
9/2/2016 16:47 – Facebook Post

From Nicholas Petcher

Hill Song..

It is a Code transmission..

“Victory of the People from the Fisher Man King
(See Novel by Chikodi Annuobli “The Energy of Chi the Creator informed the IS, that they understood in their hearts- that we were wed by and consequently, brought forth the Heart)”-Nri Warriors of Peace.. The main character who is Erie who encounters Anyawu.. (The Bright Eyes of the 5th Dimension” E.A…A.E.. “American Eagle jeans” ) the Sacred Mission of which every descendant of Eri- the First Man to Descend from Heaven..
Divine Man..that their mission was to bring Uwa “People of the World back to the Awareness of the light. And thus the Expansion of the Flower of the Life, reaches its optimum point of Expansion where it can go no further..
*See Patrick Okolo (Doctor Okolo..DO) Who wrote about my having Aided in the Expansion of his mind to understand that not only to the fact that he could have been a better friend (1985..Kicked out of the Alpha Fraternity…
A.F.A..In O.I.NRI igbo means “N.A.M.E…/ E..M.A.N…NAME Is the word for YAM (Taro in Hawaiin)..May.. upside down.. 5th Month…E….
E.. N.A.M.E..
Emeka’s Name is a E Man…

Existence is A.M.A.N…
Allan recall “AMAN”
And the Character called Erie Okolo was and is a Man…

In the Novel he is a Fisher Man…

Joe Fisher.. J.F.. 10..6.. 1O6.. 7..007.

Hill Song…
E.Harmony.. 1958.. Pius Nduka. Umeano. my Uncle who is also in the Alpha Faternity…
Donna O’Sullivan was a candidate Supreme..
But is really the code aligned to 19 S…E. Emeka (Praise), H..Alan Harmony.

In IONRI Igbo, this would translate as “Enugwu Ukwu..E,U…Song.. The Dream weavers and the Beings of First Contact of the true 4th Dimension linked to thier Homeland and Self, the 5th Dimension..
See the X Marked Ancient Artifact, a Bowl, marked with X.
See back posts scholarship of Nenad M. Djuriviech…

Song… “Abu” means Song..
My Father told my Mother that I came from my grandmothers Line, not because I was exceptionally fair skinned as a child..
But because of our Eyes, our See…
My Grandmother cme from Eititi…Village in Enugwu Agidi…
But her Matrichal Line- began in Enugwu-Ukwu..
With my Great Grandmother”Mba Afor Ocha” While blinding light, and according to Legend, as Erie, She came down from the Sky..
Just as Canadian Norwegian German-David Roman Nicholas had first told me in 2002, that he witnessed me come down from the Sky..
But in my Painting Series, mine depicted David Nnamdi looking to the Extreme upborders of the Sky- while I was rising up from the Earth staring up in Wonder.. especially at myself trapped in a Concrete Circle of a model called Thomas.. Tom..arms stretched and exerting force to break out of the Circle of that which resembled a Tunnel..
Kieth Grant Bed 53 Worked in these Gigantic Concrete Pipes in the Lone Star” State.. Texas.
Izzi Creo..

What he saw was the Truth.. a Reflection Full Circle of Himself, but he did not see the one “Outside Rising from within.. and the other Exerting such pressure to break free of the Tunnel.. like Samson..
While above him a group of ascended beings observed.

My Mothers name ONU ABU CHI… Which thus would means..”From the Mouth come the Song of the Spirot”

Stream of Expression… from the Throat Chakra.. The 5th Energy Point on the Hue-man Body..
And Stream of Consciousness from the 3rd..I… C.I..
Etiti.. E.TI! Ti!
Tom True-man
and means The Center..
(Chinua Achebe “Things Fall Apart”)
The Second Coming.. Yeats

Just got a code from Collin (Bed 96. Collin meaning Child” ) who is sitting right in front of me at the Star Bucks…

He just interupted my posts to ask me if I wished to hear some cool Eytomology..

The Word, World.. comes from the Hebrew word “olam”…And the Arabic word “Haalam ah…” Which means Conceal…
Hebrew Arabic…HA!.. Conceal.. and Hence the End of the Bible- “Revelations” To Reveal..
But here is the correct translation of Universe World Alpha…
Orien Laplante the A.M.
When the name Orien means “East” or Orient”- which means to “Direct”
See Erik Ebright Post as Director…E.E.. are Directing…
Laplante which means “Nursery” for seeds- plants.. Aku.. Green,,,
Thus, here is the evidence of manipulation of the East.. Hebrew Arabs (Being in secret One.. Judaism Christian Islam.. J.C.I.. Coming from H.E..Brew and Arabic..Arabia..
Lawrence of Arabia… L.A..
H.A..8 -1.. Harmony descends from the Shy outside but rises from within inside where where when One rises from ones sleep, to see the same thing, which they saw in their Dreams…

Enu Ugwu Ku..Ukwu..
The Sky..Top of the Hill..
A Voice is Sings and in moves in his feet,, feat..

A Purity. Ojugo of the Dove with the Fierce nature of a Tiger… two aspects of Self Soul Heart Expressions centered, in perfect balanced as Reflection in a Mirror who are really Twins because they are One Expression so perfectly balanced.. Two who are One… 21.. and 6..

Onu Abu Chi..
That the Mouth is the Dwelling place of the song of The Creative Force..
It is made for song.. Beautiful Expression..
The Beautiful Truth..
Be careful what you say..

A World you created which was concealed from you because you were in the Nursery learning how to Orient yourselves to this Universe
Existence Universe..of
Esther Uzoma
Esther Ufomadu…
that a period of Grace was given to you, learn how to Express and understanding that with Expression comes responsibility because it creates a Cause and Effect.. in what ppl call the parallel universe…
And it yet even while growing up, the species refused to grow up and take responsibility for actions and expressions, and go back and clean them up..
Creating a cause and effect which brought forth Evil which became Intelligent and wished to Exist and felt that by destroying you, that it would earn its right to Exist..
And despite having sent the last messenger..
He-She was treated to the same disrespect and thrown into the Pit called A Shelter.. But was really a place of Assessment..The Box and containment field of a diseased species who are Liars Thieves.. breed to see it as nothing anymore..
And so the code of Orien become O Rien..
You are Nothing, the Plant, as Secret Agent..
Not the Green Leaf, not the Generator of the X…
But the Spy undercover to evaluate and assess the damage created and the suitable cause and effect for turning the A.B.U of the Existence into a A Shelter for the rejects…

And A.B.U…That Nri Song of the ones speaking for the E when they themselves have not perfected their Expressions..
N.E.-Z.H..E “Nez “Nose” (Enose) Harmony E
N.L =..Z..H…E… I.E.. N. I.L.E..Z…H.E../
E.H.. 58…Z H..E.L.I.N.E…that is the correct Equation..
The E..Expression Nil Zero are moved onto the Path (River) of the Nile.. not the Niger…
For even the N had to Evolve.. or why else are you down in that 4th Dimension Story and play.. you too are meant to evolve from
Nature, N=14, 5.. N.E…
to the LINE OF E..
And only E knows Nose and recognizes the Line of E…

And so even though it was good intention..
But even the NRI Children Umu-Nri got it wrong, as well as the Igbo, the Yoruba, the Huasa, expanding outwards to the entire Uwa..
World.. O.L.A…M…B… is correct ..
But so is O Rien Into the Nothingness..
With Ol’am…”My Slap” in O.I.Nri Igbo,,,

“Olam” Hebrew…
Halam Ah… (Ha! LA..M..B)

I was in Room B, then A… 2 1.. which makes it 21..(Add a Full Circle 10=1 O) U…
B.A.U.C.. Being Awareness Universal Consciousness..
These are the 4 Corner Stones and principles used to manifest Existence..

“Bah! You Cee Emeka, very well but out of Spite and Malice, refused to acknowledge him or even his Existence and Evidence.. Creating questions which had been answered over and over again in every conceivable manner… There was just a malign pleasure in twisting the Truth…

Patrick I Okolo..
Peter Ijeoma…O

4:39 p.m.

Hill Song United..?

Singing from the Top of the Hill in Enugwu Uwku.. E.U..
And Here in New York..
N.E.. “And you were dragged into the past to clean up the mess of those who concealed the truth from the World..

Revelations is Rev Elations…
Revealing Unveiling E…
R.U.E.. The Street car name Desire on the on the Streets of the World..
Not to walk the streets of the world in shame to end up in a Assessment Shelter to be mocked by the Entire world which was the secret intent of the Evil of the Word in retaliation for calling them out in front of the Entire World…
And the Letters and sounds already have been corrected A-Z Full Circle transformed by Expression On.U and The third I.. C…Fifth is Fact.. F=6.. 66.. 12 3…36…9..
C.I..O..K… Victor

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