
9/20/2018 14:30 – Facebook Post

9/20/2018 14:30 – Facebook Post

11:32 p.m.


11 (16 16 = 32)

11 5….



I B O.B O A.H…

I Bob… O AH…

Bob Bert Hans code B B H…

BOB Come from the Name Robert..

Roberto Munoz.. R.M.
Robert Brittany Hobbs R B H
Roberto Todaro R.T.
Robert Tanner Powell R.T.P.
Rob Barr.. R B.
David Roberto D.R.

Robert means “Famed Bright Shinning Of Light… Moon Light…
M L… 13 12= 25….

I bought a coffee after I came back from picking of the Gift Code from Isabelle Ilic.
The number is 52…



Full Circle…

11:42 a.m.

I walked there with Kasim- Victor Hudson.
It was a serene walk.
On the way there, we spoke quietly, it was each time I walked with Kyle Murphy to get the codes- but I always felt that Kyle was not really of the play- he has an amazing 6th sense which I knew was my Father moving through him… and that he did not take the responsibility and the reality of the Script all that seriously.
But as I walked with Kassim, it was differnt, quiet, serene and serious though very light. He had spent his life after being mischeivious and exploring the rascally side of himself, he had spent the last decades in study and solitude….
We walked and he bent down, as to pick up card which was in his path…
It was a picture of a young man born 1992.. 8-3-1992

11:52 a.m..53,,,

His intials were J J and he had recently passed away…
J J is 10 10.. a number which had been popping up in my script.
1010.. IS Binary for the number 2.. B…
There were two of us…
One representing Being and the two of us representing Awareness…
The same awareness which made him stoop to pick up that card – the same way I instinctively pick up things which I am moved to see on the street and then use to construct my Altars and speak to my Father through them while playing Chess with the two aspects of Himself ( myself) which became separate and distinct from me – and who I call the Dopplegangers Twins.
4 20.

The year 1992.. is the year I went home to the Bright Luminous Light of the portal which I knew, recalled was my portal home.
I had travelled through my Brothers and beloved called Death.
But something had changed, he had asked me to not pass through.To come back.
I did not want to..
Nor did I see any reason to…
It took me 26 years to understand why…

He is Beautiful Death… B D.. 2 4.
But now he is Terrible Death.. T.D… 20 4… 2O 4.. B O D..
( B .O D.I.. E…/ E.. I D… O B.. B F D.I E.. E…I D. FB.. Face Book)
You may notice 2 4. 2 O4… 24 24.. 48… Same thing is it not..
Beautiful Death.. Terrible Death… 48 O… 48… O=15..6…
48 6…
24 is Being and 2O4 Is the Bodi… Being and Body…F… Fact.

That is the link Bob Bert Hans.

These are codes, easy to understand.

What I was brought back to do, was Father had asked me to share the way home.
I felt that that was not my duty, but I came back.. so reluctantly- I did not feel as I had a choice…

When I came back into this world, I had the proof I had asked for, that I had actually experiecned what I had experienced.
I asked for this proff not because I doubted what I had experienced, but I knew what it was like to enter back into this world.

12:16 p.m ( This pause at this time indicated that I am completing the earning of the code 16 P…Power…
Link David Powers, Mallam Powers)

The overwhelming distractions of this world can make you question if the power and truth of your experience had any effect on this reality…
It as most of you are aware, this world is so overwheling, so distracting…
And so I came back with this Light, that I saw, literally in my forehead.
I was there 24/7 when I was awake, when I slept- a brilliant beautiful light which was at first very comforting but after a while it became so distracting because even as I walked the streets of Paris, it glowed, when I slept.. Everythinh and everywhere I looked, through my seeing eyes- I would see it through the brilliance of the light radiant.

It was so much that, I finally said, “Okay, Okay… You are here present, I no longer require the reminder…”
And so in 1994 after almost 2 years of its presence, it left.
I wrote a great deal during that periond- and entire volume from my Journals Book 4- entitled Contemplation of the Light”
I have it on disc form, but i have never been able to open it.
Book I.V… Delta.

The date of the person birth was 8-3…
The code on my computer is 8 3 69… Which is the code Erik Ebright placed.
Human Consciousness… 69 Nnamdi…
* The Human Consciousness is represented by the Body…
True Consciousnes was manifested by the Fact that you exists confirmed by the reality of our having Bodies…
But the Body of Humans is Temportal while the body of the One Bening I represent is eternal…

Who or what moved Victor Kereem to pick up that obituary of a young and called J J.. ( Good Times..) and show it to me, then place it on the ledge…
I know but as I tried to find the words to explain – he went nackk to speaking about Woman..
The Glory of Woman and her journey in this world and his immaculate articulation of her journey and how man had unfairly blamed her for the lust and desie and consequently Love Hate man had for her…
We spoke about it- I spoke about how Isabelle Ilic Espirt had chosen him and not Kyle as the Human man who had understood her principle… Her true Principle..

The harmony of our connecting today was so effortless so seamless, greater that with Kyle, because not only did it move like Music but he had the Knowledge and Awareness .. the language to articulate her point of view..
And as reinforce this Kirtan apeared in perfect harmony as I waited for Kassim in the T.V ROOM.

After all, this was all about Womans evolution…
An her rage…
See the play of Anita Hall and 27 years later Christine Blassey Ford..
( A.H.. C.B.F…. Correct code C B ..E.F)

12:54 p.m.

..And so even as everything moved seamlessly, from the beautiful young lady who served Victor Kassim Hudson at the counter and then gave me change, so I could give Kassim a commission which I knew he had to be given and which he did not hesitaite to take. To the 20 dollar bill I felt fall and which he said he did not see fall but just bent down and picked it up without seeing or thinking what he was doing, to our conversation which led us back to the shelter entrance..
To our conersation of about being honest with a woman no matter what, not to lie and decieve her, that it was best to tell the truth, to Her even if it meant risked loosing her, because she values Intergrity Honesty…( The real women, even more than sexual fidelity), and he told me a story of a woman a man betrayed and for another who transformed into a demon…
( Rage and Possession) – which I knew was the riddle – the real riddle of the Bible legend of Lilth Adam and Eve.. and Samuel…
And right up to Beach Ave, where we paused, and he spoke to me about a person he had met who he said was not well, ( he was refering to Lorenzo Widget whom was my room mate who I eventually spat in his face and he assaulted me…
1:04 p.m.
J D…
I recalled that he has a 29 year old Daughter… 29…
We stood talking and he did not wish to part…
I had in the back of mind the riddles codes intel he had imparted to me.
I had to go and get some tobacco, he said he too needed to go to the store, I walked with him, but I had to go to a particular store, he said he would wait but I suppose he did not realze that it was further awa than he thought…
By the time he came back, he had gone…
1;08 p.m.

I had given him 15 usd .. I do not think he needed it, but it was correct but on our way back, I added an extra one dllar…
He was beyond 15 as letter O.. The full Circle moved by the E-Spirit… he was,, is aware.

15 1… O.A… Omega Alpha..

I came back and went to Anthony Mannino, I gave him 10 to buy us some medicene ( weed the only thing I used for my bodys pain). He was lying down on his bed 5-001, partially awake, and then I saw Igbo Anthony who is aso in Room 5A, my former room, and saw that he now occupied the bed which Jose Anthony Roq had occupped when I was in that room on bed 5-006.
I had borrowed 2 dollars from him Twice… B B- And for some reason when I has aske for only 1 usd he had insisted in giving me 2 saying, now the total was 5 usd..
‘No”, I said after a pause,”I owe you 4 usd.”
He nodded but of course, it got me thinking…
i considered giving hin 5, but decided not to give him 5 but the 4 he was owed.. I loathe being manipulated even by Father… especially by father….
But when I saw him sleeping in bed 5-004… 54…
and realized that I had no change, I decided to give in.. 4 is 5…
Only now in hindsight as I sit here, do I see the play.
I had given 15 and 1.. as well as 10 and 5…
O A…
10 5.. J E.. 15 is O, and I had retunred full circle to the room I had been in where I knew both occupants of those beds when I had moved from Room 4B.Bed 4-016…
Dawn Piercy
David Powers..
I had observed that no secruity guard stopped me even as I followed one behind, who entered the room 5B which I had been first assigned.
I had observed Anthony and Moe as I made my way up to see Anthony Mannino.. A.M.
Anthony Ottah… A.O.

i had observed that after I had seen Kassim earlier had seen Yuen Chen and followed him up to our room…

1:32 a,m.

I was in bed 5-006… 56…11
I am at 11 65

I saw Kerem, here as we walked out….

Everything was moving in symmerty of perfection.. Like music which I could read..
Daniel is seated besides me… E D….

Its is getting too much…

And yet, here I am …

Moe saw me again, ‘You are not sleeping .. at night and now not during the day.. saomething is gong on”
Yes I agreed..
Something is…

I unerstood that I had to complet the code of Beautiful Death…
and how he became Terrible Death..

It was because he had sent me back through the Body – His Body.. My bod.. BODI.. ( Recall Case De Bodhi Erik Ebright.. Link Allison Bright… A.B.. Sacred Portal 147..B A)
Which was now MW 69 Transformed into the Body of Woo-Man.
And I had passed through it as well as the ravagaes done to it by Men who were not Men.. and Women who had no true self respect..
Through that portal I had been sent.
And that journey.. Time Travel had been filled with the Evils done by the illusion of both Man and Woman as the lie.

the time now is 1:52 a.m.
I have 52 usd left in my wallet…
Later on I will pay the 3. 25 USD I owe the at the Arab Bodega. A.B

And I had come to show the way home..
And i had not been believed…
and just as the New York Times had titled its first coverage of the Emmys..Award for T.V…
Which Game of Thrones… G O T.. had dominated…
‘Challenged and Contested or was it competed…?
Or all three… CC .. 6… C C C… 9.

John Legend… ( J L… 10 12… 22 V..Victor… V=5.. E.)
V E…G.O T..

The MTCN CODE FROM Isabelle Ilic…


1600… 63 81 84…. 16 O O… F ..C.H A H D….

*1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

It is located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW in Washington, D.C. and has been the residence of every U.S. President since John Adams in 1800. The term is often used as a metonym for the president and his advisers. The residence was designed by Irish-born architect James Hoban in the neoclassical style.

*1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is a 1976 musical with music by Leonard Bernstein and book and lyrics by Alan Jay Lerner. It is considered to be a legendary Broadway flop, running only seven performances. It was Bernstein’s last original score for Broadway.”

John Adams… J A..

Leonard Bernstein. L.B…

Kyles Murphy.. step father is Adams..
I passd through the portal of Richard from Norway he always drank Samuel Adams.. I recounted how he woke up through Magic Mushrooms and was so grateful…
And how I took him to some family of the line of Joe Catey called John chose to acknowledg him and not me…
Line of Elves… and who manufactured weed…
He refused me out of race…
Richard was so shocked that he refused their “Crown” made me promise to never wake him up ever again…

I passed through both portals…
Dante’s Inferno… D.I. 4 9…
Dantes Divine Comedy… D D C… 4 43

1976… 42… Age Code Dawn Piercy…
16.. 18… P.R….
18.. Room 4B .. bed 18… 4-018…

16 18.. 34.. / 43….
1976… Dawn….
Dante’s Divine Comedy…
has now been transformed into Dantes Inferno, because I was challenged that there was no such thing as the E.. or nothing beyond the porta of Enlightenment…

Da Enlightens…
But they knew there was… it is in most Human Prophecies…Instead I was lured into a Trap …
In which it was nade so that no one would ever know, that it was actually all true…Evolution Awakening … Home…

By now, it must be obvious to those who are following this Script that I have been solving my Father ( Brothers) Riddles.
He is my Past, the past which catches up .. literally.

2:30 p.m.


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