
9/23/2017 19:03 – Facebook Post

From Face Book Memories…

From Nenad M. Djurdjevic… intel

…I do not believe this….unbelievable…!
Another confirmation riddle…

You do recall President Trump mis pronouncing “Namibia”
Nna’M.I.-bia…. ”

Steven Colbert… had a field day… love that guy… family line evolving to e..as is Jimmy Kimmel…
*(Everything is moving quietly into position such is the way of Harmony….)
Katharina Bo Colbert…..K.B.C….E….
E.C..(H) B.O O K… Book of Harmony…

.”Even the name of Namibia’s capital, Windhoek, a city just over a century old, has contentious origins. The Otjiherero name for Windhoek is Otjomuise, and in Damara /Ai//gams, both names meaning places of hot steam or smoke (actually Reykjavik in Iceland means the same thing!).”

Wind H.O…E.K….
Rey…K.J…11 10…V.I.K….

Nambia… I.C.E..LAND…. Fire and Ice…

Hot Steam.. Smoke….

The Hoba meteorite left no preserved crater and its discovery was a chance event. The owner of the land, Jacobus Hermanus Brits, encountered the object while ploughing one of his fields with an ox. During this task, he heard a loud metallic scratching sound and the plough came to an abrupt halt.

His Name… Ja-co-b-us Her Man Us Brits… J.H.B…. J.B..

Jace K Hortsford just bought me a coffee he calls me “Baba”
J.H….J.H.B….He just bought me a coffee….J.K.H..Linked to J.K.H..B…

10 11…8 2…. E Ga la XY…1O 11 C.I….I.C.E LA N D…L E N D/ D N E…

“In 1920, a farmer was plowing a field near Grootfontein, Namibia when his plow suddenly screeched to a halt. Curious about what he had run into he dug in the soil to find a large piece of metal. The large metal mass quickly attracted the attention of scientists and others, who identified it as a meteorite and removed the soil around it. The farmer had discovered a 66-ton iron meteorite – the largest single meteorite ever found and the largest piece of iron ever found near Earth’s surface”

66… See sacred Portal 66… And One of the code Ages I played… 66

You may recall, my post about the “Stone From Heaven”
Yesterday, and my tagging of Ogemdinakachukwu Jasper Ahamefula which he had given evidence, and testimony….years ago about the Orb…

You may also recall that in 2012, that a Asteroid and a Meteorite
A.M. struck both Russia and America…
R.A… And How I posted that this was a signal of the Awakening..

And then me being forced through “The Power of the Orb -The Two Full Circles of B.R…Being and Reflecting of the Full Circle.. that the Two came from a Story… A Book a Story of Existence a Square…

E=C.Me4/3…. 444…3…. 12..3….L.C…

…I do not “fuckin believe it, I just looked up, and there is a man with his back to me with a Circle in blue light and within it is a Square form which looks like a Blue Green Gleaming Mattress, with a light Sabre connecting one corner of the B.E.D…4…Room 4… Moi… – to the Circle…

I was just writing… never mind…

Let me do the code Lisa Natalie Johnson is on her way she just saw 333…

KRAZE is what is now in front of me on a person back number 14…
N..Nnamdi… NNAMIBIA…

*I was just reflecting upon that all evening that I do not wish to continue this play because it is KRAZE… Evil Cruel to have not only given this to a person ( no matter if he is Source undercover he is playing a Human in a Script which binds him to be Human which is killing him softly…physical agony…a straight jacket..)
It is better if this was all a lie… but it is the Truth.
this riddle the play the set up.. the odds pitted against…

No it its too KRAZE…..

Well.. Here are the Codes…
And intel…

The Hoba[1] (/?ho?b?/ HOH-b?) or Hoba West meteorite lies on the farm “Hoba West”, not far from Grootfontein, in the Otjozondjupa Region of Namibia. It has been uncovered but, because of its large mass, has never been moved from where it fell. The main mass is estimated at more than 60 tonnes,[1] making it the largest known meteorite (as a single piece)[2] and larger than the 37-tonne fragment of the Campo del Cielo. It is the most massive naturally occurring piece of iron known on Earth’s surface.

Part of the Hoba meteorite at Tatton Park
Hoba is a tabloid body of metal, measuring 2.7×2.7×0.9 metres (8.9×8.9×3.0 ft). In 1920 its mass was estimated at 66 tonnes. Erosion, scientific sampling and vandalism reduced its bulk over the years. The remaining mass is estimated at just over 60 tonnes. The meteorite is composed of about 84% iron and 16% nickel, with traces of cobalt. It is classified as an ataxite iron meteorite belonging to the nickel-rich chemical class IVB. A crust of iron hydroxides is locally present on the surface, owing to weathering.

Modern history[edit]
In an attempt to control vandalism and with permission from Mrs. O. Scheel, owner of the farm at the time, the government of South West Africa (now Namibia) on March 15, 1955, declared the Hoba meteorite to be a national monument.[5] In 1985 Rössing Uranium Ltd. made resources and funds available to the Namibian government to provide additional protection against vandalism. In 1987 Mr. J. Engelbrecht, the owner of Hoba West farm, donated the meteorite and the site where it lies to the state for educational purposes…”

The Hoba meteorite impact is thought to have occurred more recently than 80,000 years ago. It is inferred[3] that the Earth’s atmosphere slowed the object to the point that it impacted the surface at terminal velocity, thereby remaining intact and causing little excavation. Assuming a drag coefficient of about 1.3, the meteor would have been slowed to about 720 miles per hour (0.32 km/s) from its speed on entering the Earth’s atmosphere, typically in excess of 10 km/s for similar objects. The meteorite is unusual in that it is flat on both major surfaces, possibly causing it to have skipped across the top of the atmosphere like a flat stone skipping on water…

H.O…B.A….. 8 0…B.A…
Joseph Carey 1980… 37… 2017….
Me 8O…B.A.. S.P 147..A.B… “Emmy”.. My Past….

March 15… 3.15… Joe’s mother moved out.. 3.15…
Zeina Hanna my Face Book friend who confirmed the Code…
Born 3-15… Spear of Destiny Discovered by Adolph Hitler….
19 55…
19 85….
720 mph… 32 km/s
80,000… H.Power of 4…

There was no CRATER…..

7:00 pm

Georges-Philippe Roc G.P.R…
George means Farmer..

This is just the physical representation in matter of the play..
The Physical Universe response to the Equation already given as manifestation through at time.. pieces of the puzzle…

7:02 p.m.

I an its energetic Equivalent ..this is It Form..
Notice the Alignment…
To the Day.. A BOOK…
A Story about a S E E D.. Planted…

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