
9/28/2019 12:43 – Facebook Post

Its True Juliana,
The Songtres shared by Lady Rosemary Bassey..

Woman is the Savior of this World.

Is Correct

What does the name Julianna mean?
Does it not come from the word “Julian”
Which means “Male Youth”
By Jove!
Jupiter Ascends Saggittarius
5th Planet or 4th, depends on your Point of View.

I am no savior.
Nor did the World as Perfection ever need one.
But this illusion of what was done to the Original and yes, as I have proven, Constant perfection, which most just could not percieve, obviosly needs a Savior, which I have rather doggedly pointed out is not me.

Only Harmony can save this World.
And what is Harmony?
If not Music.
Majestic Symphony
Bold and Unstoppable moving unseen through all illusions called Matter.
Music is Flow..
Flowering Flowers
Who rise with the understanding of the Musics Meaning.. A Message.

I Understand Expression
I Know. I Knowing I Know.

11:09 p.m

A-A O ( F) I.
A A F I.


I B.H. The Script

I MAN. Truth Supreme.

And My Name is WO W M.AN.
SA. I.D. S H.E.


I am not surprised that I ended up as the last portal of my Journey at Liberty C Liscomb place.

After all, I began my journey, of Love. L. WO ( / O W L )
With a Howl of Delight with a Woman called C.. Sistah C.
A sister Joy Nnonyeluom. ( Stay by close by me always)
An Aunt Ieasha ( Theresa Ijeoma)

Then a Grandmother Lucy.. Ojugo.

And then saw my self as a Woman in my Great Grandmother “Mba Afor Ocha”
Meaning ” Blinding Transparent Light of Truth”

C O J N. I T. L O.. M.A O..
O N I O M. ( YONI) ONION Sacred Portal 148.)
Using Their OI Nri Names

C N. T. L .. E using their English names.

5 Females.
Out of this world.

Cecilia my Mother.
Theresa my Aunt.
And a third aunt. Priscillia/ Patricia.
C T… P.P.
But it was my My Mother and Aunt Theresa who first informed me of Woman.

11:28 p.m
My Birh Day.

Mother Aunt. M A / A.M.

C.T/ T.C

Manners Respect.
And Amazing Grace.

I even did my First Fashion Show in London’s Heaven Nightclub, called the Story of Womans Evolution in 1991.
At St Martins College
Dedicated to my Grandfather.
( yes A Man)

And I began my Journey in Paris with a Woman called Erica ( Ekayani) Chamberlain
( E.C. 53 Sacred Portal 53) in Paris.
She was the inspiration for the Prose Poem
” My Name is Woman, Said She”

1994- 2019..
25 years ago.

Erika to Liberty.
E L.

Erika by the way means ” The Eternal Ruler”
Just as Donald means ” The Universal Ruler”
There is a fundamental difference between the word ” Eternal and Universal” is there not?.

Ink Heart I.H … Infinity Harmony
Ink Death. I.D. I Define

Ink Spell. I.S. What IS IS. SHE.


W O W. U M A N. U

Because Woman is Me.

See Sacred Portal 37.
11:37 p.m

And only by passing through my Hearts Expression can She Ever be Free and at Liberty.
For She must understand the Fraternity of Brothergood.
Brothers Lovers
Love betwen Two Warriors
Two Beautiful Men.
Her Beautiful Truth
And Orgins which brought forth her See.
Her Seeing through their Conversation.
Loves Expression.
Beautiful Expression.. Energy..
Creates Energy.
Manifestation M
Expression Kinetic E K
Awe! Attention Awareness Act-Ion Directed
To Manifest Destination
The Point.

S.E E. S A M E M E!
I.S I S.

C Freya Liberty.

C F L… Consciousness F L.O W..
F.L Florida Sunshine State.

That is Me She..

Nothing can get US down..
Or Destroy our Sunshine State.
Conversation Flow .. Ascending to Crescendo
” Mba Afor Ocha!”
Thunder Lightening
Thor Lopez
/ I Kol O
Low Key.
Odin.. Odina..O Dina Singh Ji O Dina Singh
Odina” means ” it is with .. It Lay Down as 8 to become the Symbol of Infinity..
To Listen to me Sing H.
The Song of Harmony
I Stand.
I Solid…
I Fact.
No Illusion of Matter, Be me.

And She saw how the Song H rose from within.
And So my Sister Self Lay Down to Listen
H E N. To the HE. Naturalness.
Harmony Emeka Nnamdi.
The CO.C K..S. Sing an Awakenong Song.
And Aroused.. Cocks Swords Hardening Erect.. Desire Crossing
X Forming
As we Looked into Each Others Eyes.
Seeing the Truth of OH O P…E N
S.E E. S A. M.E. M.E..
Meme Chose.

12:00 p.m

And So I Chose.


If She Is.

X came from Two Y’s
Y Y. X
50. 24.
E O. E M.F
E O. B D. Beautiful Devil.. Beautiful Death.

She as the Twin Expresdion. Gemini Gemino Tom Chris Carolne.. T. C C
Came from A.H Tom
E Chukwu
The Creator
Expression Naturalness.


I Sing.

“He Sings!”
Harmony Supreme.
E H S = S H E

But first I, Ink Spell
Of I Death
I Heart.
I D of the Queen of Hearts, under a Spell.

A Spell of the Life of A Woman.

Harmony understanding Infinity.
From the play of her Two Brother
Two Self Same Beings.
She finally realizes…Are One.
1: 11..
Who became 2 3../ 3 2..

12:27 p.m

Why did this play End with Liberty…?
Is She the One, representing every woman?
Or is She Wuman who is really Two Men who through experiencing every man became Woman..
Who finally had to overcome her story of how she had to fight for her Liberty ( not Freedom She was always free.. to make her own decisions of how She wanted to Percieve)

How does one break the dependency on and of her story of Two Men and One Father?
In what is known as A MAN’S World?

Liberty had to Learn from the Two Men the Truth of What a Man truly IS.
Only then could She as Every Man..
Evolved to Every Woman, understand and create her own I.D
L I D.
Rise having seen the Truth, The True Cee and Conscious Expression of Two Men in One Harmony
Orgasm Ejaculation Ecstasy Euphoria

And realize that is the only truth, beautiful truth which can be.
And so, in her turn she must rise and Sing..
Sing the Song of Harmony of the Two Beloved Brothers, and through that Song..
She Sees her own Reflections, Narurally Flowing Fluid..
” That l!!!” She declares Quietly..
That is my Idenity
I Define Me.
By Inspiration not based on Gender, Need or Being Left out.
“But my Father is telling me his story, of how He came to be.
And from his example and story, so I too can Be.. A.M. M.E. U.P
Understanding Perfection is the reason we Sing.

12:43 p.m


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