
9/26/2019 18:21 – Facebook Post

4:48 p.m

Delta Green.
Scared Portal 48.
Deaths Harmony.

I- B.F-T S
I Be F “A C T” S.

Was at 14 03 Facebook Friends
N O. C/ C O N. T E S T
A D O…
“Much Ado Over Nothing”

This is a Reflected World
There is NO Consciousness without E.
Energy and what is Energy, but Expression from the Nothing.

Now at 14 02 Facebook Friends
N O B. / B O N.

A Reflected Universal Expression.

Enter The Dragon.
As Alicia Norris ( 1 14 Grant Moor and Sacred Portal 114 )
E T.D. E .. 20 4.
Pointed out according to Mytholgy and Legend, The Dragon represents the realm of illusion.
And the Eagle as the Actuality Reality.

See Ele Ife post which I shared.

How can a Reflection be real?
Only its Source Expression creates the Reflection hence, everything in this realm is made of nothing.
Yes, Quantum Physics proves that Everything here, considered solid and real is naught but empty space.
Nothing but waves..
Like a Movie Projector, projecting on a screen.
A Story… Yes, a True Story.
The Script
Tree Sage
K.A H.
Of an event which already took place.
An this Movie, Film set as a backdrop and stage, with an audience watching Actors in settings and scenes played out.

The only thing real is to you- an Unseen Screen, an Unseen Expression from the Source of the Reflection

Have you watched Bruce Lee’s film
” Enter The Dragon”
See all the all the reflections in the mirror he smashed to get at the Fiend.
Ah.. so much like the Wizard of Oz.
W.O O.. MAN.

Alice In Wonder Land.
A.I W L.
Link Laura Walsh.
A. I O W L.
The Goddess Athena’s Mechanical Owl.

Made by the Inventer God,

Of course, the Maze was the Night Vision.
And a being had to enter the True Story, of the Film which had been perverted almost beyond recognition by so much Meddling Expression of those so convinced that the Movie – Their Lives were real.
And yet the movie The Matrix said otherwise.

5:11 p.m

Ah.. That is my cue..
I am after all Emeka Kolo, representing Expression Kinetic.
Quantum Leap Jump
M A N and A MAN
Out of this Story.
28. 29
11 28. 11 29
Saggittarius To Aclepius Ophiuchus.
13 Gate.

How can there be only empty space holding everything together
Observer Actor Projectionists Narrator,
recounting his story and recollections to his Eternal Family of how they all came to be.

11 28. 11 29
11 11. 28 29
4 ( 1) 57..
D A. E G.
4 Green Spectrum Heart Chakra
Enders Game.

5 Oceans 7 Continents
12 L
12 =3
Consciousness Ends The Narrative
That was the point of the Movie.

K. A.H.
* Kyle Murphy
I See!

Yes, 3 31. 4 43.
He sees..
And that is Consciousness
I C. Energy.

Cold Molecules Slowed Down
Cold Chilly Stare..
Activate Death Ray
Relaization that this was a Story.
In a Time Of Machines.
Where the M O T..” Word” became used so badly it created such Babble.
Such Static that none watching could see what was in the T.V Screen
Ti Vie.
7 7. Ti Violet.
And so that same story I recounted while in Willy Wankers…( A Wanker means a person who continually Masterbates.
See Sacred Portal 25 ” Master the Debate
With Self
Immaculate Conception
Immaculate Symbiosis

What Consciousness I.S.

So someone had to set the Image
Ego ” Self Projection” S P
Sacred Portal on the Silver Screen straight

Yes, the Beautiful Youth who Transforms into the Black Panther.
The Destroyer of the Lie.
And once completed, the 19 years old Beautiful Youth, having Transformed the Egoistic Selfishness of the Ego back into the True Beautiful View as the Beautiful Past
” They Lived Before Adam”
T L. B A..
2012./ 21.

See the Discovery I posted of the Pyramids of Portugal.
Signs of True Man.

And so, the Black Panther
Beautiful Pride.
The Eternal Prince of Darkness,
Lord of Transformation
Prince of Darkness
I P OD..
I P.. ( Man) ODE..
Evolved from a 19 year old Golden Youth,
To a 29 year old Truth

The Source is
A M A N.

Of course, I was fully aware that I was passing through People, Reflections of a Story.
An original story of the Begining and End.
Full Circle of my Sum Son Brother playing me,
as Father..
Alien Father Alpha
Who unlike me did not rise as A MAN but an Extraordinary Extra Terrestrial Being.
He played my role..
Me as A MAN and A WUMAN.

As I have so assiduously and arduously explained all these years.
That since 1991- 1992
And 1988- 89..
And as far back as 1974-75..
Victorious in 1976.
That I have been Consciously passing through Human Reflections as Portals
1992/ 29 91. 27 years moving through all you as Mirror Reflections of M.R
Demonstrating the way home as a pathway to an Awakening from a Movie..
In all 29.11 years.

Way too Long hence my protestations of my Father Mothers Script.

My last conversation was with Liberty C Liscomb
* I met her friend Cynthia alone rep of C
And another friend Melissa, first me, then Liberty.
On the day of the E T Check and Enders Game.
Meaning I met the Reflection literally through the Back Door Window of myself reflected as C.
And of course, I could recognize her,
6:04 p.m
My Eternal sisters mothers code is C.
Melissa O Sullivan was my sisters friend.
Brian O Sullivan was her younger brothers age.

M.O S. M.S.. .Mehindi S. Grandmother’s

B O S. / S O.B. Pls see Sacred Portal 147 A & B
Source Of Being.

M is for my mothers late sister Maggie who died the same age as Nnamdi, age 13.

6:09 p.m

Expression is what crrares


When a mighty tree falls in a forest, does it matter that no one hears it fall?
Does it have any affect if no one hears it?

Of course it does not matter if anyone acknowledged its fell..
It matters thoigh that it did.
Because its action of expression will affect the E.M.Field.
It creates Waves.. Motion

6:16 p.m
Free Persons
Fair Play
Fair Exchange
Beautiful Exchange.

So it is with my expression, moving everything of Truth to its Manifest Destination
And all which is False.. to its Moment of Truth.

6:18 p.m
F.R. E E..
And no matter the outcome: be it Awakening Manifestation
Or To Non Existence- that Vortex witnessed by Science of Quantum physics
The Outcome is the same thing.


6:21 p.m

O F U.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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