
9/2/2016 12:17 – Facebook Post

9-59 a.m.

10:00 p.m.

It was with great reluctance,
I am here posting, today…

As I have stated, it has simply gone to far
and negates, to my mind it necessity for coming into being..

But in coming across this post exactly one year to the day

Of four people, all representing 358 Face Book Friends last year to this exact date…
Hawa Ali
Nyeleti Gladness…


Jonn Blackwell and Donna O’Sullivan..



One sees that it is a Challenge…

Ha! NG (Nigeria) but really 147…Sacred Portal “Emmy”
James Bond.. Dharma Santana…D.H..ARM..A…Supreme Awareness representing Eternal Truth, Eternal Law, Eternal Oneness

E.E.E. T.L.O…
555..20 12..15 O……
15.. 32…6 O.. 26.. 26 N.E, 6Oth Street, Miami..

15..O…32.. B.C….6

10:15 p,m,
1.0…O. Meaning 10 is the Full Circle… as manifested naturally by Patrick Ikemefuna Okolo yesterday…Who I have known for 38 years, the very precise moment I reached 738 Face Book friends with Anthony Rosemary.
of Nigerian birth.

With his contacting me for the third time, at 6:31 Yesterday-
And that being the only text I saw, only to perceive that he had contacted me twice before 7-22 at 10:00 p.m…7-27
(Remember that was the portal at which I went to Miami, and which I arrived as 727 Face book friends while here in the Assessment Shelter..
P.I.O…”Pi O” ..P.I.O.D..”Meaning Weight in French.. Heaviness, which is the very feeling which my flesh and body fills like- a constant heaviness imposed on a body which is light…And hence the constant battle, physically personified of force like akin to gravity and a weight, like the problems and worries of the world.. -Prayers-

If you notice it forms a code.. and a challenge from N.G to N.G…
NG is Nigeria…NG..Is 14 7.. Add it becomes 21…and 98…Letters “U” and I.H…And 2+1=3..C.I.H…

C.I..Harmony…(Confirmed my Allan in the Assessment Shelter Play).

Obviously, I was challenged by Nigeria, who mocked the very idea that I was and am undercover Secret Agent for the Existence Define- who came beyond this “Universe”


Hang J.B and his Divine Santana (Infinite Limitless Awareness IL.A..
and the Eternal Law…he represents..

Now lets first see the meaning of the World Nigeria…

Niger means River.. Rivers…Rios… Rio De Janerio.. (River of January..Doors..Olympic Games.. a leap year…

What is the mean…

By:Pianke Nubiyang
Date: 1/27/2002, 11:50 am

The word “nig…” used to be the most revered and sacred word in the universe. It was the “devine epithet,” and the people who began using the mother of all words that originated from this word which was sullied by the British, were the ancient Egyptians or better, the Khemites, who called their land, “Khemet” or “The Black Land,” and also used the name, “Ta-merri” or “The Beloved Land.”


The father of the “n” word was the word used by the ancient Egyptians for “God.” That word was “N-g-r” and as one can see, there are no vowels in this word. In the ancient African and even the present African languages (the Afro-Asiatic linguistic family) vowels such as “a,e,i,o,u” are not found in many translations, particularly of ancient Hebrew and Egyptian languages.

In the translation of ancient Egyptian and Hebrew (which is heavily influenced by Egyptian), one will not always find vowels, therefore, very few people will realize that the word for God, which is “N-g-r” pronounced “en-ger” was the Egyptian word for God. In fact, the Egyptian word for “nature,” is also the word used for God. That word is “ntyr,” (pronounced net-jer.” Now prounce the word “nigg..” and the word “net-jer,” and one sees the clear connection.


*She the post of Lord Luggard.. and his wife of the Times..who suggested the name..Nigeria…

It is said to mean the Land of Darkness.. Evil..Ignorance…
The Black Water River…
A Cursed Land.

But based on my understanding of Lady Shaw.. and her own Caribbean ancestry on her mothers side..and the extraordinary play with April Shaw.. April Truman… A.S.. A.T.. Notice the link to Albert Santana..A.S..and how I was linked to April Shaw (S.HAW.. Haw Ali… Aliu Tunde..A.T..Alpha Theta..Haw-aii 50 th State.. HAW..The Sum total of the completion of the Over-Soul in Egyptian.. Book of the Dead…in plural..)

A much different meaning comes..
Recall I worked on the Film Elutheria with John Shaw and met his mother and communicated the deep connection to not only John and Luke, but to her son Tom..
And I recall that John Shaw though so connected to the purity of the sky people, especially when his eyes would transform into an unbelievable blue…And linked to Marina Burini…that a great evil was seeking to possess not only him but his entire family and “adopted” sister Marina…Bridie their exceptionally beautiful younger sister..
A E-Spirit of Jealousy… The Cursed Nigeria…

But I am currently proving that “Naming” spell out of Existence…
by proving that this descendant and Avatar of

11:22 P.M…Cecilia Onu Umeano…David Roman Nicholas…

Who is the Mother was the really Flora Azikiwe.. and Nnamdi Azikiwe…Line first president of Nigeria, and First Lady…
N.F.14 6..
146 is the Number and Address of the Assessment Shelter which I am currently residing at..
Flora Azikiwe.. F.A…4th note.
400 McGuiness Avenue is the main entrance to the Assessment Shelter.
A.S.. A Santana…


“Gematria /???me?.tri.?/ originated as an Assyro-Babylonian-Greek system of alphanumeric code/cipher later adopted into Jewish culture that assigns numerical value to a word/name/phrase in the belief that words or phrases with identical numerical values bear some relation to each other or bear some relation to the number itself as it may apply to Nature, a person’s age, the calendar year, or the like.

Similar systems, some of which were derived from or inspired by Hebrew gematria, have been used in other languages and cultures, i.e. Greek isopsephy, Arabic abjad numerals and ‘Simple(6,74) English(7,74) Gematria(8,74)’.

The best-known example of Hebrew gematria is the word Chai (“alive”), which is composed of two letters that (using the assignments in the Mispar gadol table shown below) add up to 18. This has made 18 a “lucky number” among Jews, and gifts in multiples of 18 are very popular.[1]”

Like Computer Science. is it not..? Same basis as well as the decoding I am doing in Face Book, ad for the last 12-14 years…

My mother was later best friend with Uche Azikwe, U.A.
as well as Nnamdi Azikiwe, and was a friend of my Grandfather, who both served as “Guardians of the Ancient Ways and Culture”

Nnamdi means “My Father Is”

And thus, the two Flora’s link to my mother through the code play of F.F…
Flora means Flower..
Lotus Santana…
FF..Is 66.. 12..3.. Luke (Shaw), Luke Simon, Luke Wilson..
Then to C.. Cecilia.. Caecilia.”6 in Roman..Chris Franco, Freddy Crespo.. E.S.P..O.

And the name Shaw means “Thicket or Bush” and “Wolf”
Which aligns and links to not only Fenri..F,E.NRI.. But also to N.R.I..The sign placed by Romans over “The Chosen One” as he crossed over to Death…in the most brutal way.. still able to Rise..
And to the Legend of the Founding of Rome, by Romulus and Remus.. the twin Boys suckled by a Wolf…
Link A. Santana;s sons by Ritz Montes.. R.M.
Royal and Reign.. whom I was present at inception and on and off until yesterday both near and father.. watching over them…

Thus, you can see the connection that I am making, that Nigeria, Niger.. would really mean the River of God..
Stream of Consciousness which connects all Rivers.. links to all Rivers..
And that the Two Flora’s are the same person as both Black and White.. See sacred portal 87..”Returning the World to its senses and Sensie’s” Mothers Father..
And that the Supreme Mother is a Man called C..Chukwu.. a being of 6th Sense and E.S.P…
Who has been posting for 4.5 years.. a total of 54 months…
4.5/54…The Bean.. by using that One River contained within All Humanity, all creatures, all creation.. which link them as one P.AN.G.E.A…H..I.

Thus, the N.G is the same as N.G as sacred Portal 147…”Emmy”-
21..Universe “Uwa”…World…Awareness.. U.W.A…
And Nigeria “N.G.R…14 7..18… Nnamdi Geoffrey Robert are all E..
“My Father Is present, The Peaceful Ruler, The Famed Bright Shinning Light.. Emmy.. Emeka…Praise.. Well Done…”

And that if Nigeria, Africa and the rest of the world soon to follow, except the Blessed..
See code Ogechukwukama Ifediorama Ngozichukwuamaka and Arwen Simon Gry Ahmad
in the passing through the great Hunger.. it is because despite numerous warnings and evidence, they did not contribute to help in this play..
Especially Nigerians, and people of Afro and African American origins, while the Jamaicans stole my passport and led me to the Pitt of Hell and to the Vortex at which many of them passed through the middle passage,,
See Igbo Landings… Savannah Georgia..

Will Hunnitpercent Real
Eric Lile Brown..

Savannah Blair..

W.E..S… We Supreme…

But no U… For U.W.A..meaning World..
Nor is there any We as I noted a few days ago..
No Double W…
And No Alpha…A..Room A..

Which means that you or they do not Exist…

And so, one can see what moved me to An Assessment Shelter..
And what prevented me from seeing Partick Ikem Okolo’s texts to me..
And what moved him at 10:00 p.m-10 a.m.. 22- 27…V.B.G…
Victorious Beauty Grace…
and at 6:31 a.m yesterday…
6:31 Confirms the 6=Sixth Sense Fact of Sacred Portal 31..”Resurrection Restoration…”

And so yes, I was moved by the Rio River which leads to the Source.. the greatest River…which is within me.. in my expression which links Everything Everywhere, And Everyone to the one Source.
And to deny him, to leave him in an Assessment Shelter all this time, means not only Denial Insult.. Supreme..
DIS.. to “Diss’ someone which I heard from so many Nigerians, and people in the West..
And so I did respond to the challenge that with only 6th sense, I could send you all out of Existence who denied and refused to recognize the truth of God flowing through me.. Water which Climbs up.. then comes down.. Water Fall Generating Power, Electricity.. not to Damn but to create a flow which allows all who are true to Rise… and Shine.

15 years
27 years..
38 Years.. 38.. 11.. K.. 1..A..
E.M.E..K.A../A.K.U…A.K.A.. Seed Hand Alpha World Expression…
S.H.A.W… I come as the all devouring Wolf..
After all I am in Green Point… Slav.. origins of that which is no longer a myth…
But real…

Partick.. Ikem Okolo… P…I.O.
Isis Osiris.. IO.
code Obiajulu Igwe Okolo…
Of the Khmet Egyptians…

And the Line of Alfie Nze.. Will be given Grace..
But I must hear and see Ikem so that he can make amends as he stated in his last text.. For not being a better friend to me he stated.. and to give me appreciation for my guiding him through my natural expression to see the Beauty of Life…

And Alfie Nze whom I contacted already knows..

It is Eternal Law that to deny your Source, and then led him to a Shelter in a challenge of refuse and denial so offensive that the only quantifiab;e consequence is a slow and painful death, which continues even after you die.. until you cease to exist..
Which is exactly what was given to me, over and over again…
as I crossed over..
Hence Niger Rome Istanbul….N.R.I…(West and Africa) as U.WA…World Super Powers..
influencing all things…meddling..

This is the answer and response to your Mockery to me, to my Mother and to her Expressions and Truth..

And it does not matter

12:15 P.M

Orien Laplante
And so the O Rien Nothing which you are with out your Source..
Cease to Exist.. World.
And Everything you hold dear.. except those who are the Blessed..
Who gave Praise Appreciation Respect Recognition to their Source..


12.17 p.m.

Life Quantum

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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