
9/24/2015 18:53 – Facebook Post

A Le-NT..I.C.U.La! R (R=18 letter A.H)

Cloud (Nebula) and the MW87 over MT Rain-er.
.(Wasn’t he the Prince Charming who married Princess Grace of MonEcho…Monaco?)

Washington State…(The 42nd State in the Union 1889..A.H….H.I…Birth of Adolph Hitler AH)
Also the years I began this 26 year Talking to the Silence and consciously going under cover walkig through the MW78/87-“Momentum”.
.*See the HitcHikers Guide to the Galaxy..Meaning of Existence…

Washington D.C (District Columbia…D.C..34 Donna Ceclia…Lady 6…
District of the plotted as the Landing of the Dove- is situated between the States of
Maryland and Virginia…M.V…T.N..

Maryland became the 7th State of the Union in April 28, 1788..
4-28…17 88…4-28, 888
*please see my post of Evolution ended at 4;28 pm.
Mary Mother…Marylebone (Mary Le B-ONE) London 1889..I.

Donna O’Sullivan…28..16..7..On her table

Virginia…became the 1Oth state on June 25th, 1788…
1O…Is J for Jonn (Huan)..6-25….F.B.E…17..Q..8..H…Q.H.H…HHH…
Sixth Sense 6 25…Be Fact E…Expression…

7+1O…17…8…H..Haun, G, Grace..Donna…M.A..Donna …

What I am alluding to here through the codes is that this posts is not only a message and a code from Jonn Blackwells “Higher self” to prove the Energetic source of these states does not exist in the physical state but within the Embodiment of Human Beings representing the States..

Maryland was called the “Slave state” or ” The Old line State” and the “Tipping The Scales State” because of the thin line of “Neutrality” is sought to maintain between the Union and the Confederacy..U.C…

Virginia was called “The Old Dominion”..

M.V is Mountain View

Mary means “Lover-Beloved”
Mary Land hence means “Love Beloved Land..”
Virgin according to Marilyn Frye means “A Free woman, one who is sexually and socially her own person…See Goddess Artemis Diana,,,
Also meaning , “Pristine Clean, New, unsoiled”
Washington means “Active…From the Intelligent Ones Farm
(I.O.F..) The Wassa People Wassa wao+sige…”Hunt Victory”
The Active Intelligent Ones Farm the people of the Victorious Hunt…District of the Columbia “A Historical and Poetic name for the United states of America..
Columbia means “A Dove”
A feminine Name and principle…

Meaning that this image posted by Jonn Blackwell reflects not a place but a State of Being which the name can be seen through Height, Depth Expanse “Huan Delguidce Evanescence..4 85) reveals it true Source mirrored by a Harmonious Divine Expression…of Evanescence..Clarifying light

Meaning Lover and Beloved Land of the Free Woman, Clean Pure unsoiled by convention…The Active, and intelligent ones, from the Farm who return from the Victorious Hunt to find the Dove, the Divine Feminine principle of the Harmonious Divine Evanescence Expression of clarifying Light, cleansing the C of Being…

It is definitly not a geographical place..
I put it to you that it is here at 18 Mountain View embodied in Jonn (Huan), Donna and Emeka…
HI Definition..Exisence..

here here..

6:53 pm

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