
9/18/2015 16:19 – Facebook Post

From Chris Franco (Whose See and Harmony, Has been publicly transparently been affirmed by this “Play”- not a Game of win or lose- See 5+4=9)

His see aligned to A.H 18 Mountain View… on the 18th September…2O 15-35-8…
3-4 Sees Embodied as One Aligned in the Present…

Imagine, that the greatest nightmare in this present reality is Symbolized by the meaning of the name Chris Franco… The bearers or the followers of Christ’s (Meaning the anointed) burden is being a Freeman.
Able to see and perceive more deeply (Dune Mo-AH Deep) and see the Full Circle of Everything, right to the portal home…

imagine being Free and able to see- becomes the greatest nightmare for people, rather than what it really is… The greatest blessing and gift of generosity of Espirit, of sharing the “Cee” to the Self enslaved, who became so self centered by their lack of Trust in all they perceive because they could not accept that they are loved and had been loved, in ways often difficult for them to accept.. Because they did not would not know what Love is.. nor how to respond to it…Especially when they perceive that there one notion of what love should be was betrayed.
And thus, would betray in turn, crucify and reject all those “Natural messengers” and assasinate all those who came to Elu C.I D AT..E…Its meaning…

Never trusting it, waiting for it to see them truly and abandon them..
Creating their own ideas of meaning of love, so unrealistic, them impose that as conditions to the truth that they are loved..

how could they recognize Love, if they do not know what Love is…?
That love Cees All…

That Love is Understanding- but that does not equate to accepting it as a lie…imposed…on those who learnt to take Loves as the Cee, for granted..

Love I.S,,,

And it is always recognized.

Love does not abandon anyone,just as Light of Day and night has never been inconsistent through out the human time line and even Eclipses would still reveal Day..Light Transparency…

love is Truth..
Love is True..

Love can not be contained, limited, enchained, imprisoned, own, make jealous and covetous…Enslaved.

Love activates, self love..
it is as a candle in the dark which moves from one candle to the next, lighting each one, sharing the fire of its passion.. it see..
Sharing with every candle believing it is alone in the dark…
to reveal like stars shimmering in the night sky, which give way to day, that you were never alone, but you just could not see, because you became so self centered in that search for the Truth..
That when that truth came, you did not, would not recognize it, because you had forgotten why you set out on that journey in search of the truth…
because of the thought that you had been expelled from your home, from the Garden of Eden, that warm and safe comfortable haven of that first place you felt made you warm…Your first home where you felt you belonged…Your mothers womb, not remembering that the Womb was not the first home…
it was a place beyond…
And that is why you were “Expelled” from the Womb after 9 months, or it would turn into a Tomb- so that you could walk in what appeared to be the blackest well which through your own understanding can turn into the light of day of understanding your past, the Universe, the 9 planets and the Sun…the Son…
the Seed planted in thee, so that you may wander and wander if you did anything wrong..to deserve being left alone in the dark- expelled from this comfortable place..
Not realizing you were sent out to discover your true I.D…

And once the candle lights you up by sharing its Cee Flame C.F…its light…
The rest is up to you.. Now that you see..through the light of your own, but only you can decide what you chose to do with that light now activated in you, what you choose to see…
the Light or the Shadows..of light.

What do you chose to do with all the Intel, all the information, shared by the messengers.. The ELU..C..ID…AT I NG (147 See Sacred Portal), everything as Love, Sharing True Information, True Expression, True Knowledge this is Love..
Those who see your illusion of Emptiness..the Void in you..And fill it up with the water of knowledge by raising the water in you… That you see just as well..

Thus, you can never be abandoned, that love can never go away ( though the original candle may after lighting up all the candles in the room by sharing his Cee Flame Light…

For that love is now in you, proven through the way of the Truth this is how one wakes up to that familiar sensation that you are loved…
because some one came into your world to prove it and you true..


but you must accept that in someone, a stranger sharing his reflections with you which are all about you… that is the true meaning of love..
being True..
and that is the light of infinity Love..
it becomes that light itself in its own unique personal way..
And it yet It expresses that very love activated as the same..
which causes the stars twinkling (Anya Wu..Wu US…Woo us!..Seduce Us”)
to give way to the light of day..
Evening – Night- Day…

Love can not be denied…
it is Truth..
and that is the only way.. that all the candles lit by the messengers, unite as Individual Defining; A love which can not be contained or limited…which brings Expression Harmonious..
AH 18-9…Light I.D..D,AY..
Lorenzo Delguidce..

Saying “Son” I never went away…
i am right here..
just turn your focus and remember me, us..
another way…”

See us through the eyes of love..
I see you haven’t forgotten the way..

Emeke Elizabeth Lorenzo Lorena UU..
Above and Below..
One Love..
code name Orien Laplante
OH Rien La Plant E
Orient and Rise..
Change Focus..’
i Exist..
just as the truth and true you..
Do! Nnna

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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