
9/24/2015 16:28 – Facebook Post

9/24/2015 16:28 – Facebook Post

12:45 pm.





Nine is Harmony..

Jupiter Descending..


Jonn (Huan) Evans Blackwell, Donna O’Sullivan
Hi Definition…


Hello, I will try to keep this brief (though I make no promises since I never really know where my Espirit would lead me to)

But I would like to explain the relevance of my last Facebook Friend Peace Bee..
And the correlation to Donnas Birthday being 8-28…2+8=1O.
And then Jonn Black whose name J=1O…
(But his given name is Huan..8)

And the images sent to me by text by Andrese Harris Burton..

1/ Of the Journey and path of the Sperm to Egg- to baby and its birth representing the same journey and path which everything born replicates..
Especially Human Beings..

2 of Tarot card of the World..
Which has a woman encircled in Laurels…with A man and Eagle a Bull and a Lion on each corner of the Card..

3/ A Pole with the Number 6 on it and the letter E.

And my being drawn to watch Jupiter Ascending staring that lady from the Seventies Show..

And the film the Seventh Son.

8-28 Aligned to Fritz 2-82 to Donna 8-28 creates a Full Circle of B.H- H.B.H…
Being Harmonious- Harmony Being Harmony…

*Harmony is of course Music…
The Universal Symphony..

Meaning Harmony is Human Beings True Nature..
And the 26 years of proving this to the Unseen world is the A-Z of that proving proven at last.
Thus, by proving this, we finally have achieved the most illusive Dream of True Humanity..
World Peace…

Before any of this could be seen, witnessed and manifested it had to be played out in and corrected in 3-3 Dimension..
Of Illusion of Time =Hieght Expanse Depth..
H.E D…

*See Jonn (Huan) Evans + Donna…

Then in the 3 Dimension of Truth proven Fact
Three dimensions of True Being;

1. 28..2(8)…H.B….Humanity Beings, being Natural..
Andrese’s text of journey of the Sperm to the Egg within (The Creative Process in which is mirrored in the Body as well as in life, Natural Being and Conscious Being) reflects the Two Harmonies as 8-28…
Sperm +Egg…S E…created a Being all in one as a Baby…All One.

2. 1O…Add.2+8=1O.. Beings who are in one…
By having linked Being to Experience…
Body and Being Aligned to one which creates
J is H (Huan)..1O 8…18…AH..I.C…

Then to get to the third True State of Being..
The E…
The 2 2 have to move to 22…which is the letter V..
But before getting to V.E…
One must link Body to Being by adding B+B..
Thus the 4th Dimension which is literally the Heart Chakra.
You have to be seated in your Heart…
Conscience …One seated there ROYG…
4 and the 7th Chakra align…
D G..
The code can be found in Dragos Gheorghe literal name meaning.
“Precious Farmer…”
Planting Seeds for the Future so others can feed…
*Which is what I have been doing, Expressing ab Art and Science from within my own Self and Expressing it outside for others to empower and inspire others to see now or after I have left this play and the Evolution Awakening manifests… As the Truth before the entire world..

With the Heart Chakra aligned to the Crown Chakra.. 1-4..4..
And 7…47..
The two merge only by filling the gap the Heart which creates the Vision to See…7..
Harmony 8-9..
But the Vision though see through 1-4..7-89..
Is it Real and Possible..

The Gap 5-6…

The Gap is E.F…
5 is E…Expression..
6 is Sixth Sense proven a Fact..

Through Explanation Exemplification Execution with Demonstrates and Explains the process of 6th Sense as a Fact
Which can only Manifest through
8-28 Harmony- Being Harmonious which is from being Natural and to be Natural means keeping your Body and Being (Spirit and Thoughts) Clean..
Daily Cleansing..

*Donna has been exemplifying what it is to be Human…Lightness Curiousity Investigate..Imagination..Cee
2:39 pm..
B.C I..

She has witnessed the play, discovered my page through Jonn Blackwell, became curious and began to investigate, which led her (and Jonn) to invite me to their home
Which began a play which the more she investigated her Natural Curiosity, the more she began to “Cee”.. Until she not be only began to morph, but literal understand the play to the point where her Being and Body began to change..
Evolve Morph and Transform by her Espirit guiding her and thus engage naturally in the process which has evolved her from
8-28..Being Human (L.C.I…Life Curiosity Investigate… I.Cee) to A O..AH…to the line of the Consciousness and Cee of E..
Without effort, whole doing a full time job, and Being wife and Hostess..
Done with effortless Ease.


C N..
Carina Nebula…
* see Larry Sax share..
“Beloved Darling Cloud 9”

C N=Harmony..
The Consciousness Naturally Harmonious..

Then 1O-8..
Jonn Huan…
A H..
Awareness Harmony..
Which is the Evolution or next step from 8-28
Which moves you from that which occurs naturally, to bring Aware of the Process of Harmony..

*I will give you an Example.
Yesterday Jonn wished to participate in a Mediation which he was moved to join..
He contacted the person and got no reply immediate response
So he went off to work, but while in the car, a voice within him said to go come back and check his Facebook page.
So, without the slightest hesitation he came back to the house and checked his page.
The person had responded..the response was there..
He took part in the meditation and wrote his appreciation to the person who responded with a thumbs up..

In that play of Jonn Haun D.E Blackwell was the entire Summation of the Exemplification of Being One…
Awareness Harmony
The persons was there meaning his six sense “The Voice of his ” Higher Self” was not only correct but Jonns total trust and lack of hesitation (Naturalness Cleanliness. N C)
Allowed him to Harmoniously join the mediation he felt he should be part of..
And then gave appreciation and gratitude and was then affirmed…

This is the Equation and Exemplification of 1O 8..
A.(O ..perfect Symmetry Complete of the Equation) A O.H…E…

Which brought Jonn with amazing Grace and Ease, just as Donna, to the Consciousness of the E…
Where they have both have given evidence of thier Ceeing the Facts…C F…36.O the Truth for themselves through thier own Individual Understanding…
I ..
Spoke and Speak literal Truth ..
Not through Teaching…
Nenad M. Djurdjevic…:)..I don’t Teach or Preach, though I am aware that you got the point…

But through Embodied Transparency of the Do-Nna…Simply Expressing the First Note of Father which means in the E Consciousness Language.. To Guide through the Wind of Expression by creating a window with a view, to who I am, what I am doing and why I am in their home and the True reason I have been following a Trail for 26 years consciously, and 14.6 fully aware of the fact that I am in a “Play” of Evolution Awakening.
And 43 Months on Face Book..
Aware and Conscious, that through Being, my Natural Expression..
A .C B…TT…B.M…N.E..

That not only as I walked the Earth I was walking through the Heavens- The Multi Universes and aligning then to One..
Publicly and Transparently on Face Book..
Aligning Through Expressing Awareness Being Consciously LeVinr, DiVine; Experiencing Truth
Of Universality -Everything

AT…E….A B.C…LL..D E…T.O….U E

(L+L=X..See the X on the 21st Card of the Egyptian Tarok…Taroh .72 cards)
See Sacred Portal 72…G.B..
ROYG.B…..5 Colors..

Onechance Onechance Onechance (Tarok)

This Transparency, while in the Home of H.D..(J.D)
And on Facebook is the gesture of Grace Courtesy Love E
Gaius Cassius Longinus E..

Of Father- Seemen (Sperm..Whale-Rider Eau) moving to Mother -Eg.G( Egg E-art-h)..Transformation through Training the Universal Womb/Mother..

*Universal Mother is Human Being exemplifying the Truth of the Universe as Existence..
The Constant Gardener Nurturer done natural from Childhood to woman hood to Mother hood to Director of the Universal Harmonics..
-which means through this experience She has understood what all Humanity desires…
The chance to celebrate, to dance and sing by being guided by the Universal Harmonics of True Existence..
To the Music the feel as potential which can Manifest from within to outside…
Which creates Harmony..
Because the music and Natures Natural Symphony is Beauty..
And Beauty really being perfect Symmetry of Being not necessarily Body…
Which simply serves as the symbolic reminder of the Truth that Beauty, “Being” as well as Music Hatmonu all began from within…
The Seat Self Love and Self Love for the 28 lines requires to be Seen..
They require being seen…to Exist..

The 1O desire to be Seen and Heard.

The H desires to simply Be..

And the E, Boogie and Dance..
They desire nothing
They are self Complete.

Thus, I have Exemplified the E..

Through the 1-8-28..
To the 1O, 8..18..

To the 1-4/4-1..14-14

To the E N…Elegant Nomads..
“Those who wander but are not Lost”

Who are the E as we have witnessed.
E.V O.L/L.O.V E…

Espirit de Evolution Change.

Thus, Dragos Gheorghe..
Also meaning Dragon is Precious… Farmer..
Constant…F C
Constant Nurturer C N..

D G…
4-7….11 28…39..

Alludes to my Birthday and the Intials of my First and Middle Name..
F M…N.
F A.M…N..
F.M..(Band) Nature -Family Natural..

Is the Beat Music Song Sonar which I am sending out to my Family of 1.2.3-4.5 in the Dark Arch..
While proving Evolution.
And completing the Equation of Universal Peace and Harmony Eternity Manifestly Complete already in all rings and Circles right to the E…
Line Eternal Immortal Infinity Individuals…

Human Evolution had to be completed in the Unseen realm of E not because it was not already done but it had to be repeated and explained to the fearful and skittish Human Spirts by the Hue man Espirit in Illusion Rainbow Consciousness Colors..1-7..
And in the playing fields of the riddles of Existence.. 1-4..
Until 11..1….28…1..7…8
Perfect Transformation
Of the Consciousness Called Fear of the Unknown in Woman Humen…

Peace Bee..

Achieved by the play of the M.O.D.E..
Michael O’Donnell
Soludo Reginald Kenechukwu
Stone Ridge…by the K….+ A.A

4:28 pm

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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