
9/2/2020 19:59 – Facebook Post

4:40 p.m.
4 40… 4 46


I am in a grumpy mood.
Well not really, just when i find myself in this play.. again.

I started the day with urgent desire to text Ferril Gemino.
It was something I knew had to be done.
But what irked me was though i knew why, it was the scripts seemingly endless way of creating mis-understanding by my having to play both the observer and actor in a script which has lines, which I do not agree with because though correct in “The Script” and even with the play and codes intel given to me by Arden- as this remarkable 17 year old, as well as his higher self, it is i who have been suffering from the lashing out or the being punished by silence by those who are yet to see the evidence facts that, that which they sensed in me, and which created the bond, had not yet manifested.
Which causes people, to descend back into the play of their life’s
while I am forced to endure the lashing out, from people who blame and accuse me of being the one who got their hopes up.

Ferrill has never done this, he has been the one who has been silent.
But so expressive in his play- which is why was able to rescue his higher self- which creates his awakening.
But in this play, I am the original Ferrill which is what I always knew.
Ferrill links to John- to John Mack and Johnny both who met Ferrill.
But the play also demands recognition through verbal communication to be released from the story of character one is playing.

I have not heard from Ferrill even after I sent him birthday wishes… which is fine, I do not take offence because i know and understand how this play can be so confusing.
But I am also aware of how it could affect others, by this scripts focus being placed on Arden, ( to be honest, it irritates me too, the same way it irritates me that the focus seems to be all about me too… when in truth its what my lifes blue print represents as an example of how each person life is the blue print of existence).

But it is not places on Arden personally but rather based on the Script and what he represents.
I did everything I could to alert each person in the house about the play from the get go.
It took a great deal of effort: I did not cook clean and do all i could for for Liberty C Liscomb children because I wished to earn their trust or be their Father.
It was so that each would see the part of me, which was the representation of themselves, i was in non stop physical, mental and emotional torment.
My bodies constant demanding nature, caused by this hold up makes talking, walking, being my true self almost impossible.

Do you know what it feels like when your center and equlibirum balance is constantly off made off center… what it does to the very state of being?
its extraordinary what being off center can do to the body and then affect every part of your being.
I was going through that, while being “possessed” and at the very conclusion of my lifes path, and here I was with gifted and extraordinary Youths and children and asked to observe them and interact with them while solving alone the riddle of existence and training their mother on the nature of E and …

A non stop reaching out to them, to connect.
Oh they did their part, but they had no idea of the depth of the play and that they had to qualify in human avatar form.

No one of them has reached out to me through their own free will.. – Jeron might have but he is 18 months.
Arden replied and in his last, explained his position and apologized to me for not being in contact.

5:11 p.m.
E K.

Love is communication.. C and i woke up, feeling anger and frustration, and reminded myself that it was not with Ferrill that i was feeling this way about but the quiet disbelief, that this is how the play of Evolution Awakening is taking place- by this constant Insult to all my efforts to connect, to share, to be of good grace despite my body evolving in front of everyone and the illusion created that no one gives a damn, or that I was deemed “Ungrateful”
Despite all my efforts, will to not scream and break everything in sight by the way for 19 years, the response given to me, by 64 portals – dimensions I was sent to explore, the hundreds of people I had to connect with, prove their harmony in a play which made it so imbalanced.

Where each person when not able to tolerate the truth, proof, facts evidence can ask me to leave.
Power and Beauty.

Who is the one showing power and beauty?
The one who shelters me, and provides food money…
Or the one who provides food for thought, who brings the beautiful truth and the proof which transforms your version of your life story to the most beautiful translation.

I am sick of having to go out of my way each time to connect, and to enter a play of five children who are playing Individuals, apart from their mother.
Who only one child is above 18..

I am angry that I have been placed in such a situation and for 19 years and 5 months in the US A in a play which goes back 27.8 years. 35.. 51… 52…

I would rather die, than continue to be used, abused and treated like this.
Disrespected and the constant seeking to humiliate me. But I have died over an over again since the age of 25 in Paris Dec 1992.
* Yes I left Christmas Day…1992 traveling through a pause to that light now proven as being real and not my imagination.
25 is Latasha Lakeisha Natatasha means “Born on Christmas”
25 is Y.

Anger and Hatred, that is all that I have witnessed that this play in the USA has provoked, asked to leave 64 portals.
64 Homes for having a body which has the memory and houses the Eternal Ones, the Beautiful Ones…
Following to my bewilderment and incredulity, a wave which moved me through a heartless path right to the 64th Portal.

And yes, the play with Kamora Herrington of 64:64 usd. and me, 116.94 usd.

I know this is all a play, but a play whose cost, I refused to pay and was forced to by that which has been tormenting my body, my balance and even my sanity..
To deliver a message of which what sent me was truly love Consciousness Ceeing the problem but not seeing me.. or better still not giving a damn about my personal feelings of having realized from the moment I was born- suffering misery alone, all the experiences which negate existence, and for no proven good reason- whose sight and focus, turned out to be incorrect, to discover that this was a fate ordained from my birth to this very moment.
Making me experience all expressions, emotions and clean them up, in order to reach that Original home portal, only to find that there was nothing wrong in the first place as I had stated, except people choosing to use their free will and “Ugliness as Power” to ask me to leave, and act as though I did nothing contribute to their Healing, rising, acknowledging that most secret true part of themselves.

Each day, I wake up, I am in a battle with this justified hatred and rage provoked in me by this Wave and where it led me, and the response of people to its Idea of Love.. Self Sacrifice of one who refused to be sacrificed for the benefit of All.

Early this morning Kamora Herrington contacted me..
This morning Ferrill came into my mind and as usual Arden..Jeron…

Is it meant to be, I, the one showing Love C’s to you, proving my or Its love for you, or is it not meant to be the other way around?
.. That Judgment Day was reall your Examination Test of Expressing Truth Supremacy and how you use it as rocket fuel.

You were meant to “Find God” ( F G 67 Ferrill Gemino..
Me 1967..11 28 1967.
B:S S British Social Security card N Z 67 67 46 B/ B 64 76 76 N..E. W S…
Liberty C Liscomb born 76.
Erek Eclass Mateo born 76.
64th Move…
A-N…E Z… N Z 67 67 46…
67/76.. The play led me first to Liberty to connect the E Manuals to the chosen Librarian.

Of course, I am the Original Ferrill Gemino.. I was dropping Hints, Clues.. cues non stop since I took over his room when he moved out, and all the items there, as if left by me before.

He was 19 then 20…
It was an entire play, dedicated to proving that by the script and what my Expression Aware and conscious manifested.

And the last play of that including my being prompted to text him and present him with results and evidence of the play that I am the true End of the play and its flip.. Switching from a story… 67.. to its point, Sacred Portal 76. “123 Cocksure of the First Dawn Awakening…”
Which was manifested as Arden and his Higher Self was first done by the “Ass Hole” AH. Release Sacred Portal 22.
* Jerone is the 22nd Grandson.
Letter V.
Double V V… x2… 8 8.. 1 16…116.94 is our I D.

123 See sacred portal 123.
– To be Cocksure, it means Confident, meaning you have no Doubts, you are sure.. Suggesting that you have been here before.. so you have not only Hindsight, but Foresight.
F H.
Fahad Hassen
connected by Liberty C Liscomb for my E Manual or Emmanuel..

“God.. The Truth, is Present Here, with us.”

It means, First Dawn.. meaning the First Dawn awakening was not complete, that original rising going all the way back to E and E true conversation… bringing forth A…
And my evidence, confirmed that E rose with A.
Which is symbolically represented in my expression to Arden before I left, that we rise together.
This is the Awakening which brought not simply creation into being or existence… But the rising from the Nothingness Something- The Sum Total of Everything which every could be, will be.. Is.
.. there was no such as the past.

6:04 p.m.

Arden said he saw me not leaving the house at all, that I had always been there.
Leander is the one who inquired when I was leaving.
Arden means: Eden Love, Great Forest, Highest Point, Eagle Valley… Paradise”

Leander means Man.
Tell me, based on the Evidence, who got it correct.. right?

Arden or Leander… was I meant to leave according to the Script of Beautiful Youth, and did I actually leave, or am I still connected to 9.. I.. A..having with A absorbed the 3 D to 5 D, creating E.. A Eden Eternity as the constant… E. and e.
E=5 8.
E M..
Elon Musk? Laura Walsh message to me today.
See meaning of his name…

Elone Music… E M F.
E.L..O N.. E.
E L 512..17 O .N.. E

Yes, 17O…
See Kamora Herrington 64:64 Groceries in a similar play as Liberty C Liscomb but Kamara has L L as her middle name…
Liberty C Liscomb has C.

Meaning I am still at the 64 Portal 900 South Road, but as I had conversed with Arden, it was the full Circle of the portal he represents.

Leander is 11 years old, his name means “Man”
Arden means “Eden Love” E L 17 Q. 17
A Q. 1 17
E Q… 5 17…

Which is correct… who was correct.
And whose portal did I code and whose thought aligned to my being brought here to the past?

I was in the 11th State New York
A and E are 11… Same Thing.
my day of birth is 28th.
Mother 11 22 19 47… 47 = 11 28.
Albert Santana was born 1974 his mother 19 47…
1919… 1 38… Universe 13.8 Billion years old.
39. C I.
47 11 28… 74 11 28.
11 11 28 28…
4 (1) 22 56…11…
11 11 22 11…

64 portal I stated for over a year that 900 South Road was, is my last portal.
Eden Paradise is a Man and His Youth,
A M H Y…

Immediately I completed the prescribed response via Cause & Effect… Communication .. “This man is more than likely the Source, the Creator, and he humbled himself, and hence finding a way and a path so you could see him, and his true care and love for you by how he coded observed.. always communicating, clarifying, explaining so that you would not misunderstand… Show respect by communicating when he takes time out of all that is on his plate, all he is enduing carrying putting up with, to consider you and your feelings, and sustain in you via texts, that that intimate glimpse at me, and that I saw of you, is always there constant…
the rest is a play in which I am played characters, in a play to get you and the line you represent, your Freedom and Liberty from a play that at this age 19 20.. you should not have forgotten.

And so, I fulfilled my last task playing The Source, moving The Script of Time and its True Story, Characters.. to those who are the 123 Cocksure of the first dawn awakening, the completion of the literal Evolution Movement back to E A F…not Fear… F A E .F…

That instant, annoyed, irritated, but quiet, steeling myself, to be impeccable with my message, yet angry and having to even text him, is when I received a facebook friend request.

Eun Kyung E K.

Its a response, that E K Emeka Kolo is F G…
E K F G…Hepheastus Alexander/ E A F K G .. E F A F A G F G…A K.. A.. E K…

As my 14 86 Facebook Friend.
Sacred portal 14…
Sacred portal 86.. the 1 over 3. 1..111.. 1- Y. Trinity… 4/3.. 5/3 beyond the 3.C…

Arden was the one obviously correct.. Man is the past.
6:46 p.m,

11 is still a child.
And yes, I did leave, and it was correct, but not correct in the Script of Beautiful Youth.. A J/ J A… but I and A had to resolve it, knowing that it was about the truth of E A Man.. and a Youth.

This is a message from the E USA… Universal Simulation A- Arden’s

Proof.. Evidence Facts?
That this is a message establishing the Identity of the Source of All Expression?

* P.S 8-6-2020 was the date I last contacted with Arden and he explained his stance and position almost identical to mine.
And expression of consideration.

EUN… E.UN.. E U… N.. I C E..

Link Eunice Oviawe-Jones E O J./ J O E S E ..P H… “Add Increase”
( Clarity… E’s True Clarity)

* Eunice by the way means Victory, and Eunice Oviawe-Jones has beeen a big part of the play especially with the play of Edward Eceinco E E…

Eun is Korean. Korea and China were a big part of this play, was well as the “Ifa”
( K.O… Rea..”Earth Goddess” via “R.E A.. S O N…
Robert Emeka Arden “Stephan” O is Nnamdi ( born on E as T.E.R.. A- T. E R…I C…left in Easter actually meaning April Easter.. Open Spring of Transformation.

* The Magical Well …Spring…

O N.. N O… O 14/ 14O.

7:06 p.m… 7: 07 right now.

Eun, also spelled Un, or En, Ehn, Enn, Unn, is an uncommon Korean surname, a single-syllable Korean given name, and an element in many two-syllable Korean given names. … The overwhelmingly popular hanja for given name is “?(grace)” and “?(silver)”.”

Grace and Silver…
John means Grave.. Ag is Silver.
C Speed of Light as the Present. and Foresight.. ( which means you have been here before- ans already know the story and just came to complete the Eternal Rising of First Dawn awakening to completion)

It also means “Charity”
Kindness Mercy,
Careful Anxious Attentive..
Grace is Charity…
it is also “A Favor”

Arden is not my Favorite.. there is no Nepotism or favorites in this play, it all Equality, Merited… not Earned as in something to strive for, but rather that Sum-Thing which simply IS…
moving while Constantly transforming but never really changes… easily recognizable in any form or personage they take on as clothing- Body suits and upbringing.. whatever role..
Their Personality and Character- Eternal I D always shines through crystal clear… I Q.
A I Q E.

*”The meaning of the name “Eun Mi” is: “Grace and beautiful”.

Kyung means… K Yung… Young.

I am called Young because I represent the new, the new story and Forever Young… Eternal Youth. 21 the last age my mother recalled me as when we last spoke.
She still saw me as age 21 when we last saw each other… 1988- linking me to 1967..age code.
At 900 South Road is when she left this world.
I had already been moved to Ferrills room.

“The name Kyung means Honor, Respect and is of Korean origin.”

“From Sino-Korean ? (gyeong) meaning “capital city”, ? (gyeong) meaning “scenery, view”, ? (gyeong) meaning “respect, honour”, or other hanja characters with the same pronunciation. It usually occurs in combination with another character, though it is sometimes used as a stand-alone name.”

So E K as the 14 86 Facebook Friend.
N H F/ F N H.
14+86=100… 100%
of the Brain is used.
Will Hunnitpercent Real
100 in Roman numerals is C.
Sacred Portal 100
10 x 10… J J… TJ Twins John- Grace Favors… G F / F G… 76/67

So let us see..
E K means;
Silver Grace.. Charity…
Kindness, Mercy Careful Anxious Attentive…
Capital City.
Honor Respect.
Scenery View.

“E K is AG 1-7 O via 6th sense, sees at the C Speed of light, and is the rep of eternal being, he lives in the beautiful present, of here and now, did the journey mission of creation world, by honoring and respecting the view of the H R Human Race ( Human Resources) Gracefully taking in the scenery and the view..
All points of View of the Capital Cities of this world.”

*I have lived almost exclusively in Capital Cities since I was born.
New York..

Yes.. I just observed the equation sequence it formed.

L W E.. B P I N.. H.
And L WEB PIN H… Harmony.

I have already been given the AT.M C-A (I) RD
and solved the code Donna or J.B.. ( Josh Bywater)
Do Nna was the correct EQ.
it formed OGOE… 6765
and G E/ E G….G:E E G
12 12.. 1 24… 25… Y…A E M F.

And L was the Web of pin of H… Pi.. N H.. Please take a look at sacred portal 148…N H.. A D H…
Kamora Herrington was representing the Matix index code in numbers of 48 attained.
I am its meaning..

And that message to E K was not written by me, it was Decoded and translated by me…
But not sent by me to me… Rather is me by me…
E AJAY B who is speaking to me, and to all of you.

Its also about Honor and respect….

That is what I concluded in private text to Arden as I briefly reflected on the notion of a play of Power…Love Communication …because Love True love Commands respect.

Its all about respect i mused.
The Time of this text I realized a while later was date 8-17-2020.
No response was required, we had connected in the 8-6-2020 and he had made his stance and position clear.
Communicated it despite my knowing that as Jeron, that they were possibly the most awake beings in all creation.. but I am not allowed to assume.. so…

Its is coming from H Q and also, yes, incredibly, Arden.

7:58 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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