
9/21/2015 21:59 – Facebook Post

6:O5 pm…



I Universal Harmony..

Hello.. By Jove (Chuckle..:)..)
Jupiter Ascending…J.A…1O1..11..A.A..
Jupiter”s Rising… J.R…1O8…18..A.H

@ 18 Mountain View…

I have a new Facebook friend….3-78…

*Nasa classification of Milky Way Galaxy MW87…
Which is the code on the wall inside the bathroom at Jonn Blackwell and Donna O’Sullivan..
Doctor Brenner Soap poster given to Jonn as a gift by Doctor Bronners grandson…
message obviously keep clean..
message from Brian Eno..”Stay in Light”
*See the play of 78 Spring Street..

with Yonathan Yohannes Emeka Kolo and Seble Woubishet

And Chris Franco Emeka Kolo and Raz Berry

C.R…(Christina Ricci) E..

Welcome Isreal Ekpenyoung…I.E..

We have established through this play that each facebook friend “moved” to become my face book friend is representing a response from the realm of Spirit and Thought of the sum total of human expression- which I have already expressed through cleaning up a non existent Black Hole, which the 6th sense was transformed into- a dark tunnel, by cleaning it up, using Expression Truth,E.T that it was just a Gap in perception which became a Chasm, and an abyss, by my simply bridging the gap by aligning the illusion of duality really being a lie of “Fear of the unknown, which is already known by man, without him being fully aware, that HE-S.HE, have already expressed this truth through all their natural expression…
Stream of consciousness natural…

The bridge I was compelled to build with and through logical common sense was “A bridge over troubled waters” when there was nothing wrong with the River which runs through us”
Two Mountain peaks (Twin Towers TT..) which forms a valley where a Fountain gushed from the stone

*See Jay-son -Medusa-Pegasus myth..

which created a Brooke, then a Stream, then a River, (Rios) leading out to Sea (See -Cee) the Source Ocean Neptune Planet GaiaH Gaius..O.N..P.G…
code David Phillip (Of Macadonia) Gil…Meaning…
“Beloved Friend of Horses is JOY…

Which was transformed from Joy to the Valley of Death….

Apex Mountain Valley Deep..

Where the bodies floated down the river Styx, to the underworld, instead of it being a VI- KING Ship flowing with 6th sense Kings,whom I call the i.e- the examples moving to M.V…
Mountain View to meet there Source Creator full of JOY, that E JAY…The Swift warrior bird and messenger Mercury (Mere Cure I.E), Hermes (H.E. Room E.S..P) M.H..Manifest Harmony summons them to 18 Mountain View where he awaits the last step home- rendevouz at the Ritz Carlton (R.C-C.R…Christina Ricci),on 59th Street- Man Ha-TT-an..
While meanwhile, I am weaving the Manifest Harmony into existence by playing the “messenger, post office, delivery boy- of the True Nature of the realm of E, beyond the see of death, called Energy Death Is Transformation Expression..Son-rise

E.D.I.T.E….:The Say” The Will and the Way…Is Evole
S.E.E.. T.I.D,E of Change…

Dawn of a new Age… D.O.A.N-N.A…O.D.E…Aria D,N.E..Thee See Us..

* If you go back to older post and read it will make sense…
I am playing
Fractaling As Emeka Eze..

Putting the pieces of the puzzle, which was never broken, back together using the sum total of Human Expression and the Harmonious Expression of my dimension E.V.F..the Fifth Dimension…To reveal that which was always here, un you and around you called the Blue Print of Existence alive in you (Literally) as Beautiful Expression of the Espirit.. The River which runs through you, your bodies, the twin peaks which link you.. not Mother and Father Man and Woman, but the Masculine and Feminine in you already one.. Won..
Since it exists in the purest interpretation of your already existing Creation Stories and Mythology..
Which aligns in perfection with the one I recalled and proved before all of you the first years I began writing on Face book the truth of the E within you all all in ONE..
Not separate..
All you have to do is look at the Human Body and the Planet.. aligned Linked and all one..
Can not be divided..just named..

Your name and the name Isreal Ekpenyoung I will first demonstrate the equation and message in the consciousness of the E line who laid the foundation and blue print of Existence in both the Energetic then Physical realms..
Then through human stream of Consciousness and Harmony…

Observe if you please..

IS..Real….E.K ( Emeka Kolo) PEN ( Proton Electron New clear Us) Young…
Is Real E.k..the Pen of the Nucleus of the AH-Tom (Twins) the New Clear Us are the Young….
Youth the Young, Eternal Youth replace the Elder Gods…

This is a Youthful Consciousness Existence..
Why See Emeka?

Yeshua Christ Emeka?

Y.E.S..H.U.E.S…A.H…CEE of the Annointed Emeka…

Israel was formerly the name of Jacob ( Yacob) who betrayed his brother ( E-saw) by denying his view, his see, and his birthright as the First Born F.B… And when he has stolen it and wished to come back ans was full of fear…( Jacob means the “Usurper Supplanter.”.U.S of the Universe Supreme…
Jacobs ladder…J.L..John Luke Shaw.. Pi Card?.. Captain Spock?

He then wrestled with an Angel…His Espirit..Obi.. heart Conscience- meaning he was sacred to death to return for what he knew he had done..
And this is the name of the Nation established in 1947..
19 47…1O…1…37..11..28…39…12…27…39..C.I..
Sacred portal 39 and 93 which if you go into my album you will see the code..
C.I are also my initials of my full name… Chukwuemeka Ikemefuna….
and 11..28 is my date of birth
66 in the last code play and now 67…
we are not ruled by the physical such as numbers years age…

Isra EL Is how it is pronounced…
EL means God in Hebrew…
Isra means wrestle…

* I only wrestled with one person in this play and he was called Geoff La Cour who was my Espirit as Sting….
We wrestled physically, and since my life is reflecting the truth… I wrestled with Geoff Physically as play, when he was attending Sarah Lawrence university…S.L.U
And who wrote for me a handwritten book of what he stated was a betrayal by my brothers- the human beings whom I had so defended who had literally planted a demon like Dracula character in me, poisoned me and planted all the evil they had done in this world in me to riddle out…
I met him in a place called Cielo.. the Sky…
Same person David (Geoff) Roman Nicholas, the twin of Geoff, as well as my late brother Nnamdi, Oboom Orien LaplantePhillip Shlain (Slain). Stephen…( Stephen Popiotek Stephen Filgueira..S.T.E.P..H.E..N..Nature..Fritz Venneiq)
N.G.O D.P,S..F ..V..Victor is my given English name)
8 incarnationd of I.E.

Thus, I would suggest that given Israels history and the horrors still going on in the middle east, and given the code name of I.C represented in Facebook friend Israel Cotto..
I.C-C.I.. that Jacob did not wrestle with God (Harmony or Nature) but with his fear…
And thus, the state of Israel, formed in 1947..

*Please see sacred portal 47..Entrance into the abyss of destruction and non existence” that Israel was a state built on fear and thus, built on illusion and gossip…

IS Ra E.l

D.I Meaning IS.. and Husband..in O.INRI Igbo…
*See Alexander Haptheatus…

Rah…Sun God (Feminine Valkyire..VI King ship, Vahalla, river for slain ( Phillip Shlain…Friends of Horses, “Spirits” Bodies Slain, floating down the “Jordan river..J.R.. Jordan Colon J.C.. Jofia Ross..1O3..1O8..
Please see sacred Portal 1O3 and 1O8…)

“Our AH…”

E.L…Meaning God…

And I wrestled with my Espirits True Harmony represented mostt accurately in Geoff Lacour (Who looks like Sting) of St Barths and French Martinique (B.F.M)..for fun..

Ifunanya..I fun “Nanya” in the eyes..

Is the one who is the Espirit consciousness out of all 8 incarnations all the same person of my younger brother Nnamdi…me..
Nnamdi Geoff…N.G…147…see sacred portal “Emmy”

E.L happens to be the name of the parents, of the Star Actor S.A of this last play- Jonn Blackwell
Lorenzo and Elizabeth…
L.E…or Tito as he was called (Yes Tito of the JA-CK..FIVE-E…V.I..KING)
E.L… Ele Ife…E.I..
Tom Benzian….

Is Ra El?… Is Ra God (Goddess Rah)

Today Jonn brought out a momento
– (Momentum Guy Pierces the viel Extra extra read all about it! N.E.W.S)
of Donnas mother Ruth (Beau Gens..Beautiful People) to clean..
There were two objects which here mother had bought in Sweden..
Axel Anderson..A.A
Axel Love..A.L
is Swedish…

A Silver Viking ship and a Viking Horn..
A Spirit Ship (Baruch University portal through my window to the beginning of my creation story written in 2OO4 of the family of T.E.N…Where I describe how through looking at a the Baruch university building which appeared as a great ship to me I went into the Espirit realm to behold this glorious Being moving through the Universe Galaxy M.W87-78. 378 Facebook friends..”NNAMDI! My Father Is HERE!”)

A ship floating down the stream of consciousness a river moving to an ocean, its source -Neptune Poseidon…then to the Marina..Marina Burini
Manifest lading in Paradise..

And a Giant Silver Viking Horn… Sound..Hearing..the Tunnel of Love..

Weren’t there Vi kings in Sweden… the great Navigators who found Green Land, ( ROYG) G the 4th Dimension..Geoff Lacour…The LA Of sixth sense..the Cour…hmm :)..
Who used the Stars and Song and sixth sense (Inner Compass) 666 (SSS) To navigate..Connecting the Dots…

Kasper Lomholdt Serup..*See our VI King play..

Logic while moving as Aphrodite Hepthaestus..Venus Vulcan.,their names in Roman..David Roman (A novel a book a Face Book..page) Nicholas..
meaning Victory of the People…)
Venus Vulcan Victor…VVV..V.I.E V.I.E..v.i.e…(Live Live live..L=12..36…9)

Connecting the Dots from Inside “R-E.H” linking to R-AH Outside
And to Nature Beautiful…All Around Harmonious (Song and Sound)
.. Boat And Horn…B.AH..Ship and Horn..S.A.H.
(Joshua and the Walls of Jericho)..A.A…
Apollo Artemis
Alexander Aphrodite..

Last night I watched the movie Dracula,..the most recent version..

it was a interesting and aligns to the code names Lorenzo (Titus Groaned..Ayn R-and..Fountain Head)
Elizabeth Titus..Elizabeth Tailor…(Fashioner Valkyrire)
Lorenzo Elizabeth Huan (Jonn Blackwell)
L.E.H…Le H…L..EH..( L=12..3..8+5=13..4..D…
Loves C.D…
Loves Completion Do nna…

Parents Robert Ruth…aka Sully and Bojon (Beau Gens..Victory to the People..D.R.N)

But since all are actors in my own story, which I am correcting, even as we speak..

I recognized Dracula as the demonic monster (an illusion planted in me) as verified expressed and hand written for me, through a true expression of love which Cees- by Geoff Lacour..
A love so complete, it sought to preserve warn, comfort and cherish me, not my knowledge but me, by his alerting me to the eternal treachery by Spirits Phantoms of human story lines, who claim to be my brothers,and what they did to me..

*See the story of Joseph of the Bible, his coat of man colors his father gave to him, and how his jealous brothers threw him into a pit and sold him off to slavery… in Egypt.
Where he rose to prominence, even after the wife of a man who had come to love him, sought to seduce him..
then falsely accused him of seeking to rape her and was through in prison..

He had a little brother called Ben…Benjamin…
Benjamin Melendez…
Marina Burini…
Full Circle non?

B.E.N…Ja..MIN..6O Seconds..

Joseph Benjamin…
Which J.B
Jonn Blackwell…Huan Delguidce..H.D ..Huan Blackwell H.B…
Julian Brown
Its Julian Brown of course…
aligned to Isreal Ekpenyoung..I.E..
Jonn Blackwell was simply representing an enactment used to find the Truth of my Way by Nnamdi.B.C.E..The past, to demonstrate how I am the Truth by making me explain and clean up the mess of Haun Blackwell..H.B..Human Beings…Illusions

Julian means “Young, Youthful, Son of Jove, Jupiter, Zeus the Sky Father…

Ekpenyoung is an Ibibio name Effik. of Cross River (Yes the VI King Ship, the Black “Brown Prince” B.P Beautiful Death who leads the Warriors and Hero from the battle fields of “life” to understand the Truth of life, whom the Valkyrires carry to him and he through the Halls of Vahalla- the stream, river Akashic records…K- Neel Akash-I.C Records

Represented by former face book friend Neel Akash…

To the Elysian Field of Paradise.. never lost…

It also is a Diety and means Lion from the Sky, Odin, Zeus, Agbala, The Roar of Thunder…Out rage…

It Means Sky Father..

San Francisco…(Sophie Anastassia Maverides lives there.. who came into the world through the literal creation of music created by her parents Composer and Film producer of classical music for children…It is called Classical Child..CC..Sophies Sounds…SS..

Sensational Feelings..
Stephen Filgueira…

I am Julian Brown…

And this is a song for the Youthful, the Eternally Young.. at Heart.. Center Obi-
John Obi
Sarah Simon John…
Gracefully Centered.

As for me being Dracula, a blood sucking Monster..
A Blackula *Eddie Murphy..E.M.
Enzo Militano
See sacred portal 55..’EMME’

The Beast 666 who uses people, lives with them to such out their money, creates a lie in order to have a place to eat… A lazy monstrous consciousness, a parasite, a leech.. Spawn of Evil as my bio father…

As I watched the movie of my own Parents Maurice (Mau Mau Voodoo Leopard Cult)..

I understood the Truth of my Parents play through their Espirits Truth which I had to pierce through their Human enactment as shadows of themselves – Shadows to their True Light..

I met Elizabeths and Lorenzo in my own life story..
lorenzo I met at the Bean and then at 1st and 3rd Star Bucks which used to be the first location of the Bean..He looked exactly like Geoff Lacour..
Astoundingly so..

The story tells about how a man first became a vampire by making a deal with an abomination of hell for power, and how this man was then tricked and betrayed..
And then how Prince Dracula, who had been sold by his Father as Ransom for the Turks (Istanbul Turkey) to the Sultan to ensure the safety of his people,
And the horror he endured and how he became a legend as a harsh warrior..And how he despised what he was made to become and later became devoted to peace..
but after ten years…
A horror (Himself as a Horror) came to live in a cave-
And then, came the cruel Turks once more, demanding 1OOO boys to be used as Tribute to be turned just he had been into monstrous beast of warriors…
He tried to negociate with the now Sultans sons who had once been his play mate in HELL..who had admired him..
but the sultan saw, that his fathers cruel methods had worked and wished to do the same to his “friends” son…So he too could have what his father had had…

And so the Sultan asked for 1001 youths..Young Boys including the Princes son…

And he almost gave in but his beautiful wife had fought him reminding him of the promise made to her before she had agreed to marry him.


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