
9/23/2018 19:51 – Facebook Post

9/23/2018 19:51 – Facebook Post

From Edward Eceinco. E.E.

Link Fritz Venneiq
Roger Attaway
Edward Eceinco
Emeka Kolo…

F. R. E.E.

Christain Edwin Edwin
Dawn Piercy

Esther Uzoma…..

C D E….

Esther means ‘Star of The Beautiful Way..’

Dawns pierces the way W.A.V.E.S. Of Rich Blessed Friend Lord of Wine and grapes of Intoxication… and wrath.
Dionisio Midas Eros E.
His Song.

The name Edwin means “rich friend”. It comes from the Old English elements “ead” (rich, blessed) and “wine” (friend).

6:19 p.m.
Feelings Sensational
Kirtan.. the Song.
Of E.B.

That’s my move.
It was played out at Delta Manor…D M.

I woke up this morning to find that my chess piece,The Queen had fallen last night…
Three things had fallen last night “This Fall” day ( 9:54 p.m) the C symbol fell, the Jump Man-a tiny white cut out I had placed in front of the Orb grid which I placed in the fore front of installation Art Chess Voodun…
And apparently the Queen.

I already knew what it meant…
And I re-arranged everything.
But the Queen P.A.W..Patrol a card depicting a puppy dog with Q of Hearts. Only after I had found that Card, the source of the Queens of this world idea ( but in perfection- did I know that she was Free.
Because she was no longer in the play- I had earned her release.
Just as I had earned the C as Consciousness – Creation .
And I had earned the Quantum Leap- the White Man cut out of Micheal Jordans Logo…
But the Queens to be released, I had to go to the source of the Q…
W.A.P… To Release Wendy Ann Powers line from the evil of cruel last leson and M.E.T.H.. Ode.. of the E twisted and perverted through a test of heart and love ( E.M.F Fields) in the cruelest situations.
Link Greek Legend of Aphrodite Hephaestus..A.H.
By the P.A.W. Patrol represented in the card by a Puppy…
P P P… 48…

* Ah that is the coffee today, I just had from the Arab Bodega… 48…
P P 16 16… 32… 12.. 5 3… E C… 8… I… H…
E C H I…E C H O…

Puppy Love.. P.L/ L.P… Puppy Dog.. P.D..
Perfect Love, Perfect Devotion…

I am the source of the Queens..
Which in the play was represented by the symbols of Beautiful Pride of Existence. I Q… Intelligence as Wisdom..
P W Q B…
Quantum which began as Male Warriors Brothers.. “Agape” Brother Lover.. Lover Warriors of Battle field who birth to Princes and Queens
A Sum-Son and a Daughter Sun ….
Eternal Heroes of the Golden Dawn..
G D/ 74…/ 47… 7O4.. G OD..DO G…
Symbols of Royalty of Existence Creation..
Loyalty Devotion to The Truth..
The Truth.. The Beautiful Truth , no matter which world they were sent into which customs cultures ( Yes Isabelle Ilic’s post) which condemned certain truths…

I have Freed my Queens from the cruel testers of Love to qualify in this foul play that love is Self Sacrifice…

Ah what a Lie…!!!

What is greater than Perfection?
Self Love…
Why.. because Perfection comes Naturally and transforms into Shinning Light Moon Light .. Youth Eternal through constant refinement of True Nature.. R…S.. Rise and Shine…Grooming…mind body and Source.. Self.

And in this world, Perfection is rewarded with envy hatred testing, challenges to prove you not Perfect.
Kassim asked me today as a play took place today with witnesses and players of the Round Table, the Circle and the Wheel which
Kyle Murphy arrived with Kirtan Locket to confirm..
6:48 pm.
though the only one who was aware and conscious of what was going on was myself .. which Kyle Murphy representing understanding- which was what I had turned the C – on the E.K’s Locker to a U and placed it back on the New York parking Card with he World as a sculpture in Columbus Circle as a Grid matching the Ping Pong ball I found which was inked to replicate a Grid…

* Ancient Rome uses the Grid Pattern to build their Cities…
O.I.N.RI..use the Circle…

Nri Rome…
Eri.. Romulus and Remus .. Founders…
E R R …
Err.. ? a mistake…?
No A.I.R…
5 18 18…
5 36…
5 360..
5 O..

Roger Attaway
confirmed that…
Link Abel De Yeshua Yeshua
Roger That…
R T..
Robert Tanner Powell confirmed it moved…

5 9…

E I…

Ele Ife
Ele Ife

5 9…
Bed 5-009 to 5-001..
Anthony Malgre to Anthony Manino… ( he was two brothers, older and younger.. John and Michael…
Micheal whom I call the Maori Wale Rider line..who links to Kyle Murphy arrived as if on cue and sat across from him –
*None of them have a clue.. I used to point it out.
6:59 p.m.

But not anymore, why should I.. Is it not their Game. ?
Transforming the A.M.. Evolution into a Game of thrones…

Cosmic Chess…
The one Game they though my sister could beat me at because I wrote that in my journals decades ago…?
And so they chose to create a game in which they were sure to win by using my sisters frequency..
I am born 11 28..she 7 28…I am at Delta .. 4.. 28 28… 56.. 11…
Kyle Kirtan.. 7 is inside 11… and 11 is 1.. and 2..
Did it ever occur to them that I did not apply myself to such games because I playing and am the source of the Original versions…
7:04 p.m.
And gave her this boon in this world to have that mastery which I would not challenge and thus, giving her and my family aspects where they were Masters of but not the Source of.
So each could have a point of Supremacy…
But that did not means, just because I do not apply myself to it that I do not recognize that I am its source.?

7:06 pm.

I left it for those who found that aspect or principle I had already perfected for those in rose through this play to reach that perfection I had attained. I would come down and privately check their Perfection set against mine and if it reached perfection which I am the Measure and Rod.. M R… then I would crown them as the rep of that principle…
Why in earth would i then come undercover and undermine that which they have earned?

But whether I could prove myself the original in this betrayal of a play script…
Perfection is Naturalness which Refines itself until it shines and shines – turning everything to light and revealing impurities in your own burgeoning perfection which is actually hindering it attaiment and continuation…

7:11 p.m.
Kyle Murphy is my 117O Face Book Friend “Keith Grants- but in this Form and Vice Versa…Room 5 C.. Bed 5-026…
Kirtan Room 3 B…bed 3-019… 5 3….C B…( 3 2) Z.S…
Star E…
26+19= 45… / 54…
April 5th.. N N AM D I…

117O/ 711 …
Recall the I.D for Kyle came on the date 7-11- 2018…
Seven Eleven.. Always Open ..
48 48 48…. 24…144+ 24… 168… P.H… 15..O… F…
P H …F…
Perfection is Harmony…
The Planet is Harmony…


The Riddle of the Sphinx…

Why are we here…

To solve the Riddle of Existence…

What is the Riddle of Existence?

“Can you tell me why you are Beautiful”

What is Beauty…

Perfection Symmetry .. Meaning.. Inspiring.. Breath…
Awe.. OH… Devotion..
For the Eye to See.. Take in and thus, the observer of Perfection becomes the Pupil…
Not the Tester…
Satan is Santana Dharma.. S.D.. The Pupil in the Dark absorbing the Light of this P.N 30.. Refined … 48.. to 3 TIMES C… It 24 7.. played out constantly consistently naturally transparently that any one cam reach for and attain that Star E..
As long as they apply extra effort that which is already perfect as a work in progress… inevitably leading PERFECTION..
But with application.. a little effort.. like making love versu having sex.. one is natural the other require effort…
But the rewards of both Extase Bliss…Sweat to Bliss and Ecstasy..
really are parallel universes.. and join .. are the same.

But this idea of Suffering.. Misery.. self flagellation bellowing whimpering that you are not worthy, while acting as though you are even at time I have observed greater than you Creator..
That you would challenge his Perfection…
144 ascended masters.. Highest ideals of Man.. Woman…
144 is not 168… it is not even a Full Circle..
Round Table.. much less the Music Wheel… Motion…
It is some who are stating that they are as I..
1 4 4= 9…I..
12 Squared.. 144.. 12 is Completion JAN to DEC… J D…
Of having earned the most Terrible Death…
25 usd was the code.. not virtual money…
Something which I had to touch.. after are in the physical play.. and this Game of Hatred.. Haters.. is not real…

Only HG.. A M.. E… H..

Solving the riddle of Existence as to how could everyone live in Harmony naturally dancing moving being Snow Flake and Snow at the same time.. Choose to be light dark anything they wish..
This can only be done with E Harmony…
The One Beautiful Truth inclusive of All whoso desire to surf that wave…
of which the E R O S E…

E Infinity…
E Harmony…
59… 14… N… 5.. E..
58… 13 M.. 4.. D.

Aturo Niege ( Snow) bed 2-014… 14.. N…Age code 58…
Nnamdi at E.H..
Emeka E,H…

M N.. 27…
1-27-19 6O…
Roger Attaway 58..

My last coffee here yesterday was 208.. after having 204…
And before the play which took place after my morning post with
myself.. Derrick .. Kassim/Victor…. Mark..

ED… V..M… K M… R E…
Kyle Kirtan… K K.. 11 11.. 4 1….
D A… 5… E…
24 28… 52…
E B…

I know you know…
And Understand,

So my Queen is out.. but the C is turned to a U.. with the Pupil a piece of black Ice… Carbon.. Turned into Diamond Clarity ( 98 S.P) Through an extreme play of Stress and Pressure..
S A P… Designed to Sap my reserves of energy, instead of serving as a Sacred Portal… I C E… BLACK I C E.. B I.. 29.. 290…
I replaced it with a dark iron ball of the sword .. and the Black Ice is now the black Hole… The Pupil understood , the sum the sun as to what was really done to his Script he planed for his Father Me as a gift of my entering his world…

The black ice now is the black Hole.. b h.. 28.. 208..
Ah the confirmation that you knew and understand perfectly well who I am and still left me in this play alone.. and without support..

7:45- 7:46. p.m

77 44 56…

Had 56 usd left this morning…
yesterday 69 usd…

Minus 13…
Got that too as well as the 14…
Manifestation Naturally..

What us beyond perfection…

P.. N R…R … 66…12.. 3.. C..

Complete Self Love…
I sacrifice we sacrifice ourselves for no one and

7:48 p.m..

we keep the company of only our equals..
P E… H… 21.. 8… 29…

11 1… K A!..

7:49- 50.. p.m…

Which is why I.. we have the power to destroy with a look..
which says “What are you doing in our midst…
there can be only one excuse reason..
to be Judged by Terrible Death. T D.. 20 4…


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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