
9/21/2019 20:15 – Facebook Post

6:04 p.m

F D.
8 8.. 16. 64. 80

I U T S..


Liberty C Liscomb confirmed to me that she read some intel this morning of a plead and command for the Anestors of Time to desist from meddling with their descendants and thus interfering with the Evolution Awakening play.

I, was aware of this, because my body went insane with the internal agony of the pulling of my Strings “Tendons”
And a play took place with Liberty yesrerday which I suspected was her being used as a last ditch effort for me to solve more ancestral riddles.
I saw an illness, a disease…
Evil Cruelty Hatred Oblivion.
Move through her,

6:11 p.m

Not hers, but rather a capitalizing on her moments of vulnerability after separating albeit heroically and amicably with her Boy Friend.
Who actually share an eternal bond, but which had to be made no longer Twin Flames, as she remarkably had with her Ex Husband Chris,

Yes C.T.
L E T. C ..
So that she and the Two Men also She, could become Individuals
Literal the same original play of The Source.

She is representing the Original True Story of Two Men.
T W O /O W T.
* Chris is from Water Town Connecticut
W T C.

I have already proven the Ancestors meddling through the Dna, sound waves, carried through the Air Waves.

Link arrival of Igwe Chukwuma
The final acknowledgment of the F.S.
6:19 p.m
That this time, that one Impossiblity allowed to manifest at the very end of the Original First Dawn Awakening which occurred in the Beginning of time.

It was the same play I was warned about by Geoff LaCour of St Barths who was of the line of the Sky Spirits as well as my Grandmother Lucy who left this world in 2008/9.

Its is the same play which Egyptian born Dr Asuah told me was impossible, that to do what what I had informes him had been done to me was impossible.
Where he went to his lake in Woodstock to find the Evil commited by Humanity, attached to my waits, forming a line right up to Eternitys threshold.

They represent the Cause and Effect, of all Humanity being unimpeccable, intentionally.
“Things which they thought they could let slide, brush under the carpet.
And then as most of this species do claim innocence.
Forgetting that we are at the threshold of the E realm portal and with the Akashic Records the Species could not pass over, especially the Avatar Descendants of the E, without cleaning up their messes..
Many of which these Avatars had forgotten.. including past lives.

This is what I called Father and Mother.
F A M.. I.L.Y. Of TEN really 55 had used me to alert thier Descendant Avatars who could not see where they had smudges of dirt or disease of living in this reality, and the plays they had been in.
Thus, a Mirror Window was required to help these Natural Humans percieve.
But who could they trust after having memory of moving through the greatest trials of Humanity as Diseased, whose existences had been of non stop war with treachery, deception, betrayals, torture, torments, war.
These are the Heroes of Humanities Battle Fields of Life.
None ones hands were clean.

But their intentions were and so were their reasons when they rose and fought back.
Moving pulling the Human Species to this point of Evolution despite the vista seening to make it appear that the Virus of Humanity as Cruelty and Filith had won.

I have been defending the E Family proving that though none of their hands where clean, that those actions of retaliation were necessary, had reason and thus were in Harmony.
That we came as Creators undercover yes, but that we also came as Beautiful Assassins.
B A.

That before the Evolution Awakening could manifest that we had to not only clean up the E.M.Field of this Space they occupied but Connect the True, as well as Cut out the Lies which bring… brought disease.
And the Human Avatar Descendants Naturals were accused by the Ancestors of using the tools they represent.
Dominion, Control which brought the Evil Cruelty Hatred, Oblivion code.

* Michelle Lobsinger had a boy friend, Johnny Larkin for a brief moment and another for longer called literally Oblivion

Unfortunately for me, I was sent to the Avatar Descendants to help them, and thus realease my E Family so that they could merge with them.
Unfortunately even the Natural Humans, despite all the horror done to me, so I could reach them, were still careless.
Often going into Self Projections of Ego and treating me, who really is The Source and Big Brother in ways which truly are insulting.
Often forgetting the great work and costs it took me to bring me to their portals and do the work.

Because of Universal and EternL Law of Infinity Exchange and Self Recognition which is the basis I was used to exemplify, by recognizing each and everyone I was sent to in my horrendous 64 moves since
3-21-2001- to 9-29-2019.
( 3 9. 21 29. 20-20 . 01-19… Farrell had just turned 19.. celebrating his 19th just before I arrived

C I…U. “A MAN 29-” TT. 20 20 Vision
01-19…O A. S. Omega Alpha)

Of course, the Ancestors used this treatment of me, and failure to Recognize and acknowledge me even as A MAN at what was done for each of them, as an excuse to infect them and wish to take them out of Existence with them.

The Ancestors know what most careless humans refuse to acknowledge, that this is the Enders Game.
And that we are at E H.. E I.. Q

These ancestors represent old ideas which they refuse to evolve from, many of them having stupidly sworn oaths allegiances contracts to religions, ideals, etc..
So there is a whole chapter about them and getting them out of this contracts with words such as For ever and Eternity..
*How insane is that to sign allegiances and blood oaths and vows that far into the future?
I got them off by proving that none who created or signing such contracts with the Devil, understood or could define ” Eternity or Forever ” making the contract null and void.

While the ones, who stayed loyal to those ancient ideas prophecies, etc..
And who could not would not adapt, even after I was forced to prove and demonstrate how all these Truths and Ideals were really all one…
Versions of the other which grew from the same tree.

21 21973 was the car of Liberty left with to go to a gathering which she had invited me to attend, but I could not go for reasons of mixing with those though of Beauty, were not fully washed clean.
It was a Silver Volkswagon.
Her Three other cars, ( one of them her sons) all had problems..
The last with its ” E Brake”
She left in a flattering dress, the exact same color as the Car.
Iron Silver Grey.

“Dantes In Fer No!”
D.I. N.N.A M. D.I.
49. 7 7. 14. 49.

As you can see we are at code 8..16 P ( H.D)
64 Linked to my Bio Sisters Code.
NN O N. Y. E L. U M.
Universal Mind.
Athena Zeus.. She rose from his mind.
A-Z. Zion Arden.. Z.A…
Highest Point is Love.

Love is Dark Matter..
Delta Manor
D M. 17
Her code is here as 9 17.
Which she passed as I did.
When her Highest Self Potential Possibility
P.P.. 8 8 8 8. 4-8… 12 32.. 44… Balance MA’AT.
M.A. T R I X
Moved her to test me check with her Question in which she gave me only a few fractals to solve the Riddle which turned out to be the Flower of Life.
I had used the 9 she gave me as her Natural Human Self to link it to the Story of He Her but She as Space and her Male self, Earth.
S E.
To 90 Degrees and 4 90 Degree Angles
94. 360
While I was at 13 94 Facebook Friends for a week or so…
To two A Bow and Arrow
Forming two 45 degree angles..
4.5 Billion year old Earth.
Nnamdi born 4-5-1969.
96% Dark Matter Energy..
D. M.E… Reflection Mark Emery in Libertys own codes and blue prinit.

Thus, in thus in the 5th Dimension Origin of the Reflection 54..
54 54 is 108
In this reality it means the Opening and Closing of the Flower of Life.
And this Earth, that very Flower, resorting back to its 5th Dimension Origins.

Which was confirmed by the arrival of her Friend Anastasia and her Daughter Camile, ( whose name means “Flowrr.. Free and Noble, ) and her son Stephan ( who has the physical form similar to my brother Nnamdi and the same name as my room mate in Paris 1992 when I moved through Dark Matter Energy to my Silver Portal of Feelings Sensational.

6 19 E by the way is the number on her Gas Tank im front of me.)

Anastassia was wearing a black back ground self made colorful flower top, which amzed Liberty who had never seen her wear such things.

Anastassia means “Spring, Rebirth Ressurection..
Nami/ Bambi also means ” Flower”
Bami Nuel
Stephan means ” Garland of Flowers Crowned
With Sweet Laurel Bay leaves of Victory”

I had solved the test check.. riddle..
And both of us saw the End expressed by Liberty and then me at the same time..
It collaspses into itself..
The Bow and Arrow was confirmed by Herself and her Son Leander.
Both sons she later mentioned are Archers abd Farrel Fences * Sacred Portal 28…M.A N
And Leander ” Bun” when he walked with us to the Green House, Bow and Arrow in tow.

N Arrow.

Horse Spirit of MAN/ WU MAN

And so it was confirmed.

P.S We went to B.J’s before she left.
Jeron and Bun are her only children in town.
Leander Bun is 10-11 years old 11-8-2008.

B J/ Blue Jay.
( Ink Spell. I.S.

Ink Heart. I.H
Ink Death… I.D
Bun left to his father’s for a few days.
Only Jeron

After the play of Anastasia.. something strange, wondrous and irritating happened.
I found myself on my knees before Liberty and rapidly moved on my knees right to her by a forcing..
I knew what it was.
I had recounted to Liberty twice before how in OI Nri Igbo how the power of the first born daughter, and even how my Grandfather had to kneel before my Mother, before taking what is considered, the highest title in the land.

See sacred portal 52. ( 26 26 Twice a deck of Cards)
She who grants the Authoroty of Existence to E”
And Sacred Portal 148. N H. ( ADH)
Natural Harmony. ” Yes No, Yes No..Layers Onion till reaching the Center.
Yes No.
Pause Tse.
Portal to Eternity in the Pause..not Pause ”

I was really irritated because that custom of kneeling is an African Red Freq
Ancesteral Play.
What was I still doing there!?
In a Time based play.

And so I knew two plays at simultaneously
Its is I who had remarked to Liberty..
The Pause.
And Her ” I Don’t know what to say” message to me as Tse.

Tse Tse Fly

7:52 p.m

Nnoyelum.means ” Stay near me by myside always ”
Di as in Nnam di..
Also.means “Husband”
Ana means ” Ground..
Ana means “Grace Favor… Child ”
76.. Libertys age code.
She is very Graceful and she has an extraordinary 6 month old child with Thomas Lang.
He is her 5th.. and Thomas 3rd.
5 3.
Bed 49 in 2015 with Keith Grant
( Eric Lile Brown Line of my Grandfathers Elder Brother)
Recall how I met him the first day there, how he linked to Donna O Sullivan and the Oil Pipes in Texas.
He was bed 53.
E C.
Jerone he sees as Me.

When he was born, Thomas sent me his picture via messenger.
Liberty sent me his data too.

8:00 p.m

Di means “Husband”
Mari in French
Myrrh its origins is Egyptian
Used to anoint The
Cherished and Beloved.

Abhishek Tigers.

A.T. 31. 6 33..
Her car ..is with F A-A..

Abhishek… A B. H I.S. H. E.K.
Means “Annointed Consecrated Crowned for Deities, Gods.

It means Purified and Cleansed..
With usually M.I.L.K and Water
Milky Way 69/96.
MW 87/78

See sacred Portal 112.A.
E Krishna ..Goddess bliss blessing
If you can prove that Existence is not Pain.and Suffering despite the Overwhelming evidence which says otherwise.

And of course, the Crowning of the Line of Liberty as both High Priestess Delta
P.H.D in Physical Education …
As well as Avatar Descendants aligned perfectly in one to MA AT ..Nephthytis.Isis.
And Sacred Portal 37.. Wu Man Supreme
Sophia O Lauren.

8:11 p.m
Bun Leander birthday

As well as Mother Supreme.
Her 5.children.
2 dogs
2 Cats
And Madame Curie.. I.Q.
Human Intelligence
Which We as Man and Woman representing
Humans and Orginal Man Share.

8:14 p.m
148…says Yes



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