
9/18/2015 15:11 – Facebook Post

12:46-7 pm



I .AH!..Harmony…
I and I Harmony…

Death O Speaks D.O.S.
His name
Sophie Anastasia Maverides
Sophie means “Wisdom”
Anastasia means “Resurrection Reborn”
Maverides MAVI (Meaning “Blue”in Trukish
The 5th Color..E Rides… The ” Waves and Tidal Waves of that First Drop… F.D which feed the World?

MA..V.E…Victor E…R =18 Letter
*Today is the 18..I am at 18 Mountain View…
I.D.. Identity
E Supreme…

Zeina Hanna
(Donnas Daughter)
Z.H Beautiful Harmony
S A.M.
Sam Nnam…DI
Samuel means “God’s Name and Has heard you ask the Question…”
Nnamdi Meaning “My Father Is..Present”.
And thus What is God’s Name and How do you know He/She is…present?”

Day And Night (D.A.N)
D.A.N…..I…E.L..U…C ID Umeano Chidi-Ume-Ano.
Daniel Alexander Nnamdi
combined as One Day…E
O.D.E…to Eternity…

D.E ….A.T…..H Harmony
Onwu…(I.N R.I…R.E..in Laughter in Igbo)
“Wu” as Woo” is the meaning of the number 5 in Japan China Korea…
On 5
Anyawo…Bright Luminous Eyes
In NRI tradition He/Shebis the messenger of the Creator Chukwuemeka who lives in Enu Igwe..
The Heavens, Sky Hill Mountain of Kings…
But which literally translates the “High King”

But real means the Consciousness of the Highest state of being..

Woo Man
Would then mean that Man is a 5th Dimension Being..
Embodied in the Future of Man as Spirit reaching that Dimension .
Through Woman…
And the Womb…

God’s Name and He Is Present
Mort…Mortimer M.O..R.T (Righteous)
Meaning “the Sea..’
Mary Maria MM…Z H.
Beautiful Grace and Favour of the Creator
Mother of the E.

This is About God, Nature Z Beauties Name.
It is funny how language and its origins and roots can paint a picture and reveal the Truth..
Woo Woo!
Seduce Man of the Fifth Dimension..


It is difficult for Westerners to appreciate that which the Ancestors and the older cultures know with unshakable certenity..
That there are parrellel universes…and that there is no such thing as Duality and Death.
The Ancients understood what was seen as the great divide of Life and Death was an illusion that life and Death are really a Circle..
Just as Day and Night….24 hours..
One Day…O.D…
Life here is Night… Forgetfulness..
And when you die, you actually do wake up to Day…Light.

I experienced this in Paris, December 1992 when I was summoned and “Died” only to witness an indescribable Light so beautiful and full of love that even in that state my Caucasian breed mind had to comment drily “So this Light others speak of in near death experiences actually exists…”
Yet I recognized this love and all my true “Afro Being” wished to do was pass through…
I was never afraid of Death, just as most of the older cultures in Africa Asia were not afraid of it.

This experience was affirmed again and again Publicly by the power behind this play, who brought me to this Forum to bring to Humanities Awareness the Truth which they long suspected being affirmed in both Afro and Western cultures since the beginning of Time.
Compelling me through Stimuli Impulse Awareness
S I.A…of the Truth.

Energy can not be destroyed….
Thus, how can there be Death as an End..?
Energy is Cyclic, A Sphere, a Dot a Perfect point made…

But Illusion can be destroyed.
Ghosts, Spirits Thoughts not of Energy aka Truth..
Because they are not real..
There is Truth within the Illusion but as the saying goes “Nearly does not kill a Bird”

Meaning to reach the Truth all Illusion have to be cleared up…Sort of like Grey Matter must transform into a “Spotless” mind.
Pure Reflection which turn the Spirit world you created into spotless mirror which reflects only light…Is Light.

In the Spirit world you live out what you expressed in this world..
It takes shape and form and becomes a riddle, a Labyrinth, A maze…
And the riddle is that now that you have left your body can you figure out the realm you are now in, and why you are there…?
Can you align it to your life in the physical world of Energy transformed into the Beautiful Illusion called Physical Matter..The Nothing..

Yesterday was Orien Laplante birth day.
One of my oldest and aligned and in Harmony with the play, by doing nothing but by simply being his most natural and clean self.
I have never heard anything he posted that was of “Filthy or Diseased Expression”- most times it is ” Gratitude ”
He is one of the few who just spoke, letting his words flow from his Stream of Consciousness without restraint or unencumbered with what people might think of say..
Pure Spirit..
Which is why he was able to recognize and call the literal Expression and Being I represent and literally embody in this play…
How could he have known that one of my code names is Beautiful Beam (B B)…
Just as I knew he represent the Great Spirit
they code being in his very name..
O Rein LA Plant E…
The plant and the mole is E…

I spoke about this many times, me being sent back undercover, used as a Spy…

Yesterday was his birthday..
The 17…a number which had been comming up again again with each meaning becoming clearer and clearer..
Queens, Quantum Quantitative Quality..
Intelligence Quotient.
The Transformation of the Totality of the Spirit world, from the Blackest Tunnel of Human Spirits Actions Thoughts…
Clarified through solving the riddles the “Black Tunnel called the bridge between I and I..Atomic Material Elemental-Spirit Material Ethereal (Earth Heaven) having now been bridged to create from III..H..
Harmony..and a Pathway to E now that all Spirits Actions and Thoughts enacted in this realm were now aligned to the Spirit world through solving the riddles of Existence…
Transformation of the Great Spirit..
Universe Nature…
U.N..aligned as One Expression..
Earth Space Heaven
E.S H ..S H E…
E.H.S..Supreme has been cleaned up.

This is the task of which only the Greatest Shaman Dibia Priest, Magician can do..

Walk into the Spirit world, the Song line of an Entire Human Species walking back through time back to the Future present 15 Billion Years ..6+9 where Sight and the two realms as Body and Being – Life and Death had to be realigned, revealing that under all that Human perception as Spirits confused, Spirits inhabiting Bodies which they did not realize that they had to merge both realms into …
That there was always H…Harmony E.
This turns All Dimension of the Past called by humanity, “The Present” 1-4/.
124 into Light Transparency…

Enabling All Universal Nature.. Physical Realm
And Universe Natural…Spirit Realm..
Into One realm called Harmonious Expression
So all can rise and see that first light which I witnessed, experienced and recalled in 1992..
The Portal to the literal realm of E…
All which I had to play out by being in 3 realms or planes of Existence at the same time while proving to the both realms in Illusion that they are 2-3…Spirits Thoughts Physical Material realms that they are all one.

The Ancestors knew this but they could not explain it put it into words what and how they knew..
Nor could they explain it to a Cartesian cold logic bent on Survival… In a language to a Consciousness which had cut with the Spirit Realm, especially with the mockery and perverted expressions given to it…

There is only one Truth…
The E Realm all as One Day and Night all in One Day
Not two parallel universe 69..
Inversed as movies are portraying..
Day and Night separated by two CCees..
When both Life and Death are Illusion of false meaning..
Created through Confusion Frustration and finally dismissive Anger Impatience -Denial.
A.I D.

Life and Death as percieved and experienced by many here is all Spirit…Ghosts…Demons of Human Fear and rage at Existence of thier physical experience in bodies..
Getting in the way of themselves and thier “See and Cee” the blue print of the Mind Being of the Creator The Refkections of the Creator had created a Blue Print and Map everywhere and in all things that you

But most pass into the Spirit world which is not really Day…It is what people in the west call a parallel universe .
But the Igbo call it Mmuo..
The realm of what is called Death is really the Expression realm of what was created from the Physical world…
In one realm you have a physical Matter bound Body, while in the other, you are Spirit unfettered.
You live in your expression of what you acted out in the physical realm.
To some it is Limbo, Purgatory, the Celestial kingdom, Hell, Space..
Yes Space is the Literal Past…and that is where the Dead go…Back to Nature and the Space of everything.
But they are invisible to the Human Eye because the mergining of the Two realms Visible Invisible (V I-I.V) back into one had not been done.

Human sensitivity, and the finely tuned Human Body as a radio, a transmitter a T V, A computer filled with Encoded D.N.A. (A.N.D..link) had long suspected and retained this as Fact until Cartesian logic, to offset superstition what they called Pagan beliefs, which later turned to Christian beliefs were tired of how superstition was being used to incite fear and Control began to reject anything they could not see, investigate measure..and empirically experience for themselves.

The Twi
And it spoke to

Conscious O’best has been speaking for a while about the ancient world, and how the laws of the Natural world where usurped by the Church.
An unnatural consciousness which refuted Ancient ways for the perverted idea of Christ’s story.
The man from Nazereth in the “Middle East-M.E) had come into this world many times before with his mother who also came as his sister
This happened not only in Africa but all over the world.

Mother and Son


But where is the Father Daughter.
Pere Et Fille
Planet Existences Truth
The VV O
The Two in one..
Same Sight
The Two
And the Two in one..?”

I am Right Here.
S.H.E and I are right here..
E.. I.D. .E..

3:11 pm
Chukwuemeka Kolo

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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