
9/26/2018 21:46 – Facebook Post

9/26/2018 21:46 – Facebook Post



I.V.. I Victor @ 4.. Delta Dawn.

I to Z… B .F… T R.. B.O.. A.H..

# Hash Tag… Your It… ME-TOO.. MT.

This current “Me Too’ Movement is not the true ascension picture of Woman ASCENDING.

It is but a poor, pale version of the real thing, which had to go back to origins for it to truly manifest as the true Ascension of the De-Vine Sacred Feminine…
Back to origins which began with the Y… Male
A Man.
And thus, the beginning of the Origins which was A Man,
“Manu” and only through going back through him, and beginning of the process can, and could that Divine Feminine manifest.
Because that process which concludes at all possibilities of Himself manifested to Completion, as Beautiful Truth- could the end of evolution be complete of he as The Two in One…
Completion of Man
Completion of Woman..
And the completion of the Twin.. the A-H.Tom..
The Twin of H.E..
Supreme Harmony Eternal now in creation body Expressed..

This Mee Too..
I ask the Women – without taking away from the hurt, sense of betrayal and delusion of the abuse by Men – ( not real men, I assure you)
But I have to ask the Women now present, and across time…
Who is the one who gives birth to these men?

Who was given the role of bringing them..both actually, into the world?
Into creation?

Who was given the bond and body- the responsibility of the caring and nurturing of these Men.. and women?

And why is that sacred bond, so genetic and historic between Mother and Son – that love so sacred and beautiful suddenly warped so violently.
What caused this anger and rage for the Son to turn in his Mother so violently as to subject her to such awful humiliation

May I remind Women that the first worship of Woman was by Men who saw her as Creation .. Goddess..
That she was the first head of the Church.
And that it was is woman who had the advantage over men.. Fathers because of that Bond and connection she had with the children she bore and brought into the world.

I have seen utter beautiful wonderful versions of Man..
I have seen utterly versions of Woman..
That bond , that dance… that play.

I know that they are more and more rare… and are not highlighted any longer…
But that does not make it less of the actual model of the Beautiful Truth of that which is the POINT…
The Truth.

I chose to focus on this…

That the lies and the lack of responsibility.. and its subsequent cause and affect…
A Rage which can be traced back to a sense of betrayal by that which brought men into the world…
A misunderstanding.. a hurt allowed to go too far…?
But as Stephen Filgueira pointed out in his post, that does not mean we stop looking at the truth..

Men have been guilty of terrible affronts in that rage of hurt and misunderstanding which they gave vent on that which they adored and loved so much they hated …

But let us not forget the role of Woman Too…

Mee Too…

I have seen the pain a Woman unstable can wreck on her children and affect them all their lives…
And I have seen the power of a Mother so pure so beautiful that no matter her mistakes- she is raised in the eyes of the children to her true face and state of grace…

Lets keep it real…

9:44 pm

And if you wish to see how the real Dawn Awakening looks like..
Look at the picture Dawn Piercy shared ..

And see my will… Desire.. I do not give up…

Susanta Nayak

Until the truth Rises…

The Beautiful Truth…

Not interested in lies.. blame… Me Too…

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