
9/24/2020 15:56 – Facebook Post


12:44 p.m.


12+12= 24..

I X 2020…
9 1.
9+24=33…2020…= 1 1


I did not post yesterday…
After 8.9 years of constant daily posting, except for the month of August 2013.
It was not intentional, but I felt no pull to post.

The Book is up.

Its is very alien, the entire set up of the The Book.
My mother has waited for this Book: she knew I was going to write a book. she knew as far back as I can recall.

There is a natural process in this reality, to go about publishing a Book.
And I am fully ware at just how unconventional the method of how this book or Journal came about and its entire journey which began in Sept 1989.

To tell this world people, that you were moved by a force of existence, which took over you life and the result of 31 years of being placed in position to write these journals, the same Journals which were “discovered” in Paris by Susan Train ( S T/ T S… 19 20/ 20 19.. 39 39… 1 78…79….
Talking To The Silence…T T T S = 79.
Sacred portal 79 “Blue Print of existence”
To The Silence One last Time…
T T SO L.T.) – despite it being obvious from the numeric codes that it was all created from that force within me, and outside.

To be loyal to an Eternal Force, which creates a set up of first, creating a scenario where the only answer is to write, because there was no one I was led to as a 22 year old whom I could speak to, and thus containing me in a sort of quarantine so that the purity of the Journals would be retained.
The last volume has been written for 8.9 years on Facebook where i was led to.”The Circle without end”
T C W E… T C is sacred portal 20.. “True Clarity” – which creates an Echo Response…
20th State…Arden Fred -Vermont.
AJ.. age 20…
these are just an example of “Response”
W E… VV E…
West Oregon 33rd state to South Carolina…8th state.. West to East.
“T C VV E… T” C V E”
T.. C.V.. 3 22 Date of the Uploading of this Book 3-22-20202..”

The notion that an Eternal Family have been moving me through a secret mission since i was age 7-8.
linked to an Eternal Awareness ( E A) which required Itself to be evolved by the Original True Source who happens to be a man undercover in Human form made to write a new version of The Bible.
An Interactive book- which the E Family acting as E manual Nnnamdi- E N…which merges the best of two worlds truth the out of africa point and view and the Middle east to west to East point of view.

1:10 p.m.
sacred portal 110.. 1 10 A J..

1:11 p.m… Sacred portal 111…

That this Book is the sum total of my Experience given to me by another, a force which people no longer recognized as even real or whose at presence, at best is regarded by the skeptical or suspicious eye of the Western mentality of the rational and reasonable man.

1:13 p.m

That for an entire life time, ones will is derailed by a force not even acknowledged by this reality sets a person up to play Enoch Metatron.. The Scribe of his own Existence but mapped out by another- which creates your Destiny and Fate…
D F… D .Est I..N.Y… E.T.-A.F.
Both concepts I did not and do not believe in- because I have memory that such a power can not exist- that which can take over the will and direction of ones life…
eternal law forbids it, and yet how could I deny that which was taking place in my life, and which I could not tell a living soul because I did not have the language or the Evidence and Facts that such an unimaginable fate does exist and can take place.

The cost to me personally, is beyond your current imagination- the cost of being loyal to something I did not believe in.. the way.. the way my life was taken over in order to do … present this Book?

IN 1992 when a similar condition struck me down, it was not the exact same as this hellish experience taking place in my body, rather it was more a draining of energy as if something had siphoned off all energy to my body, it was what compelled me to complete the 3 Journals book 1-3 in the cafe Beauborg in Paris and from Sept to Dec when i could not longer write, and was so weak that the Garcons would help me to my seat.
I remember sitting in the cafe, as this condition began, an my being confused as to why my life had been so intense, and crazy.
i was always sure that i would surmount it and get the life of the boogie and family.. the realization that I was being summoned and that i had no idea why, is what made me observe my life for a moment as i sat there, and realize that the entire purpose of my life might be my observations of this world.
And that is why I was brought into this world.
You can read the precise moment when i am asking this question to myself and to the Silence in my journals. My struggle with that idea of being born to simply suffer, surmount note and then leave.
It was this desire in me to celebrate being in life, which caused me such consternation in the cafe, and which I could not accept, it did not make sense…
But what could I do, i was super man- 24 age code then and felt invincible so when this happened to my body… it was bewildering to say the least.
And so i went to death because i had not choice, i had no control of my body any longer, which to me was impossible.
I already knew that i was not from here, the people in the cafe and one particular woman who came to the Cafe everyday, – a writer herself made me very aware of that .. she had one day loudly commented that i walked as if not of this earth or world..
It is because of what was happening to my body and perplexity.. for i knew that there was only one thing which could have such power to take away the will of my body.
That is when for the first time since Nnamdi had left in 1982.. 10 years later, i faced that which i had simply refused to accept as real, Nnamdi’s death.
And so i wrote about my brother Nnamdi and his “Death”
it was not his death which had bothered me, hurt me so deeply, but rather, just as my mothers passing in March 27 ( when i got the news, 5 days after the E Manual was uploaded 3-22…
Link Cecilia Wiebers.. C W.. C V.V)

Rather it was my understanding that it was a set up, and the set up for me was of a cruelty which i could not accept as anything in existence having such power over me.
..This sense of “Cock Sure confidence that I was invincible, eternal and immoratal had been a quiet knowing I had all my life; where it came from I did not know, but it was something I did not question.
Death was something which was something not real.

1:43 p.m.

Up until perhaps 10 years ago, i used to see myself in my dream awake state, as this being – all dressed in black, like a black cat on the rook of buildings doing extraordinary things. My body was amazing and yet it was not anything special in that it was the sensation of my body always being able to preform supernatural feats.
I could fly… my eyes could change color,, to gold to blue…
None of this was extraordinary to me because it was as if i had always been that way, and as my mother, who spoke of being able to manifest anything she desired in her youth, and how that power began to fade, the same it was with those abilities and seeing myself each time in my dream awake state… they too, stopped.

How could you make me life such a story, in this world… in this reality?
How could you compel me, place me in such an insanely absurd position of making me make a covenant and promise to you in the eternal realm, and then move through me, my life.. my thoughts and compel me to keep a private promise i made to you by forcing me to be celibate and, express our truth to this world mentality…

Emmanuel Kerema
Nnamdi Kolo..
Eternal Awareness…
And make me loyal to that covenant, to tell the truth.. Our truth, but your way in front of a world confirmed as Insane…
And entire species with Mental Health Issues”

Susan Train, at Vogue had made a comment which was one of he main reasons I had not gone ahead with allowing her to edit the journals. she had said that what i had perhaps written unwittingly in my journals was more important than my life..

The horror that statement caused me, was the same Horror I felt about when I read about the work and art of artists, scientists philosophers I had admired, but whose life’s had been horrific..
because of this mentality of the requirement of “Suffering.. Pain .. misery” ideology that one must suffer to create…

1:58 p.m.

It was something so terrible to me.. the idea that ones life is worth less that what you create.
It was even more absurd when one takes in that I did not believe that there was anything to Do, in life, because i had the memory that everything is taken care of and in perfect harmony, including the Evolution Awakening ..
..it was scheduled to happen no matter what.
Hence, life time of resisting this play and script, of forcing me to solve and document the evolution awakening as I moved through this reality – fighting my way through it, while at the same time, in disbelief and incredulity of what my life was turning into- and worse, the Knowledge & Wisdom … the treasure, i did not require- which came from each riddle, tangle in the loom, the picture.. which I discovered as i moved through this life, was what enabled me to move forwards in this “Board Game”

How can my art be more important than the person?
It puzzled me and made me go deep into the silence to reflect, and when I rose from the depth I had plunged myself into, in order to understand such a absurd question.
I came back knowing that the Embodiment of the Person as a being is the Source of his art and science and expression which only came into existence by the illusion of need, and investigation for solutions to problems which really do not exist, since all the answers are inside the being and that what ever is required to move with greater ease to our destination is of a natural flow centered on the person.

if creation and existence was created as a celebration of being, how could that be replaced, by the expression created and instigated by an illusion of need.
The Eternal realm is the realm of ideas and since everything ever though of already exists in the Eternal and infinite realm, and since the Being Alive, requires only Be.. which creates expression= Doing.. all will arrive naturally when the being the person., the expression word.. person is ready… when the world is read and thus, in perfect timing.

My books, my art, my expression created not out of necessity but celebration of beauty, not of an illusion of need and pain.
Which is why my own journals bored me, only the places where i break into “Spirit soaring” do i appreciate even now, the prose, the poetry and words and person exalted and no longer of this world as he she flows withe ecstasy, as the writer, the creator ascends to the peak.. the climax .. the point of his her flow.. and that discovery which both the artist and the audience discover at the same time…

But to make the person .. the source of the expression an embodiment of suffering and pain, misery… how of human life experiences, become the obscenity so many of them became, left to die the most ignoble deaths, after fighting so valiantly to share something which is something born out of need, to express because of the “Gap” of that expression not being in existence of fully understood, as necessary for the evolution of the Human Spirit becoming aware of itself…?
You make them the sacrifice of their lifes, in order to share something created by your need and for your benefit…?
That being must endure… horror betrayals… and leave behind the gift of beauty which Suffering imposed by a mentality of this reality, that you must endure for you art to be “Authentic and sincere”… The Beauty you leave behind while you carry the experience of an life taken away and void of the joy and celebration which is the birth right of all born into creation.

2:20 p.m

I went over everything I realized…
You must understand that my entire life, people had said that I was special, and felt i was destined for some kind of amazing life or become famous.
The reason i chose to the disappointment of many, to create Fashion and design- which many felt frivolous, compared to what i could or might contribute to the world.
This notion was of course governed by this realities value system and not by the one i represented.
I intentionally moved to Fashion because it was Light…
And it was not until I walked through this realities idea of Beauty and Fashion and “To Fashion”

I found it so wrong.. everything was wrong about this worlds point of view… on everything.. From Love to Beauty, to Life, to the meaning as to why we are here…
Even Freedom .. which is why in the 5th Volume written in 1994 is filled with 12 essays for every month of the year, in which for the first time, I am defining all that I was told was and investigated it only to find that It was Not.
what people here called it, as I knew it was defined.
I know what Love is..
Freedom Song.
Knowledge of Power…
Dear Sir Penis E K.

Can you imagine your entire life set up this way, and by something which the world doubts and fears even exists?
Reason and Rational replaced what became untamed Imaginations which gave birth to superstition and the Western man feed up with fear of the unknown tries to through all ancient knowledge out to focus on only that which is Reasonable Rational.. that which brings Order logos… that which is logical and empirical, and in so doing, separate themselves from true being through fear of the unknown and consequently an entire species going insane trying to marry the two worlds which no amount of cartesian thought process can negate as if not real.

And here i am appearing before you all with a story, a demonstration, and proving with Evidence Facts…E F of that which did this to my life, all which points in conclusion to my completing and sharing this Book.

Having done that which is against the foundation of my very being, made my life and my existence about surmounting Pain and suffering each day, right to reaching Arden Gemino- coming into harmony with him in a script and play meant to destroy any notion that he is my Brother, Best Friend the the Eternal and now Infinite: Eden Light..

There were days, when I would read what i was decoding and translating and i would be filled with both awe and horror.
i fought my Human Feelings, so that i would not overwhelm this script with my emotions and feelings, which of course, I realized you could not or would not understand why I would feel such a way.

The sheer impossibility to me as to what is this…?
That this is evil… evil.. and has no place in existence, but it is the script I walked.

I sat back today for a brief moment, sitting outside and looking at my life…
Looking at what i have done, been made to do, say. before this world, the people who life here, only recognize here as real.
I sat back in silence and quiet…

2:50 p.m.

Where can you go when every part of your being has been trained to have brought you to this moment, to this purpose.
You look back to what you were made to do.
To battle through such a reality and mind set, posting even as your own beloved mother crosses over, while your brother is in a play where he is unable to recognize you or publicly be loyal to you.
And to have all the evidence that this was intended.
That this was all about the E Manual
The book.. the invention whose value .. and cost is beyond unimaginable.. to sit down here alone with twisted body, evolving a life time of solitude and isolation imposed.
Family, Life all the things you came to do, to celebrate, taken denied and replaced with an unnecessary life time of pain and “humilations” simply in order to share a book- an emanual of codes of what has landed me here at 29 Lincoln and not 900 South Road as the end and thus the source of this play…
2:56 p.m,

Stationed at 14 84 facebook for over a week now.. As if the E ART-H..Harmony has come to a grinding halt.. The Day the World Stood Still?

What are we.. they.. it waiting for…
Terrible Death… sacred portal 104
Yes Terrible Death is the Compass.
And his power, his rage is so much so because of how many people in this Timeline of Humanity have died Terrible Deaths.. but there is another form of terrible death ..worse…
Its living with Terrible Death and finding him in your very being and that your an in his script of transforming all those deaths back to beautiful death by taking away the visual imagination of what it must be like to die that way, to its actually energetic truth and reason…
And so here I find myself, at 84 while the one I have been seeing here, connected by the play is Kamora Herrington who came by way of Tree Sage.

48 is the age code of Kamora..
Stephen was born in 1984.. 8 16 84.
And I am also ..representing being born in 1984 which I had attained in 2010.
Please see sacred Portal 84 it shows a man and a Woman and a Demon.. A Sex Demon..
*Please recall the Book Geoff Lacour wrote for me and spoke about my brothers betrayal and how a Demon called Sex , who has pointy teeth was projected onto me to torment me…
And the image by Jeff Sullivan of a Demon Penetrating a man as he prayed.. ( Stephen recently took the painting down and away…)
It is real… how… It can have that power to do what it does to me in my sleep or when alone…
is meant to be impossible.

see sacred portal 48.. It is a Man.
Marina Burini recognized it as me in 2011…
1984 1948… My Mother.. rep 1947-8.

19 19…1.. 84 48… 12 12.. 1 24 = 25 Y… 7-8.. G H.

84- 48…x 32.. 32 32 … 1 64.
1 10..Sacred portal 110..
A J.

You may understand now, why i do not care about the book, or even the proving that “God is Here Present”
I am loyal to my self, to present the work the best way i can, because it is my nature to do things well.. or not at all.
And though, i did not intend to write journals of books or an E-Manual, I have taken responsibility of it until it was delivered and reached its intended.

It broke me own Eternal Truth to manifest this Book, which i did not shirk from taking responsibility of for 27.9 years, despite it being all set up all entrapment and till this day, perplexing to me, that it would suppose that i had no response or personal feelings about the way this Book was brought about.

Who is terrible death in this reality?
Those who believe that they have the right to order to impose death but in a manner so cruel and vile to create fear and hence be worshiped.. feared as if a God by the power of being able to inflict an end, a death so horrific that it leaves those behind paralyzed as if caught in a web, but that which its human soul can not absorb- cruelty of such a nature and to such an extreme to create deaths of a manner that the Human sol turns away and the body is paralyzed and the being is now forever under a spell that “God would allow such a thing to be enacted and do nothing about it”
And so trust in that which is a loving Presence diminishes until there is nothing left. no faith no trust … and that void of the God or Truth.. Trust which they understand that they no longer have the foundation to walk upon.

But to live it, live with it.. its rage, it hold hold and possession and desire will grip and hold that you must evolve it through the script of its own hate for this species which did this to Its truth.

I sit quiet..

This is my Life…or the Life given to me.
And I have hidden my true emotions and feelings.
i have fought to make this Book, the translations of the experiences as beautiful, raising each experience and post above the banal and the mundane perspective of this reality of such experiences, and to see it from above, to see the meaning behind each play and post the knowledge and wisdom brought forth.

It is an effort of every day of my life for 44.. 45 years…
And entire existence of living through examples of the worst of your experiences, your suffering, hurts, rage, that which provoked you…
All of these experiences i have endured so so so many, were all your experiences, for me they were not real, but Alien Father as Terrible Death distracted me enough to make sure that for moment of time, i experienced them as real and then had to fight with all my will, to extricate myself from that spell of it being real and bring myself out of Terrible Deaths grip and rise out of the depth with the treasure of the experience and the lightness of recognizing that yes, it happened, I felt him ram himself into me, i saw where he they took me… Could do to me.. even make me bleed, my head ache things move around me, inside of me… But it is not real..

3:33 p.m

And the experience…?
the feelings it gave me, that no matter how much I transform them with Reason and logic, how can one not remember the feelings the experience created and the feeling of reading recognizing as you decode, that it was all intended for me to endure and surmount.

What do you do with that…
with such knowledge…?

That I obeyed a force which I recognized and then which had the power to make me tell the entire world the truth of what is happening in the world, and who is so devoid of anything such as Empathy or Compassion but who can abuse Love, Truth, use it, take advantage of it and force it into situations in which one has no choice…
Its a cold hearted cruel calculating viscous force of intensity Focus and will that it does not matter the cost to another for bearing its message and delivering it to the World people.

it is something which does not care because it has Power and it can do as it pleases… and even create reason and rational to justify such cold hearted cruelty.

I am at the portal of E M F…
One can recognize easily that the source of this way of being, creating terrible death is not the E Family, but rather this World Mentality and Peoples…

I observe it in the people, even the ones who were around me, in the little things… they do, when they believe you are not looking or decieve themselves that it does not matter…

Have you read the 4 agreements?
They are very easy steps to follow…
Be impeccable with your word…

See the meaning of Satya… it is not hard to be truthful..

And yet, I observe each day, peoples utter indifference at breaking the rules, and if you call them out, they lash out at you or begin to watch you critically, waiting for a moment to pounce and call you out- which in their minds diminishes whatever authority and respect that they might have given you for the knowledge and aid you gave them…
But they will stab you in the back and act cleaver to the public.. innocent.

If you truly understood what i really see, what I understood and understand about the people Avatars sent to me, by this wave.. this script.
But if I spoke about all that, it would have changed this whole Book into only the Ugly Truth- and that is not of true existence, and so I focused on solving his riddle and transforming everything back into the Beautiful Truth.
B T. 2 20… 22…

But that does not mean that i am not full aware of this Demon placed into and onto me, and who placed it their…
I know the Beauty inside people which i have proven via a script designed to prove how evil humanity really is, but that did not mean that i did not see the Ugly truth in them, and what this ugly truth is capable off.

And it is because of this, which I see and perceive no matter what treasures you give them, this is the one power people here hold onto..
The power to Lie, to themselves, to the public… and even to The Source.. The Creator…. right to my his.. our faith.

This is why no matter what has been done to me, since i made my Vow in 2010 to make sure that this species become extinct.

Evolution is mandatory…
Extinction is a choice.

3:56 p.m.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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