
9/23/2015 18:56 – Facebook Post

9/23/2015 18:56 – Facebook Post

Peace Bee!

4;29 pm…

382 Facebook Friends…





Which turn into riddles when you proceed from that place..
A Play…


Meaning in OINRI Igbo, “Heart, Hearth, H-Earth, Life, Conscience, Consciousness Harmony”

This is the meaning of living in your Heart.

There is no such thing as the Bleeding Heart Club..

The Heart is the True Center and it is called Beautiful Pride..

Lei! Lei!

Ah, how I am fully aware how so many would like to see me fall on my face… And others, see the Truth I am weaving manifest..
These are the ones who hold their breath.. waiting to exhale and say Ah!!!!

And the others, “Oh No!”

:).. The things I have witnessed in this 14.6 years walking through the world of New York, and the homes and minds of people, who let me into their world, their homes- Each moved by the E in them, though many belived they were moved by the Philantrophy and Needs…

How great a test to see, the Truth of peoples intentions, often veiled by their own refusal to see…
26 years since I began my journey in the Western World…
Hundreds of homes, thousands of people met…

..I remember the outrage,of people in France, when they say me writing my journals each day at the Cafe Beauborg in 1992 France…
I remember their confusion…
“What are you writing..?”

-” A philosophy” – I would mischieviously respond, and sit back as I watch them struggle with this, young ‘Black” man stylishly dressed… what could he possibly have to say…
“We are the Intellectual Superior race, who have conquered the world”

“Yes” I would murmer to these thoughts which they think others could do see feel and read…
“You are the people who invented the concept of Hell…which you replicate so well, and inflict on all other cultures, the Hell you created by this way of perceiving and judging others inferior to thee… The Hell which is only known to thee…
Intellectual Superiority…
Why do you have such need…?

What makes you believe that I am concerned with your views and ideas of what I can do and who I be..?”

And so I watch them struggle with the serineity as I comfortably stare back in the eyes of these beings…

2O15 September
18 Mountain View..

A person sharing his Scientific discovery of his own self created Art, and science and langauge..Presenting his evidence to the world as he solves and proves the Riddles of Existence…

“What are you doing on Face book…” they ask.

“Solving the riddles of Existence” I drolly reply
“can’t you read, after all I am speaking the “Queens English”
I am reprogramming your D.N.A..to D,N.E…

I have watched them splutter, utter,refute refuse challenge compete, deny..All of course, in the polticaly correct mannner
The Language of Hypocrisy…

1992 Paris…2O15 New York then 2015..The World.

Sigh…Nothing has really changed in the collective consciousness…

Just examine my Face book 43 month play..
*Read between the lines…

But a great deal has changed and transformed the Individual…

I am expressing not in the Cartesian language of Absurdity Logic ( After all the based their civilization on read that which is outside as space supreme to what their very science states began from deep within) or even the African manner, (Just as bad now corrupted by the foolish Abusrdity Cartesian process they dare to call Logic… hmm Black hole, Grey Hole… What next.. the White Hole)

I am using a logic which comes completely self invented self created by me..

I find most Cartesian language so flawed you see.. After all they still like to believe that man came from apes and even though they know that man originated from Africa in this Human creation story, they idea that such beings could bring forth the One who solves the Truth of the Universe is to them… Oh so obscene..

Why on earth world I be moved by others refusal to see me, or see what I am doing..why should it bother me at all…
When I know exactly why…?

I tell you what bothers me, that the way of this play was created where I pass through this way to solve the equation of the World ( which does not even exist)- through the homes, peoples and publicly weave and explain the process to all..as prove and minds of people being compelled to prove the way from Head Mind to Heart as a test of love..(really taking for granted) To conquer a fear of what many are yet to perceive…is real.
The Evolution Awakening..

So I created a new Language of Expression, not corrupted by the Cartesian Logic and science who has to continually Scream out “we are supreme”
I noticed that the Universe Existence does not respond or echo affirm the grand delusion of a race being Supreme…
Just caught in the Nightmare that they are the Masters of Hell..

No it is the play of having to be on Face Book, walk around New York, meeting people I was set up to meet, place I was designated to come to while dealing with that which is True in you and that which is false in you, a way of perception which literally hurts..

Which my motive for solving these riddles long since stopped being out of Love, but for the Truth and so I can finally be home.

The hardest thing for anyone is to be deprived of their own Home. or space… No matter how generous and kind your hosts maybe, you have to conform to their worlds, and endure their perceptions and expression of self and existence even though, even to them it is absurd and askew…

This play creates the illusion that their opinions matter, they don’t.
Not to be rude, but why should anyones opinion matter when you are on the predestined route, created before even memory and fools, of something you did before as an Ethereal Being beyond light..
What matters in this play is the revealations of each persons Truth..
C’est Toute..
And some are aligned with this truth in a conscious way… soooo few..
But in the sub conscious way, All are..
see my 382 Face Book friend 382…again
Peace Bee…

Perhaps the person who left the play, truly thought he or she was in control..
“I will Unfriend you so there…!”

“Oh Please…spare me, can you not see that they play is indifferent to thee..Fat Head?”

It never occurred to these people that they were being kicked out..
that the play is already in Harmony…
That they are being moved by a family of E…
judging and creating an Akashic record..?

Right there is the problem with the perception of most of Humanity..
and the inability to percieve, listen see hear.”

Ah well… so much for Vanity Pride and Conceit…

And why on Earth would One care for the opinions of others when you are simply expressing the Navigational path in human form of the equation which manifested first Light…?

When you are fully aware of the state of hypocrisy and filthy expression in the world and all the tools used to undermine the achievements of their fellow men..

So much for the Brotherhood of man, in this consciousness which created Hell.. Which I walked through in their homes and the streets of New York, London Paris Spain Vienna, Barcelona, Rome, Istanbul, Tel Aviv… Enugu.

I lived in all these world, not as a tourists but as one of them, welcomes by their hearts but witness to the their foibles…
A witness to the truth of Human Nature and the true state of the world…

I was born in England in the sixties, my Father ( and mothers family) went to the best of the European schools)
I had a English Nanny named Victor,
We Immigrated to Canada, where I grew up..in an all “white”community
Then to Nigeria where I attended University and Boarding school…where I saw Royalty and Beauty such as which I have never seen anywhere else in the world..
Then Back to England St Martins college of art…
I have a 17 Page Cirricculum Vitae…

And yet, I was treated like a homeless Bum, in New York for daring to follow the trail of an equation which I knew would benefit the world.
Not even allowed to escape it when it went too far,
when I remembered the original path I forged
When I got my memory back, meaning Awakened Memory,
And my body and face would morph, rise, transform.
that I witnessed my Voice Words ( Kristine GrandMother Turtel Baluba!) could morph peoples faces and bodies, my Art help people solve the riddles of their jobs,love life”s
Watched people wake up for an moment in my presence, on first true meeting and conversation and literally remember me, as I remembered them
-Though they remembered me through the Films of great Heroes of Human History..
They would wake up to Bliss, often for 24 hours before once more descending into the sunken depths of the “way of linking percieving in this world…
The glare suspiciously, into my eyes..

“Are you kidding me, What did you do to me,
I wanted to believe, but first I musty test you..”

They accused me of being a deceptacon.
Deception, Witch Doctor, Devil, Evil,
when the truth was they were to scared to conceive what so wanted to believe, but could not accept what an ordinary man, being an Extraordinary Being, simply with explanation…
of the remarkable treasures of understanding of a life time of journeying under the Sevens Seas which was they living in the realm of the dead..
In the Womb of Neptune I-Carus,Poseidon…
New York Istanbul Paris
The Pin Code to wake up the Western World..
Who traveled out of Africa,,
And I was compelled to follow trail of their D.N.E and link it to the See of the E.T..
(In the basement- subspace- Deep Space 9- Sub Conscious, Unconscious- Sleep…Awareness)
to D.N.E..which was not really the purpose of my Visit..

*I am the Boogie..


And so I exemplified, Personalized and clarified the truth of how you are all linked to the E..
Which is why I share your posts..
They are links and the puzzles, transmissions from the E, whom the link to you is through me,- to solve..

*See Michael O’Donnell posts…Right to the one of
Beloved, are you the Cause Effect, the “See” of E,
The One Completion Existence…?


It was a letter to me, after all it began with

“Father means Guide
Mother Sensie”

If you …have the time..:)

Link every single post I shared today,
don”t interpret them just link exactly what they say, the comment even the meaning of the name of the person who sent it and the name of the author of the quote or post…
Then read all the Fractual,
the snaps shots, the words and the script,
a steady stream, a film, a Brooke, a River, an Ocean, then a Water fall, and finally a Marina when you link all to see what I really men..
And the pot which has landed in why I moved through Larry Sax and finally to so many shares with Michael O’Donnell….

*I always found it interesting the the cool character Modesty Blaze..M.B was never modest, rather Confidence Supreme..

So who really deceives, considering Michael O’Donnell Post of which it speaks of “The Warrior who trusts his path doesn’t prove the other wrong…”

He simply responds and within that response, naturally expressed is the cleansing of sight by his pure logic…
There is no intention to correct or cleanse, he just naturally responds


Sacred Portal 93…Hummm I.C

“And only compassion makes Him or Her, fight to reveal to others what he or She has discovered…
So others may in turn, see, the treasures he has discovered on His or Her path..

The Choice then, is placed in the “Others” hands, of what they will with that which is revealed (that information)
This is the compassionate Warriors”

Link to the Literal Empirical Truth from the weaves of the VI King play, to the play of Thor, and Imperial Japan…All aligned multi- dimensionally…
to prove literal Truths meaning is aligning energetically in all planes of what is Extraordinary Sensory (Sensei – Self Mastery Beautiful Expression) perception..
In other words, known as E.S.P…Its Really I..Truth

E.S,P.I.R.I T…

Not you…

So who is conning who..?

Who lies..
Who recognizes Truth?

Thus, it was a set up for look what the play and Michael and I wrought..
This post and this Expression the Peace Bee VV.O.N.E.

Peace not War..

Peace Bee became my Face book Friend the Instant I finished my comment of Michaels reponse..
Does that not mean it was a set up?

Exemplify Naturalness of Expression…

Peace Bee


“See play with Jonn Blackwell who bought a scarf for Donna O Sullivan ( born 8-28… 3-82 Facebook friends)… with the code Bee on it.
See Brooke Elizabeth Erler play and my comment that she represent the true B.E.E in this play of names riddles solving equation…
see sacred portal 55..EE…EMME…

Meaning Well Done..Praise…
Emyxcel Kingsley Chukwuemeka Okezie
Fractaling As Emeka Eze
Emeka Kolo..

Its is obvious that someones is Transmitting to me, on a broad band a message to me..
Saying Son Father Well done..
Calling out my Name..

The Artist Scientist…


But my real I.D..
Is that I. Dance..

6:46 PM

The messages through you are for me…

6:53 PM

True man Show..they do not Tell..
They Show the way by walking it first and so, everyone knows it is the way home..
not if it is safe…or to save you..
It just helps those who have forgotten that they they know the way..
to simply Awaken Memory..

Simply Remember..
Stone Ridge…
S.T…ONE..R..ID..G..is E..

No such thing as S.R..meaning Failure.. to respond

6:56 pm

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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