truth of the Hearts Expression.

Happy Birthday dear Brenden,
” Orlando Blooms… and Flourishes ”

You passed through my Portal at Jesse Macias with Brooke Lee Lemery

Remember, Fear is the Mind Eater,
There is only Beauty,
Such as this,
Never fear the “Vikings Rage Ragnarok”
For within all great Warriors of Ages,
It has always been influenced by the Tenderness to Protect those close to the Heart.

And I have witnessed, recognized your True Heart.

Let it Bloom Flourish with both Gentleness and when required, a Titans Roar.

9:58 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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