
9/2/2015 13:44 – Facebook Post

9/2/2015 13:44 – Facebook Post
9/2/2015 13:44 – Facebook Post

11:46 A.M.




I have a new Facebook Friend…

We have moved to 358…C-58 Facebook Friends three times now, which one can would reprerepresent Hieght Expanse and Depth..
Three Dimensions in one, called the human perception.

Welcome David Cooperstein…
D.C… 43

Born 1993…A I..I C in lettees

David means “Beloved”
Cooperstein means “Copper and Stone”

Copper is a metal, (Cu).. And a conductor a conduit used transfer electrical current.
And Stone as in Pierre Peter the Rock in which the Church was built upon..

Hence, “The Beloved Conductor of Electrical impulses. The Conduit of the Stone or Rock of Ages and the true Church of Creation -planet Earth…
The Rock and foundation of the World.

It is a Person (in this case, reflecting myself as all Facebook Friends in this play I have found myself after discovering that my life had been set up to share my Consciousness and perception of Existence)

My body is the one incontestable proof and non stop evidence of the Truth and progression of the Evolution Awakening of the planet.

Many older Facebook Friends will recall that it is this condition of my being a literal Human Conduit of electrical impulses of Earth and Heaven as Nature and Universe…which forced me into this play.
It began 15 years ago when I first visited New York and intensified when I moved here and found myself not allowed to forget the mission from Beyond this realm which I had recalled as a Boy of 8.
A which I sought to forget because of the impossible demands it made on my life and Existence.
I found myself receiving non stop transmission through my body then trained by the ” Unseen” forces of Existence and life to translate these emission coursing through my body.
Which through the years intensified to a point that I could not do anything else.

I was aware that I was being trained.
I knew why.
And yet it was so difficult to accept in this world consciousness that my body had been hi-jacked and my Consciousness “Spirited Away” to Dimension of the Human past present and future.
My body-Awareness, and my Consciousness Cee was made to see and experience what I knew should be impossible according to the laws of physics of this world.
Witnessed by countless people, there are presences in my literal Body and Being, who rise in me compelling me to be use my Consciousness to decipher and solve the riddles of all forms of Existence Publicly on Facebook
But first for 11 yeaes in New York I was in training.
I was sent into this world with full Awareness and memory of another realm of Possibility which I have been compelled to prove into Existence here.

During those first 11 years, while being trained, I sought every means of escape, even death (not suicide) to escape what was being done to me..
I could see and travel to Dimension in and outside of time for as long as I could remember.
But it was through my own will.
But this time, it became as though I the Individual no longer existed, no longer mattered all that mattered was I finish the mission.
Fight the most terrible War played out in the Spirit Realm and the realm of human thought which I could access and travel to but this time not through my Will but by the will of the literal presence in my body.

And so I fought to escape this abomination..
The “Alu” which could not be..
I was taken to realms of the cause and effects of Humanity no longer humans.
To Cruelty mans inhumanity to Man…
To places which made my very essence weep from what I was lead to witness experience..
I became John of Revelations…
And I saw things which have humans had done to each other through the ages..
I travelled to all the realm of Nature and Space ..
To the Dead realm both here and those dead through Earth Fire Water Air and Violence..

And I went to Dimension to spread the news of the Awakening and heard the rage rage of Nature at why was Humanity created..
And I could not believe the Hatred and Rage for Humanity which I witnessed.
And the rage for me for bringing the news of the Awakening of Father and the Everything.

The Unseen realms demanded to know by what right did Humanity have to evolve.
And I was punished so brutally for refusing to give in to all their Rage at Humans..
And so they tested me, showing me and giving me the worst of Humanity, the most awful Human Consciousness to pass through..
To be tortured so cruelly with the message “This is what Humanity really is”
And yet, I knew it was not entirely true.
For I had lived undercover as a Human despite being called an E.T or recognized as being not from this realm or world.
I fought with this play and set up for 11 years while the Beautiful Ones in me rose in me and suddenly my body became a literal battle field of the Play left Good and Evil..

And the Beautiful Expression to the Beautiful Ones within me, who were my Family from Beyond rose up to fight this two great Evils..
The Good and the Evil..
To.prove both of them Illusion

My last mission was made clear via a divine being in Geoff Lacour, that my friend final mission was to destroy the idea of God and the Church..
Destroy Religion…

It had served its purpose..
And become the Source of all evil in the world.
Perverting True Nature and True Consciousness..
It had to be destroyed.
This was the first final brief given to me by my.family who spoke through the Beautiful Geoff Lacour…
Who knew me..
Gave me the Intel, of how all the Evil of Humanity was planted in me by jealous brothers…

All proven True and affirmed independently on this 42 month hellish Facebook play by others who saw and witnessed this Truth.

That was 1O years ago when I received that mission impossible brief from Geoff, I knew it made sense but how, I wondered could I defeat the Church and God by myself, without my full Emeka State incarnated but as a human experiencing the most cruel conditions and humanities most vulnerable state..
Being so physically Alone.

The answer came that I was not alone but based on what I was being asked to do, be a conduit and tool for the Resurrection of the E Line through combating the Shamans Wizards witches Mad Scientists Philosophers and intellectuals..
The Governments secret societies and then the wrath of the Established churches and religions..
Add the “Evil” Humanity raised by 2O12 to a point where I truly saw why I was being pushed so far.
Because Humanity was really truly about to go out of Existence as an entire Species..

At least through this play where Time was stopped
(See Ground Hog Day…G.H..D…78..4..
Milky Way MW 78 -NASA classification- 4th Dimension.)
To give Humanity a period of Grace which brought me to Facebook to Transparently decode the Transmission and let people know what is really going on, by providing 42 months of Evidence made so self Evident, so that people could discern for themselves.
And choose a Course of Action through the Understanding of this play.
But most of Humanity are no longer Human..
A Human Being is by definition a child of Nature and Energy..
Naturalness and Expression.
Nature is Cyclic, has Order and is Harmonious..
Intelligence A.I…Alpha Intelligence.
Expression is Beautiful by the very physical Expression of Earth, Heaven, Human Bodies..
But the Human Beings..
We’re not Being..
They were lost in Space of the Illusion of the 4th Dimension called Outter Space..
When Space is all down here, made up of Air Water Energy..A W.E..

So most Human bodies became empty..
Humans became Zombies, empty vessels which were so easily taken over by forces of evil..
Hypocrisy of thier own making.
The Body Snatchers
Earth invaded
But only through mind.

So I had to go into space to bring Humans back from Non Existence as Space above to give them the codes to transform, to re-enter thier bodies by grounding themselves in Being..
By proving that Being is Love..
And to Love is to Cee (See) Clearly through the correct consciousness..
And thus see the Awakening…
Happening all around us in the True Beautiful Present…
But first before landing they had to destroy the invaders of the Body they had vacated..
The Demons which had taken possession of human consciousness where merely reflections of the Evil crrated by the mind Brain human Beasts lost in Space..

It is true about the great war between Angels and Demons, God and the Devil…
A War in Heaven and Earth with the Battle and battle field taking place in Middle Earth..
Within Me..
My body…
And the bodies of all true Harmonious Humanity..the few.
This was a rescue mission.
To save Humanity from themselves
Thier thoughts and perception and perverted expressions…
Humanity’s worst enemy is themselves in the Unnatural state of not sitting in thier Hearts.
And thus not being able to occupy and Ground in their bodies where the Beautiful Truth is so present…
That Humanities Best Friend is Harmony.

But how do you get a race of Human Beasts turned into superior acting abominations of their True Natures to pay attention.
This is what this Facebook play I finally undertood was all about.

Taking responsibility of the Gift of a Body and Being …
Expression …

But as you witnessed this play was all set up. A script to.Ground and not be a Hog (Ruled by Greed) but to be Harmonious Full Circle O of perfect Symmetry of Grace.
And D.A.Y…
David Alberto Yonathan
The Earth Stood Still.
To welcome the Arrival of the E.T.

My First Family..

But so few paid attention..
So few truly listened
Everyone seemed to have something to say.
Even though they had not read the book on Facebook which Universal Nature Existence.
The one True “God” Harmony went to so much trouble to train me and break all the rules of Existence to present to you the Truth…


Is a paper written by Joseph Stern on the Menorah and the Hebrew Portal called the Holy of Holies.
Yesterday it popped up on my screen when I sought to investigate what was in that file

Hawa Ali
Nyleti Gladness

Intials Created
H.A.N.G…the Hang Man in the Tarot..

Today I can no longer see Nyleti as a Facebook Friend…
Though her presence as N.G aligns to me…


Hawa Ali
David Cooperation..

HA! D C ..as in Washington D.C…mocking this play by use of “Demonic Power”- of lies subversion of Truth..

H…A .D.C

Harmony A Direct Current..

I state that the latter is the correct Equation..
Considering the meaning and the play affirmed with Andrese Harris Burton (Hawa Dekonte..Hawii 5O State..her first contact with Aryana Luna Leone..A.LL..speaking to her directly for the first time yesterday…Who lives in Hawaii..Dekonte aligned to Donna O’Sullivan..
H.D..84..Aligned to my Facebook code listed as my date of Birth…84/48 see Sacred portals..
And finally David Cooper Stien..
The Beloved Conductor of the music of the Spheres..the Universal Harmonics..
Unity Harmony
Hu-Man-it,-Y…(Yonathan-Meaning Grace
Yonathan Yohannes..front and Back…past present and future)
Add E..Harmony


You Exist.

1:43 pm.
Is my final answer and response to this riddle given to.me to solve, link and weave..

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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