
9/27/2014 20:07 – Facebook Post

9/27/2014 20:07 – Facebook Post
9/27/2014 20:07 – Facebook Post

Sept 27th..

Hello, I have no great desire to comment for too long on the play of getting out of the matrix.
Suffice to say, I met with David Philipe Gil yesterday, and since the play had reached that moment of choice, in which every person i have been led to in this realm of “Hell Consciousness” are given all the info and evidence by my being the most ardent and accessible being to furnish each with the information that they are in a Matrix of hell Statan… etc.. Created by this realities adoption of certain Consciousness and because of the portals they themselves use, had become characters representing in a chess board all the Evil done by men and all humanity…

Meaning if you have the same energy of King David, he becomes a portal at which his story is made manifest based on what is recorded and attributed and what is enacted out through the Avatar as being the Truth.

A court as I sought to warn ppl from the very beginning, that each person was being judged first as the Spirit (not E spirit) collective to which all of you are linked to…

but after you had been made aware by myself, by my being forced out of my own Existence to play this role, created by humanities irrational story ( hence my being forced by that lie to play an impossible character) to help you sever yourself from that connection of which ever line which created evil so malignant.

the who idea was to clean up the past stories and make the modern day anchor aware of their beauty and then aware of the very attributes which has served humanities down fall infecting the rest… Once the person is made aware at a great cost to me… The E line then watch the person and how they treat me ( I have been used as the ultimate scape goat and sacrifice… a hatred done to me I finally resolved)…

And how they respond to the treatment.

I am not in control, all I can do is warn the person that we are being used in a play representing all the past “sins” of the species, and they are representative of that Sin which could be transformed by beautiful expression back into SINE- what they were originally meant to be before they distorted the Truth.

This play script DEMANDS THE TRUTH….

This is the T- shirt read of a guy in the train as I descended from Pelham park..

And so, I Demand the Truth of this End play just as all of you demanded the Truth of me, so is the truth demanded of each of you.

And from David who texted me last at 6 26 Z on the 26 Z gave me 16 dollars and treated me with the benevolent Pomposous Superiority P.S of the all racial and cultural superiority of the demeaning and diminishing consciousness he chose to represent instead of the Beautiful Present.

It was not personal to me, it was as is in all cases, the consciousness each is given to chose after being presented all the evidence..

As many so, i fought screamed shouted and have bee forced to go out of my own true nature, which is quiet more dignified and more cool cat light to find every means to get them to come home to themselves..

but as always the illusions of my diminished state over the power and beauty and gift I give to each through the beauty of our consciousness they forget was is our original consciousness… And even when they remember they chose to remain with the consciousness which they latched onto..
Just as Chris Franco had stated… it was a torture because I already knew that by this point that if ppl chose a certain consciousness over the True consciousness it was not because they were unaware it was because they chose it as a matter of convenience and comfort in this reality…

But this Court still had to give everyone a ” fair” trial only for all those truths I had stated which made me not wish to do this mission, run away only to be bound a dragged into a toture and torment which I already had discerned.

Then fight a Dreamer who is an illusion God as King David… I simply used truth serum and watched as the hapless David poured forth truth which he had no intended to say…

I saw New York, All the pomposity and superiority of race culture.. the Monkey black consciousness who would refuse despite the evidence before then to adhere to the fact that a person of brown skin and African descent- despite being born in London Winnipeg, paris Barcelona Istanbul- that without money or by being asked to contribute to the welfare of such a being a that truth would come out of Superiority and refusal to recognize even the Supreme Being, even with all the evidence as long as he did not have the Material and Social power of this Matrix..

David saw himself, and heard himself and intelligent honest knew it was not personal… But in a way the treatment of me has been personal… for I could never bring myself to leave anyone of such proven worth on the streets while I lived and dined in comfort…

But the play ended with A.N.D who represent to me X (what ppl do and say in the shadows behind your back- betrayal instead of the regeneration of evolution) Y ( that which is the thorn on the side and asks why so and so deserves what they have obviously worked for..envy.. Instead of Infinite flow of working together with that being to great supernatural revelations and gifts… And final Z…( The Literal end of all being h… All humanity played out by Jealousy, which one refuses to clean and a stance of superiority when you have done nothing or contributed nothing while the other has given all contributed all- none for itself but all for the evolution of the species. And the hatred for these being or love for a self created ego illusion being so great that they are willing to risk all of Existence for this false ego- idol they created of their worth.. which devalues in the most subtle ways, poisons infects blames everyone but itself for an intentional poison of others to get what it wants.

it poisons the consciousness, the truth and the beauty of others…
gives no true respect, everything is fake and even the love it may feel for you being sincere they erode even that to get what they want… existential Death…

they take way the existence of others without a thought…

I played this out with David from beginning to end…

and he saw him because I gave him no recourse…

he had no met the emeka of last night…

He gave me 16 dollars… it was not a gift it was a code… 2 8 is my birth day.. expand by x is 16= 7…

the sign I saw as went to meet him was wrath…
something wished ultimate vengeance on the consciousness he represented and did not sacrificing me to get it…

I called him out from beginning to end until from the 16 dollars he gave me, I pointed out the one of the bills was a marked…the one dollar was marked with Z16 5….
That I am the one consciousness which can bring the end… the Z forever..

It was coded with E, david counted 5 E’s..

David will survive, New york will be flooded.. Manhattan… all these arrogant superior New yorker, city dwellers will be brought through this power mirrored here and they will give is entertainment, as i was their entertainment to prove why they are so superior and they will go out of existence painfully proving x y z… which is all E.

I saw disease last night a consciousness from ultimate past Rome to the j.c story to the Puritans to the Constitution to Present day which was not the Beautiful Present he could have fought to stay in but in the self entitled vampire ungrateful ungracious superior enslavers consciousness and it was not just caucasian in was in the mixed race…

be gone…

End this matrix and make rise the truth destroy this Bible Roman lie Matrix and men with nothing but words and no exemplification having the balls to challenge supreme beings who came with such offering of truth and love out of jealousy so heinous it goes from beginning to beyond…. and will never stop until destroyed in the same way it destroys…

but we destroy it with a word…



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