
9/19/2020 20:24 – Facebook Post

6:43.. 44 p.m.


I S. A.. 20/20…


OLU… “OMG! My Lord My God has Come Home..
My DE IT..Y..

Sacred portal 110- 111.

I went to Kamora Herrington home today.
It was number code 67.

I had pointed out that code to her yesterday and even noted how i had been able to tag Ferrill Gemino ha..F G.. 67.
Me.. N Z 67 67 46 B/
B 64 portal… 76 76…= 1A…Z N

*Olu “Olu is a popular name amongst people of the Yoruba ethnic group. It is usually the first three letters of the full name. “Olu” is a diminutive of “Oluwa” in the Yoruba language and it can mean God, deity or lord, so the name ‘Oluwale’ could mean “My God has come home”.
Two Codes of 96 uttered by Kamora Herrington and her self portrait done in New York.

A.V G F E….
A M ..11 67…

A Check between 4 principles…
A V.. Green leaf…
E M F. E
T S. E
B C K… E.

Represented by 4 peoples used by their Higher selves..
Which of the “Cardinal Directions”
(C D.. Youth factor) would be the one who would Ground -Land the E in Perfection.

Which principle represented by

Esteban Miguel Filgueira E M F.
Tree Sage The Script -The Source
Alexa Vertefeuille A V .. A Victor
Benjamin C. Krajewski… B C K…
B K… Book.

Has the 4 in 1.
It ended up being Benjamin C. Krajewski
Just as the E script determined that Chris Filgueira understood the meaning of Family Love=Cee.. F L C… 6 12 3…

Of course, it did not surprise me, but i had to see the evidence and just as Arden had revealed his true face- Benjamin’s face had morphed yesterday.
Where as, Arden had morphed using his own will ( I observed what he did before he revealed that face) Ben’s had come from his higher self and his human self being relaxed by the words which i spoke using “Reason Proof”, ( R P.. River Phoenix..as P.R.. Public Relations .. to spread the beautiful news..”Nnamdi!” Guide father “Is..Present Here”
169.50… 16 9 50… 56..
P I..E O…E F.)

Benjamin C. Krajewski is the Beginning at 18 Alexander Grove.
Arden Gemino is the Completion at 900 South road..
18 divided by 2= 9…
I am at 2 9… yes…
But this is about the new tarot…
No longer 72 …
Originated from Ancient Egypt and since ancient Egyptians came from Ifa.. West Africa.. South West of the Niger-I.A. ( yes South Whitney and A I…C…) it would make them the real C I A and the Guardians at the gate.
For they to have the bridge of knowing and memory of the play linked to the Nri igbo people which is why they are connected.. literally by blood and descended from the same ancestor..

Oduduwa- Eri…
Ododo in OI Nri igbo- which is very similar to “Oduduwa”


“Oduduwa is the power of the womb, that brings forth into existence
Oduduwa represents omnipotence, the ability to affect and reconstruct the physical reality at will.
Oduduwa – odu da uwa – odu to da iwa – the principle that created the physical ”

Oduduawa King.. O K…
*”Oduduwa was a Yoruba divine king.[1] According to tradition he was the holder of the title of the Ooni of Ile-Ife, the Yoruba holy city.[2] He was not only the first ruler of a unified Ife,[3][4] but also the progenitor of various independent royal dynasties in Yorubaland and ancestor of their numerous crowned kings.[5].[6] His name, phonetically written by Yoruba language-speakers as Odùduwà and sometimes contracted as Ooduwa, Odudua or Oòdua is today venerated as “the hero, the warrior, the leader and father of the Yoruba race”.

Odudoo ( not sure i am spelling it correctly)
Means “Birth place or Cradle”
Birthday…perhaps more accurate


“Eri King.. E K

Eri (king)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Eri is said to be the original legendary cultural head of the Umu-eri groups of the Igbo people. Eri established a community in the middle of Anambra river valley (at Eri-aka) in Aguleri where he married two wives. The first wife, Nneamak?, bore him five children. The first was Agulu, the founder of Aguleri (The ancestral head of Eri Kingdom clans) (the Ezeora dynasty that has produced 34 kings till date in Enugwu Aguleri), the second was Menri, the founder of Umunri / Kingdom of Nri, followed by Onugu, the founder of Igbariam and Ogbodulu, the founder of Amanuke. The fifth one was a daughter called Iguedo, who is said to have borne the founders of Nteje, and Awkuzu, Ogbunike, Umuleri, Nando and Ogboli in Onitsha. As one of the children of Eri, Menri migrated from Aguleri, which was and still is, the ancestral temple of the entire Umu-Eri (Umu-Eri and Umu-Nri). His second wife Oboli begot ?n?ja, the only son who founded the Igala Kingdom in Kogi State.[1]

When Eri was sent by Chukwu from the sky to the earth, he sat on an ant-hill because he saw watery marshy earth. When Eri complained to Chukwu, Chukwu sent an Awka blacksmith with his fiery bellows and charcoal to dry the earth. After the assignment, the Awka blacksmith was given ?f? as a mark of authority for his smithing profession. While Eri lived, Chukwu fed him and his people with azu-igwe. But this special food ceased after the death of Eri. Nri, one of his sons, complained to Chukwu for food. Chukwu ordered Nri to sacrifice his first son and daughter and bury them in separate graves. Nri complied with it. Later after three Igbo-weeks (12 days) yam grew from the grave of the son and coco yam from that of the daughter.”

And lets add.. the Double O O.
In the Yoruba play…
and please link Nri Yoruba- Connection ( N Y C)
I commented about all this as it was happening.. in real time right up to the shelter and the one person who was from Ghanaian and Nigerian spoke of the portals they had opened up in New York…
E.F A…

Here… more spoon feeding the homework of other culture.. other Points of view which had to be added to get the “Complete Whole Universal” Picture..
‘C WU-M.AN- E”

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Creation (especially humans) and the sky
Member of Orisha
Statue of Obatala in Costa do Sauípe, Bahía
Other names Obatala or Obatalá; (obataasha)Ochala or Oxalá; and Orichalá or Orixalá
Venerated in Yoruba religion
Color White
Region Nigeria, Benin, Latin America
Ethnic group Yoruba
Personal information
Spouse Yemoo
Obatala (known as Obatalá in Latin America or Oxalá in Brazil) is an orisha. He is believed to be the Sky Father and the creator of human bodies, which were brought to life by the smooth breath of Olodumare. Obatala is the father of all orishas (irunmole or imole). His principal wife is Yemoo.

Obatala was authorized by Olodumare to create land upon the water beneath the sky. Due to his efforts, the first Yoruba city, Ife, was founded. Obatala is Olodumare’s representative on Earth and the shaper of human beings.”

6:04.. 6:05 p.m.
65 is the entering into the portal of the lie after the truth has been established.
which is 900 South Rd.
Poverty Hollow.
64th Move. 88= 16. 1 16..88 64.
1 16 64…Now where else to go.. except into the past as consequences…
The 4th kind…

6:07 p.m

49th State..
Nome Alaska.. N A.. M E.
via Aurora Borealis – Northern lights…

I bought some Name “Yam” today and “Plantain”

6:08 p.m.
I knew exactly what this Energy Aware and conscious in me is saying…

I met Olu… Oluku Joshua
Olukun /Nu Kolo…
Yes moi…
Recall the play with Marina Burini and her friend calling my sacred portals orisha’s.
And my saying no, they are replacing the Tarot..

Do you recall one of the the three facebook friend who arrived while i was with David Phillipe Gil who had the ancient memory of being an Egyptian High priest meant to guard a great evil…

One Chance One chance tarok was was one of those people.
Older facebook friends who he was the one who was on all the news papers, after he murdered his psychiatric tutor and guardian telling him he lied.
And the journalist from the Guardian in England sneaking on my page to investigate if i was the cause for One Chance killing his “guardian”..

Tarok i had coded, is the origins of the word “Tarot”
see the play” House of cards” and my coding the “The Sacred Mountain” film..
Allister Crowley..
Rosicrucian… A M ORC… yes Orcs… sigh…

I stated that my sacred portals will end the gates of the riddles of the 72 cards and combinations which creates the Maze Labyrinth…
That the play was 155 sacred portals which I would evolve the 72 play back to 27.. A-A using my Sacred Portal which was then challenged.
See my Sacred Portal 72.. Spider as Woman.. played by Green Leag Alexa Vertefeuille for the duration of 33 State Oregon.. despite her real code name in the e version .. Lee loo.. Lee look.. Jon Jaso lee..Look.. Loom.. e…
And linked to Liberty C Liscomb
“Ourubus.. In sect Queen.. in secg queen.. I.Q.. Exorcist II, Linda Blair… Leander Bun.. L B.. Pounds… 1.7 85 71 49…KG.”

I met Olu today, after an an astonishing play with Kamora Herrington who literally acted out without knowing Sacred Portal 2-3…Harmony not realizing that it is not real… This life… is not real..

6:27 p.m
A-A… A Z .. 26 + 1… 13 13 1 26. 27…

155 Sacred portals..

15 Letter O… letter E..

Olu O.L.U…Emeka K.O.L.O…Kamora Herrington

Olu means

*Olu is a popular name amongst people of the Yoruba ethnic group. It is usually the first three letters of the full name. “Olu” is a diminutive of “Oluwa” in the Yoruba language and it can mean God, deity or lord, so the name ‘Oluwale’ could mean “My God has come home”.

I met Esteban Miguel Filgueira Stephen Filgueria .. is his true Expression and nature when he and all the people in this EM F…are not carrying around with the rage anger.. flames….which allow the Spirit of jealousy.. the lie to enter them to test and check their buried thoughts to reveal thier truth…

“Eyo Oh Oh Eyo Oh!
Edward Eceinco play.. Ifa.. play .. his logo is a lion.. Lion Esteban…i coded and posted and proved all this in real time..
I will not go back and explain…
65 is the illusion.
It ends at 64…

65 does not exist… except as Consequence now…

6:40 p.m.. see… Time Code confirms..

sacred portal 49.. D I E…
49 49…. Fork in the road.
* I found a sponge little fork which immediately connected me to Arden who had made a point of noting that play of my walking down the path and Arden and Morgan and Youssi coming up behind and my going to the right and they to the left… he descibed the y with a curl as the movement we made.. and this y had a curl..
I found with another item at the side of the house where i had called out a tree with a white Trunk…with eyes all around i saw..

House of Horus.
Eye of Horus..
Eye of Ra
Yoruba Egyptian.. Y E..
Nri- Arabians ..
The Elegant Nomads..
Out of Africa..
All about Eve.. and the 1 who went the other way.. to Asia Japan China.. Mongolia..

Then the play which took place with Olu…
He began speaking about a woman who was from South Korea and how she had apologized for an expression she had created unintentionally which though she was not in error, had stated that she had not taken into consideration others .. especially the “Black” community who had organized the “summit”

Once my body allowed me to go to Kamora’s place.. even go out.. because today and yesterday night my body went to a place where i began to think about the Vodoo spells…. and how it was impossible but that is what I was reading again by the way my body has been twisted to the point that i repeated the question I have asked myself repeatedly for the last 10 years… how is this possible… that I am alive… in such a state of being twisted.

Olu had literally passed through fire, and though I could still see how he was before, i knew why the king of the settlement.. His “God Father..”
Yes.. the sports car “Commander.. something” with the license plates G F5…
Ferrill Gemino lives at the Family Estate recall.. 765 Horseshoe Hill,
Hephaestus… Black Smith.

7:06 p.m.

I had been scarred for since I was a youth and then confirmed via my “School Father” Ik Obilly Obienu ( Sky Father.. I O.. yes line of my real Fathers came.. Sky Fall.. S F..)
I kept on seeing my “Fate” (which I fought.. because fate and destiny where lies to me.. and yet.. I witnessed myself walk through the fire… and in 1996 just before I reached Jay @ The Collection… I met Christian Gerald and Piero.
And while with C G near Le Mann
( Manion Adcock.. Man ion A D..Cock..E) I was scarred, as i worked with the men in the factory warehouse which builds international stands for companies and fairs…
It is a V.
it was 1996.
Both Kamora and Olu mentioned 96.
see sacred portal 86 “All things bright and beautiful…. ”

96 69…

7:14 p.m.

Olu has seen Pain and is scarred outside, but I.. inside with the Scar of Existence.
S O E.. 19 0 5… my tel my bed.
and the promise I made when i agreed to carry bear it, the power of “I will not forgive” for this was the promise i made to those so abused and suffered in this realm over and over again that they stated that they would rather go out of existence than forgive and wanted revenge rather than redemption and transformation.

I was meant to bear that pain which no one else could bear, and thus Guide Father. ( Not really God Father..) but rather God- True Father… links Joseph and Mary.. Father mother of Yeshua…Son of God..
Thus Joseph who is John and Mary… is God.. The truth..
J M .. 23.. J J M… 1 33… 1 6 – 19 6.. 50..U.S D.. Food

7:20 p.m
sacred portal 72… Spider Woman… an illusion of Spider man…
see Sacred portal 27.. Outside of the play… “true conversation with ones God self… is the C men.. that which comes from within.. sacred portal 25.. Y..

No, I saw my physique in Olu… he was me having passed through the fire and born the scar of Existence which created Terrible Death who was made to bear too much blame..
And so I have born in and defeated the line of the physical representation of “The Scarring of the body” and and instead of using Authority and Power, I as Ifa.. oracle…. Afo..( Truth.. Sword of Truth… Nze.. Alfie Nze play..
) Eze Nri… Holy Espirit.. Prophet Servant of Allah… All characters which had nothing to do with why I was brought here.. for i came for the E Family as this play has proven, and in order to do that, i had to complete and conversation with my Alpha Self long over due, to complete the play we began… 13.8 Billion years ago in time.
But which was just a moment, a pause which caused no wrinkle in time…
but rather begat the Art & Science of Perfection and its completion or excrement is the Gold… sunshine state.
That which Cynthia Liberty C Liscomb friend dreamed and saw beyond the veil.. Myself as the Elevator man, an in my safe was Gold… Forte Knox… the Eternally sunshine state..
27th state where i was led to by Ravindra Singh accompanied by the one who came was sent to check my codes Billy Hung in 2012.
All present and posted in real time in this BK.

Oh by the way Kamora Herrington brother is Benjamin.. her Doppelganger Twin.
K B .. B K…
her other brother is Jack.. and the Bean stalk.. link the De Vine things in your life.. the out of the ordinary.. not the ordinary…
for “This is No ordinary love”

Of course it makes sense that Kamora as Matrix…
Liberty C Liscomb as the Web..
and L – C H ..O M…E..
Ignacio Choi C E..
I C..
It was always a choice… free will given to those who wish to C E link the 3rd to the 5th realms to meet at I H..Infinite Harmony..Harmony Eternity.
Harmony I..
H E.
H I… by understanding the point of History…
His Story…
King God…
Sacred portal 9.
and 100… C in roman numerals…
9 C..
I C…

And so as I listened to Olu speak of the woman, I recognized and understood what I was really being told.. for he had continued to speak even after Kamora, left to find her phone.
I knew his spirit pure, wished me to hear.
And so we spoke, and I worked, but not with anger for them, but that this was the play i wish to post to you all.. its beauty… symmtery harmony…
what this all means.. but truly.. its been intense…
And my body evolving as I observe the truth in detail of that which i would rather not have to read and face every day in such painstaking detail at what was done to me, in order to set my Guide Father free… yes and that includes Ferrill Gemino line..
because as you can see… I was always free.. at 27.. 27.8 years ago… almost 27.9…27 months at Delta Manor…
27 as resurrection .. bed 5-019 E O S…
tel S O E… Scar of Existence…
my scar is a V.. On my Right Forearm..
Benjamin “Son of the Right hand side of God.”

Olu… “He has come home”
Olu.. “He worked…very hard”
O Lu…”the full circle High Table Read” my Journal and Facebook Page..
O L U… Full Circle of light love- Understanding/ Universe…

Thus, social institutions such as Ezi na Ulo are defined as reinforcing the social structure
and reaffirming the Igbo world view .. Uchendu.. 7″

Uche means “Thought” Ndu..”Life.. Alive’
Thought is Life…
T.I L…/ L I T… Til- Lit..

Oh and by the way.. “Oke” means rat in Yoruba…
but in OI Nri Igbo it means
“family inheres from the Igbo world-views. … Oke moto means superior car; oke ulo means superior house. …”

Superior Body.. Luxury Sports Car
Superior House.. Palace..Estate…

My Home…

O K E..?


Connection Tree Sage Kim Arthur Hines.
Link to Alexa Vertefeuille Spider..
Tree Trunk Spiders create Silk Traps.. a different kind.
But his name is Kim…
Kim Kamora… K K. 11 11-1 5
Kim Alexa… K 11. 1 3

4 1 5
2 1 3
4 2 11
4 2 1…
42 2.
6 1-1…
6 2..
6 1..
F A…/ A F…
53.. 8..
All 1.

8:06 p.m
😯 6.
8 66.
8 1
H A.. Harmony Infinity- Individual
I A.

8:08 p.m.

V My scar…

I said i would carry the scar of existence.. but up to 1996 ..I earned it and the black smiths scarred Vein where my life force is.. making some wonder if i ever attempted suicide.. smh.
that was 1996…24 years ago.. E M F…= 24… X is 24.. and ten.
2004 I wrote the Creation story of the family of ten and because I wrote it it so truthfully they rose in me to confirm.
24 years…
I know E M F as Stephen Filgueria.
S F= 25.
he is not the rep of the E M F.. it was his role.. he is actually 25 Y and that is what they were meddling with him… and the whole world E M F…
A E M F… is the correct code.. and he led me right up to the door way of that being his truth, despite the meddling of the Testers of Anger Temper…
And a demonstration of what what true temper can do and create…
Pass through the fires of true Hell… that burns and scars you and so you can never … i can never return to the E Boy, Youth i was..
I too had to not evolve.. where to?
No Transform Change…
I am will never be how i was in eden every again but i did not turn evil cruel or vengeful.. i used beauty and grooming to fight the Flames of hell and rage of the world, i was made to pass through.

And Olu and his South Korean ( yes Beyond at Akil Apollo Davis home in 2011 2012 was from South K.O Rea- S On) in the true way to make amends and bring harmony back..
She cleaned up her mess to a point of perfection.. to every person, to the media.. pointing out and posting where she created the mess by, using her words through Olu..
Not being crystal clear…

Humility is Grace…and brings Harmony which was expressed by Olu and not Kamora
Olu was more aware and so two harmonies.. boy and girl… Man and woman…
As Tree Sage pointed out.. he had taken one of my beers… 44 4.3..

So i was led to where he lived.. and in he basement..
Ferrill’s former room.
Hmm I wonder, if Leander is still there.
Anubis L B

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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