
9/18/2019 19:22 – Facebook Post

9/18/2019 19:22 – Facebook Post

1:11 p.m

1 is Two makes FREE.

I R T S…


There is a quiet today.


I am still at 13 94 Facebook Friends.
And the code A.M. is every where.

Every since the play with Liberty C Liscomb last night and the confirmation of the E.Q while I was at Jesse Macias.
Completed with John Mack and Tree Sage

That was the play of E.Q.
The Equation I had completed with John Mack line was the Equation of Expession is Quantum.
And aligned to Natural Expression creates Jump Man.. A Quantum leap to the 5th Dimension.
Which was confirmed in a Micro to Macro play.
Literally taking 29.11 years.

( 29.. 2+9=11)

* Someone posted today my sacred portal 11.
That was the final play, and my conversation with Liberty last night.
This time she was not moved simply by the awareness of her higher self, but by her present human self.
The consequence of this is the alignment in one with her Echo, or what some might call your higher selves.
These of course, are all the “Yous” in every dimension, going back to your Original Self
Who exists in the Fifth Dimension.
When all the Full Circles of your Self from the Eternal Realm 5D to the 4D to the 3D.

Align 5 +4+3=12.

Then you reach your True Self .
T.S ..P… Perfect.

This morning Liberty quoted two numeric codes to me
160. P. O
120. L. O

Love.. Light.. Laughter.. Liberty.

280.. M A N. O
100.. C in Roman Numerals.

Man is the C of Consciousness Speed Of Light.


16 P A. 16 1… Perfection Attained.
12. L A… 12 1… LA of 6th Sense.

* If you have been following the play on my page all these anchors should be familiar to you.

Yesterday the completion of I.Q.
And in the play ” Unseen by most of you”
But definetly, as proven yesterday that Human Intelligence can definitely understand the E Language Consciousness.

As well as the Multi Dimensional Play.

Let me give an example of how this play of Evolution Awakening unfolds.
( The play being your orchestrating your own Awakening, in which I was used as an example to show you how to play when your turn comes.. after the Awakening)

The time right now is 2:07 p.m

267/ 762.

27 F.L.
Florida Sunshine State 27th.
Arden Aurelia.

The Code here at Liberty’s is L.L.
And her home code is 9:17…I.Q.
Thus, I moved from E Q. to I.Q.
5 17
9 17.

L.L.. 12 12 .. 24 E.M.F.

On the 16 was a phenomenal play which began as a culmination of 19 days since I moved into Libertys Portal.
16 P. Poseidon. Arden .. meaning “Love”
19 S.. Farell.. Daedalus . meaning “Victorious Man”

Now recall my last 2 Facebook Friends numbers 13 93. 13 94.
MD Bahar Ahmed.. M.D. B.A. / A B. D.M.

Bahar means “Spring and Eternal Youth”
Ahmed means ” Greatly Praised”

And Igwe Chukwuma

Igwe means “Sky, Electricity, Air Waves..
Chukwuma means ” God Knows”

* Liberty is currently speaking to her friends
Zachary.. Zachary is also the name of then 17 yr old son of Dina Singh Ji
And means ” God has remembered, God Responds”

Link 13 93 Facebook Friend M.D B A..
Manifest Destiny Being Aware/ A B Dark Matter 96%

I.C.. E..
F.C.. 63. Which was my code intel today Full Circle
First Contact.

I Respond.

2:27 p.m.

Igwe links to Anu.

See meaning where both converge and meet at Air Waves.
Energy Thor.
I A..

E I. A.T. S. H.E..

Its a message to me by the E.T not linked with the Naturals.


7:11 p.m

Allways O.PE.N.

I know I have not been able or perhaps willing to explain in depth, the meaning and significance of the play as well as “The Conversations” with Liberty C Liscomb.

Only enough, to use as a book mark, for future reference after the Awakening.

But evolution had to be proven first.
Body and Being.
Earth and Planets.

The Planet is now at 8 Hertz.
Its has been evolving.

AH-Tom and Energy E .

See sacred portal 8.

And my assertion and proof, that the E manifested the Atom Molecule Cell. Energy Mitochondria Bean..

A.M. C.E. M.B.
Manifest Being
That first a Being, A Hueman Being manifested Every Thing.
Every Where
Every One.

E E E. T.W.O.

3 E
2 E
5. 6.
11 1.

That E Manifested Nature and first the one being and then the Family of E.F..
Evolved All AH including Universe Nature O.

But I have explained enough.


7:22 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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