
9/19/2015 19:05 – Facebook Post

9/19/2015 19:05 – Facebook Post

5;35 PM..


Revealing Unveiling Energy…E




I see that we are at 375 facebook friends, instead of 376..
Which by this play of Evolution Awakening would have meant 3-76 C sacred portal 76…The awakening but it seems someone was impulsed to leave the play making Pete Edochie..P.E..T.E…
E.T (Link AND-D.NA) Elizabeth Palacio…
My 373 Facebook friend, instead of 374….
which aligns to his date of birth in perfect symmetry…
P.E.T.E..E Do CHI E..
Perfect Symmetry..

but how is this possible…?
Alan Turing…The Code Breaker…of Encryptions…
Who is imitating who?

YES i HAVE BEEN BREAKING CODE AND ENCRYOTED messages for 26 years and 42 on Face Book

My latest face book friend is Emyxcel Kingsley Chukwuemeka Okezie…

374 Face Book Friend…I have not uploaded the sacred portal 74.. It is called The Mouth of the Creator…Onu!..

Lets break down the meaning of his name expressed by echo response of Existence through you..

* Please note, I am not allowed in this play to manipulate who becomes my Face Book friends…
And even though, I am on public access so people do not have to become my Facebook friend to access my posts, each person comes on their own free will. And I accept everyone who comes, no matter the disguise undercover in this world they are wearing..
Thus, I have no control of who becomes my Facebook friend nor thier timing…
It is all Harmony, not control is what I discern this play of my Espirit ( My Individual and Collective Expression through Eternity and Time..I.C..E.T) is proving using me, its Source as its conduit- ( to my enormous Irriation.. my brothers Mothers and Sister… Onu Nnonyelum… Obumneme Nnamdi.. ON ON.. Ancient Eqyptian Capital…

74 was the year my Former hosts Albert was born..
and which aligns not only to his mothers birth year, but to my own mothers birth year, as well as that of Pete Edochie…47…
there are currently 3 messages and 74 likes on on my screen…
I am writing about my 374 Face Book Friend…

Whose name we can break down to its literal and code ( Initials -meaning)

Emyxcel Kingsley Chukwuemeka Okezie..

Emy, XCEL (excels.Excellent….X C.E.L..X ( 24- 1O C..E.L..)…

Kingsley.. Meaning from the Royal Woods, The Royal Field .. Elyssian Fields of Forever…? E.F..56.. Yes, obviously based on the codes it would mean this..
see sacred portal 56..
we just completed with Fractaling As Emeka Eze 55 Emeka Eze…EE 55
“Emeka King..e.k..5;11 )

Chukwuemeka is my full name.. meaning “God ‘Harmonies Creator, The Creator has done something Great, Done so Much…Great Deeds, Well Done..W.E.LL…DO N-E)

Okezie…”God Comptes.. It is Complete..”. Not really Finished Huh?


Ezi meaning Road or the Way”
OK, the Road- Way is E…

Emy is sacred portal 147…

Emy, excels, Excellent!, the X (S-HE the X factor, “Anomaly”) C E L ( l=12 Completes) the X cellular regeneration, rebrirth-of the Espirits E to solid form embodied in this world..
He is the one from our realm sent by us, from the Elysian Fields of Forever,
Chukwumeke- KA! The creator of Harmony Infinity (HI) has done something Great, done so much.. yet he completes his mission nevertheless,to show and reveal the road and the way of E homme- home..
Well Done…”

*I am now at 3 messages and 75 likes..
C.75 Sacred Portal..

Which is a perfect timing to introduce my 375 Face Book Friend..

Welcome Q line of the Ancient Queen Zulu…Kololo…( And off shoot of the Khumalo of the Kwa Zulu of South Africa..S.A..
Khosy Khumalo…

Khosy comes from the Word “Khosi” meaning “King” in Sesotho
it also means ” We extended…Stretched

p.s Just found out that NAMIBIA means “The place of nothing”
correct code Nam I bia… Nnam, I bia..
“Father, We came”
code Nnam D.I E B.I..A…

Khumalo is the name of the Kwa Zulu People whose…
Whose famous issue was Mzilikazi who joined Shaka de Zulu who defeated the British Army..
it is quite a story the brotherly love between Shaka and Mzilikazi… Who was so beloved to Shaka, yet at the same time was the only Warrior to have ever defeated Shaka in battle..He gave M his role as second in command- well earned.
It recalls the great friendship of Alexander the Great and Hephaestion…Bogas..the Persian…I met a Bogoas while in Istanbul… yes he had memory…A,H
Achilles was an ancestor of Alexander..
see Achilles Patroclus..
I mention this because even through the code of their Inials
S.M A.H…B.A P..B.P.A…..P.A.P.A..
I am linking them to the the two in one line, the twins the Same self linked as 1…
there was never any question about their sexuality or lack of appreciation of Woman.. There corrupted titles of Gay, never existed nor had any meaning..
it was the link the immortal link of the eternal brother hood of man, expressed in full glory not supressed.
They were all the most glorious warriors, Definition of the Heroic True nature of Man going back to Ancient Greece to Africa and to the realm of EE..E…

And it was never about Gender or sexual orientation, it was always linked to the devine bond which links men and women..

Khosa.. The King…of a peoples…
Four Dimensions in ONE..
“We created an extension of the play by extending a had of Friend ship to this world…not well done”

4 (1)
55 E EZE.. King (Not Teeth)
Emyxcel Kingsley Chukwuemeka Okezie

KIng IV-V-VV-V.I..King
X C.E..L

7;o1 PM
Allen Ginsberg…
Beat Poet
Beautiful Pride…
Physical Education
(The Physical Realm is an Education)
before you can enter into the Palace of the Kings of Existence
the Q
Omnipotent Beings ID EA
Heart Hearth Home of Homme Man
7:O5 pm
375 face book friends Aligned…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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