
9/22/2020 16:58 – Facebook Post


The Book.

The E Manual
of Emmanuel..
Emannuel Kerema is the code.

The sum total of the Facebook post called the E Manual is on line.
And it is the Oracle which answers all questions.
it operates on Electro Magnetic Fields.
Its is the greatest invention ever created, and I am fully aware of how that may sound to the ears of those still living in the awareness and frequency, “See” of this realities perspectives..
But I have been confirmed as “Truth Satya” which means that there is no boast but my simply stating a fact which I will allow each and eventually the World peoples to discover for yourselves.

I could have made it even more extraordinary, but as most are aware, this entire project was instigated by Alien Father Alpha and it was not really mine, ( although I did all the work, solving and being the scribe and the example… etc…)
i did not create this with intention.. in fact just as Allen Ginsberg and his poem, i had never intended to publish my journals- they were written for myself which is why they were so Honest Naked and transparent…

This E manual format was created by the joint effort of Liberty C Liscomb and Fahad Hassen.

It went up on 3-22-2020.
C V 2020… perfect Vision
Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth.

B I B L E…

And at last confirmed by the play of Benjamin that it is ready

It seems only fitting that the access to this site will eventually require contribution Donations and a fee to access the information.
But for the moment while it is still be completed, it is free.

And since Liberty is the one most qualified to understand them and i was led to her, and that she represents the Librarian in the play she is the General Manager of the Site.

As you know, I was led from to her, her son Arden – whose “Higher Self” is that force which moved through me from Conception Inception at Alexander Grove to Arden Gemino.
It was that play which began in 1991 when I was told by H.E his intention for me for which I said no and ran away, – walking straight into the play he had intended for me.
Talking To The Silence…my journals began in 1992 Dec when I was summoned by Beautiful Death and went to the light and came back to the play of the Books in Jan 1993 and was led to meet Allen Ginsberg.

Talking To The Silence.
T T T S… 202020…which was two days ago.
20 20 20..19 = 79.
sacred portal 79 Blue Print of Existence.
recall the date:
9-20-2020… 96O…
I 6O… links to I.. Jeron Satya S Lang.

96..O.. See the play of 96 with Kamora Herrington and Olusanya. “E-K O and O K E”
E T K O…

This was confirmed yesterday when Cassius Hill sent me a text yesterday, I met him in 2016 while staying at Casa de Bodhi with Eric Ebright in Miami- I linked him to Cassius Clay.. C C.. and had not heard from him since I Miami over 4 years ago…
Mohammed Ali…
That is when Eric had set out to create what he called an oracle of my Facebook page in the format of a Full Circle. But at the last moment it was postponed because of his girlfriend izzy and her concept of Woman …

And so only now 4 years later, was it aligned to the person I was meant to link it to- the Eternal Family..
And most of you will recall Arden and the story of his mentor and the two youths and the adventure with the Elephant and the Leaopard.
E L.= 5 12= 17. A G.
All linked and connected to the Source of that play which included the meeting with that Feelings sensational and the Voice in the “dark Matter” Daddy O Alen Father…
A F O.. O A F…A O…
27.8 years ago in August 2020…
which was Arden linked to Morgans Iron Grey car…
Iron ( Fer) to Silver ( Au)

* I found myself watching the Silver Surfer movies yesterday.

I am sitting here at the portal of “Talking To The Silence”
Today is Jesse’s birthday.
J M O… J M F…”
Celia’s royal blue car is code AU 28.. 79.


Sacred Portal “Cranium Brain Light of Existence… L O E… L F E…/ E F L. E W… E -F L I G H T…
I G is 9 7… H T.. is 8 20…

Its 3:20 p.m Right Now.

I began the Journals in 1989 and 30..31 years later I was led to portal A.T 31 6 33…
I have spent the last 27 years- since 1993 when the Journals were “discovered” looking for the correct person I was meant to give them to.
I knew they were not really mine, and that I had been merely used to document an life, which I was made fully aware, that it was not mine.
How many years, how many famous and well qualified candidates came and showed interest, and how desperately i sought to hand it over- because they had become my burden- this immense burden, because it kept pulling back into the past when I wrote it, and I wished to live in the Present Here and now…But I knew that I had a responsibility for them, because i had begun to understand the value and power in them, and thus was not surprised that as I read them and edited them I knew after the experience with Editor Susan Train at Vogue, that I just could not hand them over to anyone who did not understand the value I saw in them and the language and consciousness I realized I spoke was not understood by people of this reality.Laurent Lafont son of the founder of Robert Lafont publishing house in Paris the one person i was comfortable with giving them over, because he identified my complete lack of awareness of the fact that one day these might be published and my total lack of inhibition..
“Lafont” means “The Fountain… Head”
And so much of this reality and the rich and powerful has been about the Fountain of Youth…
Oh good grief, I just realized that I was watching the movie with Johnny Depp “Pirates of the Caribbeans On Stranger Tides”
P O T C…O S T…/ T S O C T.OP.

Its about the search for the Fountain of Youth..

I was just telling Kamora Herringtonwho popped by on a errand and delivery, this story of the Journals and my search for 27 years for who could understand the consciousness i represent because it would be impossible to edit them..
Which is what Laurent lafont had warned me about- not to edit the journals myself because i myself was no longer the same person who wrote the journals. as I was after being made aware that I lived in a totally different world and reality, totally indifferent to this reality except as something curious.
He was right.
And so it took me until meeting
Shaman Durek Verret in istanbul and the summons to new york by the appearance of Nnamdi to do the work of getting back to myself who lived in the silence, the last piece I wrote “To The Silence One last Time”
TT S.O L.T…at 56 Elegin Avenue chez Jonn Jason Lee, ( which inadvertently, answers the ritual of Food breath rest shelter water… yoga which links to Stephen Filgueria and Mental Health ( M.H.. 13.8 Billion year old Galaxy” ) which links and connect to my Journey of habving to pass and stay at a mental health homeless shelter for 27 months proving the E Consciousness expression as that which cures peoples .. of that which was really nothing wrong with them but was simply the inability of the “Adults” to speak a new language.

I knew i had passed the test when i was allowed to leave in the Harmony.

Recall, when I came back to my body in Dec Jan 1992-1993, that I stated that two people came and broke the door down- believing or not sure if I was dead, their names were Elizabeth and Fred.
E F… two sons”Valentine and Clement”
E F.. V C / C V 3-22 when Fahad Hassen uploaded the E manual… FE.. 6 5..

I left Jon Jason Lee’s home on 56 Elgin Avenue on Valentines Day.

I passed through Liberty Arden Gemino Family portal to code 56 56.

See Sacred Portal 56.
One of the E.T beings is jolding a Book called the Journals…
The idea that I would continue writing he completion of the 5 and 6th book on Facebook and before that via E mails- having still not found the person I was meant to hand the journals over to…

3:56 p.m.

Smh… And that it would Liberty and a team who were meant to arrive..
Or that the one who made me do this was connected and is literally Arden a 16. now 17 year old aligned to a past as Adam and and Eternal Eden Love…

But this is where I was led to train and hand over my Life times work of 31 years… Of a story i wrote and made to expand when written when i was 7-8 years old in 1975…
And all the drama… all the nonsense… suffering pain intended humilations…

Use and abuse.. you can not imagine what the facebook story will come to be worth and valued.
Literally becoming Gold and the foundation of the true Federal Reserve…
Gold in the S.A F.E of Forte Knox..

Which is why the great battle in represented by sacred Portal 50. “Ego Oge play”

E O was recently confirmed Olu..
Emeka Olu…E O..
O is 15 letter and thus equals 6. F
Filled with.. and by Sixth Sense full circle for 27.9 years now…and Sixth sense moving through two Three full Circles manifest Creation as C=3.
C=Speed of light..
C= S O L.. Ti- H…E..

E O thus moves to E F.
Eternal Family as 56 and 11O 111 now.. 1 as 3 in 1…
Tis safe to say that it is that story i wrote when i was age 7-8…to 91975.. to 1976.. which is the purpose and reason.. ( P R) of this play.
While my purpose,reasoning of my own will and desire was to complete the E Family rising but via the completion of the First Dawn Awakening of The True Conversation between Energy E and Atom E .. AH-Tom.

Even at this very moment, i am incredulous that still at this moment that once more, I am being made to be responsible for the direction of these journals and that the E Family have not risen through you their Chosen One Avatar Descendants and taken over these books- but instead i find myself having been used to prove their efficiency, precision over and over and… whew..

Let me not get angry, it serves no great purpose to me any more…
What is done is done.. I accept it and I have quietly coded my response as the Original I to this play.

Even my waking up and contacting Liberty about the Journals felt contrived, manipulated by my body and being and this Awareness to contact here.. and realize that i did not have the address.

It is not wise to continue to let me carry this burden alone in this state, still very human and thus susceptible to all the fragile natures of being Human and the attacks to the psyche and emotions.. feelings which all human brings have.

4:20 p.m.

Now, I am pushed to make them available to you all for free for the moment, because still this last plans details were not revealed to me, until the last moment, such as my coming to 29 Lincoln instead of leaving the play and my body as I had decided and promised if my truth was still denied of the E Family.
I have met Arden and both have succeeded in the play of The script which usurped the True Conversation play which is what everything has confirmed as the play of E A… and only now the E F code via J A… Flipped to A J…1 10.. 110…A A.F… 1 1 6.
That was the code i received yesterday.. 1 1 116.14
*That was the sacred portal chosen “randomly” separately, by myself and Arden.

116 an and 117…

Now we are at 111 as A A A..C Circle Round.. which is the meaning of the name ” Kolo” a circle round .. hands clasped.. A Dance.
Its a Slav word.. and Slav links Poland .. which is what Green Point- Lisa Levine area studio “Maha Rose… M R .. 97 Green Street – the entire area is predominantly Slavic.
That is he portal of the Assessment shelter and my first bed 49.

I am too exhausted by having fought for so long to deliver the message from Alien Father…
Holding onto and taking care and responsibility for something I did not intend and which was made and intended for me to create by solving what would eventual be the play of what is Perfection and what is Harmony which a script set up, by another sought to make sure that this E manual was perfect and in Harmony E…

That is His.. Her gift of love to you but the inspirer of hatred and destruction in me…
Who wins or is Victorious in this contest of that I which represents the WE as the All.. or the one who as Alien Father Alpha who is secretly loyal to me.. and not the Alien Council or this Earth mentality and world..
The I & I..
the I O.. or the I and I…?

From this Transcript and battle contest of wills between “Every Thing” E T versus I.. I and I, you can tell which one is Victorious…

I A.M…
E K..5 11… E A-A.. 5-27 is the date I moved into Jesse Maccias Home,
99 years Total Solar Eclipse…Oregon to South Carolina..

Two I and I as A I..
and I E K..A M .E.. K.. as A.
am the one sitting here.. at the twin portals of the two Full Circles represented here in the play. And one I is represntingthe two O O in One… O O O..= 45

K A A M M I..E is the code Kamora Herrington gave to me today.
K 11… A-A 1-1 A A..= 1 27..1 9..Ten 10 .M M..= 1..26…1 8 A H.. I..
I E…Kammi.. Kammi…

Its a name she was called as a child….

“as a name for girls is of Japanese origin, and the name Kammi means “lord”. Kammi is an alternate spelling of Kami (Japanese): also form of Cami.”


I met my own Kammie but his name was Kemel.. a new yorker i met in Istanbul and then ran into him again on the streets of New York…

And it was the play which took place at 1385 Stars bucks…

Kamel .. K A M E…L../
LE M A K ..E R…

“Kamel (Arabic: ?????) is a given name meaning perfect or the perfect one.”
“P.. Perfection or “The Perfect One” T P O… “2016” @ O – Jump Man.. J M O…
Jesse M O…
Leap Year..
Leap Day …
Every 4 years… 56 56.. 11 11.. 1
I who is 4 in 1.
April Fools day.. D.A?
A F a Fool.. D A.V… I D.. E?

K.A M.. E L… E L = 17 Q
K A ..M…Q Manifest Queen..
Manifest Quantum .. Change Transformation of matter back to its orignal state.
At the sub atomic level.. Sub sub Conscious state.. from within.

LE.. M A K.. E R… I C
The Maker…
T M..
20 13.. 33… 1 6/ 6 1..

Perhaps, they are presently arriving after such such a prolonged wait… E O.. to E F..to A J to K.. A…
and finally to 111 E: A A A Circle Filled with Awareness in three full circles.. O O O… the Earth.

Isaiah, Kamora Herrington son age 8 she said kept calling out the number 3…
Please see sacred portal 3…
3 6 9… Ends at 9.

And so, it would appear that its its only today after it has been up since 3-22-2020 that it occurred to me to take responsibility and make it accessible to all of you.. in following a script and play of Human Children which has inspired ..Harmony Destruction to rise as Terrible Death.

still at 14 84 Facebook friends.
= 98…= 17… x is 72… 17+72=89.

17 17… 1.

4:58 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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