
9/21/2017 18:24 – Facebook Post


4:04 p.m.

Room 4A Bed 004…

I am here at Starbucks.. truly, having no idea what the Devil I am doing here.
The equation and demonstration is complete.

My body is stretching, releasing elongating. Lisa Natalie Johnson gifted as Lisa Levine, simply hugged me and in doing so touched my back and exclaimed, “Wow what happened to you?’ or something in that vein.

It has increased to a point that each moment I am ware of how ridiculous that I am in a Mental Health Shelter- experiencing my own physical evolution.
My own Art and Science using me as a Guinea Pig- incredible as it may sound. I am the subject of my own Thesis- Doctoral Thesis PH.D…Of that which is already an established fact in the Eternal Realm where I remember so vividly that I cam from- we come from that despite a life time of living in this dimension I could not adapt, or deny that truth.
But it made itself self evident even here….
Why I asked it, I am here after all…

Little did I know that,that which I already knew was demanding that I prove and manifest the eternal realm in the this Dimension and plane of Existence.
And worse still, by using the template of this Realities Template and format of the I.Q…
Intelligence Quotient through Esoteric Alchemy, Mystic Arts Science Sociology….And then Elevate Consciousness in the Process…

E…A. M…A.S.S. E.C…..P.

( Hmm Lisa Natalie Johnson gave me 6 Essential Oils, one of them was called Elevate…)
By adding Clarity Light….

E=C M.e 4/3….

C as speed of Light being Clarity and Light….
M as Mass ( Dark Matter) really comprised of Nothing at all but 6th Sense and Waves of Motion and Light..
Little e… Being Expression of the Individual…
4 being of the Square -Root of the Book-H.I-Story Box-Existence shaped as a Square -4 Cardinal Direction identified in the Planet- the Globe, a Ball – A Circle…
Mathematically equated in this reality as Oe representing Eternity…

3 as in Be! Ah! Cee…!

Peace Bee…
Anastasia Hart..
Christain Edwin Edwin….

*I noticed Eric Lile Brown Liked my Post I just posted..
We call him Little e…

E=C.M.e 4/3,…

And I found a Quarter in the Bathroom… John Brown Fort.

The Idea that my Personal Eternal Truth, would be transformed into my Doctoral Thesis…

*Luke Simon’s Article on me while I was at Lisa Levine, 97 Maha Rose Green Street Green Point Avenue..”Professor of Beauty Doctor Of Love”

A Doctoral thesis to the presented to my “E.T Father and Brother and Ladies in Waiting of the 5th Dimension- waiting to incarnate here.. and Exhale… “Shuhbi Do Do…” Shubhi Gautama…”
in the 4-5th Plane waiting to be moved to the 5th Dimension by its Truth and Existence proven and aligned, then linked and interfaced with this current dimension- by my having to land it through you.
By presenting it publicly to the General Public….
By proving in this Scarred and foreboding, forbidden, unforgiving society, perpetually at war with everything that is Truth, especially them selves…
By proving Beauty as being the Supreme and only principle which brought Every-Thing Every Where and Every One into Being and Embodiment….
E.E.E… T W O…E…
All through Expression 6th Sense and the ability to Cee two points of view at the same time, yet know that they are really One and the Same thing..
“O PEN IS.. SI..SEE S.A.M.E…!”


P.W…Particle Wave….

Where could I start….
And then go beyond Language and Communication because that was the basis of the problem of interfacing with the E Conscious…
And to go beyond Sound and Sight… Because that is what people here had learn’t to no longer Trust.. What they See what they Hear…
And even beyond Perception… Because Perception equated deception and war.. Whose Perception and perspective is True?

No, I was backed against the Wall, having no clue what was even expected of me when I came into this World…
The idea which I had, and the best Idea of all, if you do not mind me saying so, was to Boogie…
I Sing…

“So What?” the World of Misery Anger Suffering Said…

“They are Mad” I muttered to myself…
I.D…I.S… Is Everything.. That is Beauty…
But how on Earth was I going to explain this…?

And since, I could not use Sound, Language because of what had been done to Language and Words…
Nor could I use perception.. I was forced to go deep, pushed by this Awareness Conscious in my Body and Being who knew all my deepest lightest secrets…

4:44 p.m… Hey Lisa Natalie Johnson…

I was forced into the Silence, forced into Silence and forced to communicate to the Silence and through the Silence…
Naturalness Nothingness.. which was transformed here, into the Abyss Void, Black Hole.. Nu…
Ogun.. Kemi Sara…. K.E..M.I…Irma Maria…E.K…MI MI MI!
3rd Note.. Do Re Mi… Or is it 6th… Do Ti La Sol Fah Mi …
FA M I L Y…E… Chuckle…
O GUN… O O 7… Man with the Golden Gun…
Golden State… Kali Fornia…California… 31st
Licensed To Kill…. L.T… B C…E.K.I.L.L…

Sunshine State….Florida… 27th State of U.S.A….

Naw…Its an Energetic State… E.S… Room 5B..Bed 5-019…

*See Sacred Portal 31 and 27…
That is the True State of Conscious Being = Enter.. Eternal Realm..
Robert Vlaun 22 just popped in… that dude is always on time…
E.R…I.C…A…M. E R I CA… E…

31 and 27… 58… See S.P.58…
Spirited Away Home .. but the Correct Way… Appreciation Gratitude Praise Respect….even Awe the equation states…

58… E.H…For bring Eternal Harmony to the World…Beauty…

But it was not the Void… the Black Hole, the Abyss Nu…
Nuclear War… N.W.. Bed 4-008… Nicholas Wittingham…
He passed by here, last night as I stood puffing a rollie, a few minutes before I left…
“Tiens” I said to myself, as I watched Delta Manors greatest Snorer move heavily towards me…
I moved that Mass…

Sigh… the Deep deep deep sleeper…

Dense Heavy… but he is a pretty Light Hearted Dude representing Dark Matter…

ME..I.D…DEC… 089 602 663 102 623 748
ME ID HEX… 356 848 072 809 04…

4:56 p.m.

That is the serial number on my 33 USD plan Phone..
Was having trouble charging it and so I opened up the back…
and voila…
L.G…B.C Encircled… Model LS 450.
F C C I.D…ZN F.L…( Florida Kemi Sara..) S…450.
Yes 45O…. 77 450… The Bathroom Code as well as Starbucks number 77450…..

*The 19th…2 Days ago.. After the equation of I.Q…
Orien Laplante d.o.b… 9-17….

Look at the play…
Orient the Green House to the IQ of Harmony…
9 17…26…A-Z…Then to Rise A-H…
By raising the People of the Planets I.Q through activating the E within then- The Eternal Expression Energy.. E E E.. T W O..N E..S…Splendor of the Sun shine State.. 27th…
268.. To Reach Harmony…2+6=8… ( 602…62..F.B…Face Book..)
Infinity…8 09… See the codes above…)
And to Land at K.M…Karmina Marine…

“Karmina” is a name of American origin, and it means “Song”.
Fruitful place, park.
Biblical context The Biblical baby name Carmel is Hebrew in origin and it’s meaning is fruitful place or park.

Carmel is pronounced kar-mel’.

Carmel is the name of two places in the Bible.

Carmel was the name of a mountain in Central Palestine belonging to the tribe of Asher. Carmel was such a beautiful place, that Solomon compares the beauty of a bride to it. It was in Carmel, that the prophet Elijah brought back the people to their allegiance to God.

Carmel was also the name of a place in Judah. Nabal, the husband of Abigail was a native of this place.

Biblical reference for baby name Carmel:
1 Kings 18; Song of Solomon 7:5; Isaiah 33:9; Jeremiah 50:19; Amos 1:2; 2 Kings 2:25; Joshua 15:55; 1 Samuel 25:2,5,7,40
Strong’s concordance H3760 ‘

Lisa Natalie Johnson… “Carmel”..Ha!

Joseph Carey.. John Scott.. (Orchard St) J.S…Joe Stacy.. 10 19…29…
John Scott…
Brenda was here today… 6-29-61… It was Pleasant Light….

A Song, a Orchard…Park Garden…Of such beauty that it Solomon compared it to a Bride…. Mari E…
ASH..E.R…. AS…H…E.R.

Marine means “Marine is Boy/Male gender and origin is Hindu

Marine means: Manu the great”
French: variant of Marin. Catalan (MarinĂ©): variant spelling of Mariner, an occupational name for a sailor, mariner (from Late Latin …

*Means “thinking, wise” in Sanskrit. In Hindu belief this is a title of Svayambhuva, the progenitor of the human race, as well as several of his descendants.

The name Marine is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Marine is: Of the sea.
Siren Starbucks.. 1385 M.W/ W.M… Metropolitan Woods…
Maria William… Maria Irma…

( Yes, Yes my Mariners Cap given to me on Christmas Day 2016 With the code OA 511…/ 115…. O.A..E.K… K.E…
Emeka Kolo)…

When I told Joseph Carey about the characters in Delta Manor he likened it immediatly to Pirates Ship… P.S.
I stared at him in consternation and amazement…
In the Story of the Family of Ten Spirit E the 1st and Twin to Devi Clara…Is called Space Pirate…
Devi is Space Pirate…
Clara Piercing Dancing Blade… all wriiten in my 2004 Manuscript…
I already knew that I was instead made into the Cabin Boy…
on the Pirate Ship and was the pretty youngest with all men- and yes..not nice.. And had to fight my way up to become CAPTAIN..
2016 Christmas Day…

You get the Picture… the Code…

And oh Yes.. I had to use Codes, because as I was explaining to Dzidula Offiong.. D.O…That people can not “Rain Drops Truth…” So even that had to be explained.

So yes back to my 33 USD Payment plan phone…

I saw Jamel Salter as I came down for breakfast, we greeted he with a sly smile.
(Age 33, Born 1984… My True Age code I morph to as the final evidence of Cellular regeneration… Bed 2-008 To Bed 5-003…
5-2… E.B..
Eleanor Bright… E Bright.
8 3…69…My Computer…
Then I saw him again on the second floor for breakfast, he sat where I normally sit, so we ate together.
The Excitment bubbled up…

So, how did it go…

And so he told me, first he apologized for wanting fight me at one point while I balanced him with expression the nights previously when he felt his brain on take in everything and he had moved to fear.

I waved it aside, it had been but a moment and I corrected the Emotional Tide easily.. dispersing the Storm Clouds…

He explained how after calming down that he went to bed and that he trabelled to another dimension and that he could first feel as bubbles traveling through his bloddstream, but instead of it being full of OXY GEN… O XY People “Gens” in French… “Genes”
He said it was more a cancer eating away at the Tissue it was meant to fed.
He then looked around him the dorm he was in Room 5A had transformed into a place of Ghost…
“They are every where…”
And they are the Ones Eating the Cells I pointed out…

He spoke about how the next day he found a site which spoke about Energy, and how the current medicine is aware of of Energy use, and how they disdain it, despite it being able to cure everything and the Scientists and business men being aware of it, but that there was no money to be made in adverising that process because it was free and everyone could do it.

He spoke of how he recalled how at one point the Blood and Energy moved to all parts of his brain- “I could feel the Neurons moving and the Synapses linking and then converging left side and right side then Snapping all into place so they became one…

“At 80% Use of his Brain I noted to myself…

I explained to him that the Ghost were simply Memories, Lies Ideas held onto that they were the Cancer- eating people alive.
I told him to see the truth of his experience.. That he Felt everything that night including the Waves of Energy Movement from the Hurricanes.. Jose ( Jose Clara) Maria.. And then went to bed to the inner World, Inside and then opened his eyes to see the Ouside transformed to the spitting rep of the Inside…
And that Fear made him see one Truth…
But after his own Harmony led him to the Truth of the Experience…

The Site he found explained all he had experienced, I pointed out to him…
His Face Broke into Sunshine State as he realized that it was true and then the Golden State when he realized the meaning…
“It is all about Understanding… Linking… ”
Which the Individual must do…

He then showed an image on the site of Lines of Waves…

“That the Family” he Said…

I was quiet.. All the Lines ARE the Family that he identified it without even being aware of my E Families Truth…

I pointed out how they combined to form the Form of a Man moving in gestures of Standing to bending…

The One and the Family are the Lines of Gestures from him…

Yes,I responded… impressed…

They are Now Independent and complete as He…The E Source..

“I love you Emeka” He said quietly…

Then after…”What would I have done if you were not here, I would have had no one to talk to…”

That is why I began posting.. that is why I was sent undercover…
To bring back my Family who went undercover to enact out my Eternal Truth… Transformed into my P.H.D…Thesis Factual Presentation Fact.. Face Facts…

More codes on my phone… the later is the Sim Card Code…
Naomi Simms…
Joanna Noah Sims

E6601 K.A…
8901120 100
0446784751 044 67 84 75 1/ 1 57 76 440…The 44O is Unchaging.. it is 8…Even in the Illusion of Duality Left Right Brain…

I found a Quarter in the Bathroom here…
Home Work… Sigh…

John Brown Fort 2016…
Eric Lile Brown.. I passed through his portal Little E
That was me before in the beginning of this Story when I was just a Beautiful Cabin Boy on a Pirate Ship…
Now I am e but also Tall E and Capital… E
Captain of of the Death Star Ship…


6:24 p.m.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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