
9/19/2015 17:34 – Facebook Post




Solving the Riddle of Existence…
The Ancient African way merged with the “Modern African Caucasian”- way…
Merged into One Arts and Science…


Simply Beautiful Understanding “Ijeamaca” –
The Beautiful Momentum (Beyaz-Light) of Energy..

Beautiful Expression..

My Way…

My Word… Still linking..

Yesterday I watched the movies The Imitation Game…
Ti (7th Note) G…Grace- Gratitude…77..14..N..E

And was filled with the sadness and contempt which had made me refuse a life primarily dedicating to help others…
I had understood the world and the experience of so many great beings I had admired through out the Human time line.. I had no intention of dedicating my life solely to the advancement of man through the awful interpretation of the Messiah Complex…

When the Messiah= Messenger is Simple…

He She, they come to deliver a Simple Message.

“Wake Up!”
Your living in an illusion- the expression of your lives turned into a lie and now a Web…

Then they embody or helps find tools and expression to help you wake up..

This is called Beautiful Expression…
Beautiful O ( Perfect Symmetry) Words Harmonized to Manifest Meaning.

So one can imagine my horror, when I who came to Boogie, and share through my own way, ended up in a play of the worst nightmare of human existence, which is the role of the Tortured Artists, Messenger, Prophet Social and Physical Scientists while living trapped in the Spirit world and the Grey Zone as Mind of Men, and Humanity who are all secretly angry at God.

That I find myself SOLVING riddles of Existence to a realm… well see the movie… The Imitation Game..

My release from the realm of the Spirits – their expression and and their bodies, called Humans in light ( Death) and Dark ( Life) by answering all the riddles they sent me which for a life time and then consciously since 1988-89 in London, when I finally turned and faced the Unseen world and began writing my Journals called Talking to the Silence…
As Guy Pierce in the Movie Momentum, I was sent down again and again into the Heart of human darkness of Emotions, Experiences to clear up misconceptions and face their rage… Unbelievable Rage at Existence and God..
And so I was sent each time into forgetfulness as Guy Pierce, “Time Machine” sent into the past while living in the present, each time forgetting, only to rise and remember…
I did this for now 26 years, non stop consciously.. Working my way through portal after portal, home after home, person after person, each time falling in love with each person, ( which is the only way the power to move people to come home is realized and activated…absolute hell of hurt for a species who are Love but have no true understanding of what love is..)

– Acting as a portal and an equation that I had to solve, not only to get my Mother back from the Spirit realm where she has been held hostage, but also to bring forth the Truth of the E line who exists beyond the Mists.. of Avalon or Mt Kilamanjaro…(KILL A Man Jar the O…source.. Genie in Bottle, Message in a Bottle…Sting of the Police… Kill Alpha Man message Jarr him so his message for the O is never heard…)

I never forgot the play I was in, I could see it, but going down, into forgetfulness through use of Anger and Hurt and Revenge…
When you recognize your family from beyond in the human vessels who instead express the rage of the Spirit world of Good and Evil…
Ah, now that is the meaning of Pain, and the true power of Humans as Evil Illusions.. They are brilliant almost genuises in knowing how to cause pain…

And so I have answered to them- but not the Humans, for as James Camerons movies The Abyss, Titanic Avatar ( T.A TA! Meaning Good bye! and Eat them”) hinted, there is something else controlling Human beings… Mind mapping, Hypnosis Collective and Individual.. and Spirits… Ancestors, the past, the dead….
While another, the E beyond the fog which clouds Human perception interfers..
I reach the heart of the person each time, and each time at the bottom of the Human and the Spirit of Anger and moving them, is Grief…

So, I have been answering to the Spirit world called Illusion of death as Nature.. The ancestors who move their human descendants through Breath and awareness without them even being aware..
It is they whose whose questions and riddles I have been responding to while at the same time clarifying thier fog of misconceptions by proving the realm and Existence of the Truth of the E.T thier true sources seeking to Guide them, and guide the Human Hosts as to how to cross the bridge of Illusion of separateness, which literally threatened humanities existence- and their ability to merge into one..
And thus reach their true potential, already in Existence called the Family of E…

I have been solving all the riddles of existence, from the most ancient mysteries to the United Field O (U.F.O), The Theory of Everything…(TTOE)
The Truth of the Universe ( TT O TU), To the Fractaling As Emeka Eze..
To proving that this was a Play, setting, a training camp for learning how to interact communicate and play with each other..
Not “The Imitation Game”

But the play of Exemplification Unique…
Communication Beautiful Expression..

So it makes sense that my new Facebook friend sent by the E line to affirm this as a Play.. is a Well Known local and international Nigerian Actor..

Welcome 374 Facebook Friend Pete Edochie

Peter means “Rock or Stone”

Edochie “Edo” Means yellow in Igbo and “Chi-e” Means “His Chi E Energy-Expression..

Edo is a word which names a People “EDO” and the original name of the Benin City,( See Festac 77 Mask of Queen..)
the great Empire linked to the Onistha or Onicha… The Edo are a People..aligned as the Yoruba Kingdom are said to have been the original name for the the true capital of Kemet Eqypt…
That they the Edo the Yoruba and Onicha people all migrated from Ancient Egypt.. Edo its self being the name for Ancient Kemet Egypt…
And ON…Onicha Onistha…the name of the capitial of ancient Egypt before it was Helleneized by the Ancient Greeks to Helipolis”…

Observing the trajectory of this “Play” from 26-8 as literal being revealed as Energetically Ancient Kemet, to the portals of Mount Olympus and the Greek island- Turkey…to it being the base used as of West Catersian though and the modern world.. One can observe that we are indeed, in a Time machine going Backwards and forwards simultaneously…
Down into forgetfullness No Ahs Ark, to Ah! Air Line…I remember!”
North East West South
Full Circle O
8 Harmony Infinity..


What was meant to be an Awakening Story of NNAMDI..
My Father is Alive..

Became at the same time, a constant challenge,
A War..
To bring Awareness to the N.E.W.S World..

Ingratitude beyond belief beyond the true story of the Alan Turings and Steve Bikos and the Female Warrior Queens -Warriors Valkyries of Existence…

I knew my experience had gone way beyond even that..

But I have not been addressing the Human beings as ghost- I have been passing through the Spirits worlds and thoughts of men..
proving the Existence of the E line Supreme through a realm and expression of Jealousy Competition
Anger Hate Rage and having been forgotten by God…
The Creator..

without explanation, left to Chaos when the Blue Print to achieve Harmonious co existence has been laid bare everywhere…
proven by I,E…

Edo also means ” Bay, Estuary” and was the former name of the City Tokyo..

Chi.e also has meaning in ancient Japan…
My brother is married to a lady whose family are from Okinawa and Tokyo..
And was my next destination point after New York, before I was “Trapped” in this play..

Edo is the name of Facebook Friends Miracle Mike Aghimien as well as his girlfriend V who also came as a face book Friend..

Onistha is where my Mother and her sister went to Boarding school in a Irish Catholic Convent, as well as Lord Charles, and my Bio Father…

It is also where my Grandfathers Friend the First President of Nigeria, The Owelle ( Prime Minister) Nnamdi Azikiwe was from, who lived in Nsukka and whose Daughter was my Aunt Iesha good friend as well as his second wife “Uche” was my Mothers Best friend…
Sam N who was the Chief Librarian of All of Africa was also my mothers companion..

I could not help but see the link…of Nri and Onistha…ON Ancient capital of Eqypt (Kemet..E.K.O Edo) meaning “the Great house or Temple”

Or that the Edo people were ruled by the Osigo…The Sky people, just as legends of my family on the Maternal line had legends of my mother, grandmother and Great grandmother as being from the Sea, the Border line between the Spirit and human world, and the Sky.. Enugwu Ukwu..

And the Onistha Prince called Chidi Ejiekeme who saw through me, and trained me for a secret mission in the U.S.A which I rebelled against even as I went to his home and to the palace in Onistha…after hearing the stories of my Grandfather Family…His mothers name was Elizabeth… A queenly woman whom I loved as I loved C,.E Who looked like a taller perhaps more beautiful version of the singer Prince..and my younger brother Nnamdis Energy…
Sam Nnam..DI!

Sam my father is Alive!

I knew these people, and they certainly knew me,but it was from another real world..
I did not like having the disadvantage..
i wished to know why they were…

To even meeting so few Nigerians all these years but meeting one from Onistha while living in the Soho- the green house turned into an Art Gallery…

Onicha Nri Universe?
O.N.U…Onuabuchi…my mothers name..




Time now 5;11 pm…

Other meanings of Edo…

“To eat, E-do,,to give, to put forth, to give birth, form, yield, Beget…publish spread ( the News) go abroad, Circulate….
Tell, inform, disclose, announce, declare, preform, show bring about… be the Cause..Edit…Complete..

Peter Edo, I noticed was born March 7..1947..age 68…
3-7/7-3..47…(11 28..39) 68..
David Roman Nicholas NNamdi was born 1968…11-22
My Mother…11-22 1947…

I lived at 268 for 4-9 years…4th Street in a place called L.E.S, Alpha-Bet City. little Africa…
L.E.S A (B) C…LA…18 Mountain View…two months today…

in the end Peter Edochie the great Actor who rose to fame playing Okonkwo…in Chinua Achebes “Things Fall Apart”- ( A family friend we called “Uncle” who was the first person whom my mother gave my writing to to see if I had talent… And just as Susan Train of Vogue sent my work to Edmund White and Allen Ginsberg..
my mother sent my work to Chinua Achebe and both responses was
Oko- nkwo..
Nkwo is the 3 market day out of 4 of the tradition OINRI calendar..

My mother said to be recently, that she was informed that I am a child of Nkwo…

5;28 pm…

P.E… Means Planet Earth…
and are the intials inversed of Jonn Blackwells mother..
Elizabeth Palacio…
meaning “The Lord is satisfied to the Palace…”

Peter Edochie means to me..

The Stone – Rock ( S.R) is E Do Chi e…
that the foundation of the Planet Earth was E Doing the Will of his Chi Expression Do…the first note…
of 1..
And discovered that His Espirit or CHI.E..Is really the Son and Daughter, Father Mother, Brother Sister of which he the Being here, is their and its source
NNA…Father…Mere e


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