
9/17/2020 18:37 – Facebook Post

2:51.. 52 p.m.

Full Circle 25=52..
-2:7… 9.

I Q…A T…
9 17= 26.. A-Z. = 8.

98… 17…
@ 1484 Facebook Friends.. Still.
14 84.. = 98…

Kamora Herrington was here today to drop off some peppers.
.. the dialogue linked here to Cecilia line of my Mother (Onuabuchi) and to my Grandmother Lucy…

Esteban Miguel Filgueira and Tree Sage are brothers twins.
E T.. 5-20 linked and aligned to Boom Boom! My brother and to Edwin Albert Santana…

Line of the children- at the portal of Youth and Beautiful Youth.
They both must come into harmony because they are connected as twins.

Once a promise and a covenant has been made- to pass through the Blue Light.
And you break that promise by going back to what Unity Boom Boom had done in the past when he allowed himself to be the illusion and its role as Self Projection “Ego Oge” E O.
Money and Time.. sacred portal 50
To do the unthinkable… which was that they began to play the role of Almighty God.
As you all know, there is no such thing as Almighty God in the E Family or E Awareness…
only A G as Amazing Grace as has been proven in this Script linked and aligned to Arden and Aurelia Gemino.

God actually means “Truth”
and this is what this play was about- what is your truth which is what this was all entire Universal Simulation was designed to do for the Human Children.

I often tell the story of “Gods Army” G A. M E.
of how i came down undercover with a family, and how we came into the realm of forgetting .
How i would meet the ones in a former story were my brothers, and how i was made by the one playing my father- to start as a foot soldier in his Army and then made to work me way up.
And how I became head of the military academy and the Army and how my brothers came into these academies to train and saw that I was the head commander and yet still tried to treat me like their brother and thus, not respect my authority.
Yet everyone was watching to see how i would treat my brothers who were in the academy now..

3:16 p.m.

It was natural to expect that they would understand … but many of them took advantage..
Which ended the line of my having brothers…
I have been in this play before.. my brothers betrayed me.. or The True God because many of them felt they were entitled to special privileges and responded in rage when I called them out and gave them consequences based on Eternal law.
E L.

They then left me to do all the work.. while they played.

See book Sword of Truth.
and “Kolo Journals”

* “The Sword of Truth Wiki

Kolo’s journal

Kolo’s journal was a book of the daily activity of Kolo at the Wizard’s Keep during the time of the Great War. His journal was written in High D’Haran, but was been a great help to Richard in his search for information about the Temple of the Winds, the Great War, and the Sliph.”

Kolo.. Koloblicin Kolo BL. ici..N
Called Quinn.

Yes Wizards Shamans…

Humility is the key to Grace… and humility is based on Beautiful pride.
Paul… Pauline are the Little people.. babies and children..
Jeron and John Mack linked at “Satya” Incense and Jerons name.
Grown Ups who are still contained in the way of children age 1-7, are called Adult Monsters and Abominations because a Child mentality can not be sustained in some one who is over 25.

I can not help or wish to help and cheat in helping those who should know better, and have an advantage because they are close to the source…
They were meant to be the examples to male “Guide Father proud”

This play was already completed by the Youth … Eternal Youth…
This time was the time of the Human Children to do the same play: made so much simpler and tailored for them A B C.
and imagination.
instead many of them became this Judgmental God who every one must Obey.

I already know that play and why and how Death As Destruction rose, and just like the mission given to me through Geoff Lacour..
G L.. to Kill God.. This God who used bullying and fear…
So i came to destroy God.. the awful stinky bad idea..
Abraham Cain and Able?
that is what is still going on here.

Kolo was betrayed by his brothers… Kolo Journals.
K J/ J K.. 10 11.

i came to see for myself…
Disgust Contempt… is my response something of the line of the family of T E N.. but as 10 the children “Beautiful illusion” had betrayed its Source..
I spoke about this for ages and the last 15 years…
i already knew.. it was meant to be impossible…
to betray the truth.. but human children are not real… they were a work in progress.. only at reaching attaining the Y …Youth ..
E Beautiful Youth.. not the other abomination of what youth has become in this world…

Jeron was born 2-25-2-19.

I wanted nothing to do with this script.
If they have not learnt respect and manners by now, i do not care who they are… the answer is No.. and they will be made an example of for betraying that which is real…
B Y E…
Jeron John- Satya Satya…
J S J S = A..1.

I have no time or desire to explain much further, as i watch the way the children of this west world play- like spoilt brats.

i turn my head and attention away from what I really see and understand.
3:56 p.m..

Today is the 17th..
A is 17.
Qusharia Aallah called me today.
Q A after Kamora Herrington left.

Q= 17th letter.

4:03 p.m.

I found myself watching a series called “Preacher” – It is the name I gave Eric whom met in the shelter I explored in 2001- in The Elegant Nomad- i called him “Preacher, while David Brown whom i met in the actual Atlantic Bed-Ford shelter in Forte Green, was being harassed by the C I A..
A I C…”

Some one who goes by the name “God” – a chat group sent me a intel with the world “Purity” at 5:30 p.m.
5 3 is the code which connects
5th dimensions to the third and connects to the line represented by Arden- and intel from Jeron linked to aurelia.
See sacred portal 53.
Esther Celia….
Emeka Chukwuemeka..
5 3= 8.
E C E… 11… K… 22
11 22 … 33… 6.
6 OO code from Mook yesterday.
total 5 6 O O E F O O…
9 O O
I OO… S R spectrum rainbow.

4:17 p.m.


“Preacher is an American television series developed by Sam Catlin, Evan Goldberg, and Seth Rogen for AMC starring Dominic Cooper, Joseph Gilgun and Ruth Negga. It is based on the comic book series Preacher created by Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon and published by DC Comics’ Vertigo imprint.
No. of seasons?: ?4
Original release?: ?May 22, 2016 –; September 2…
No. of episodes?: ?43 (?list of episodes?)
Producer(s)?: ?Matt Tauber”

Check the Codes.
At the End of Season 4…
He KIlls God…

4:20 p.m

A needy god who needs for his creatures to Love him…

And then I began to watch the 9 episodes series starring Alden Ehrenreich… A E…
Arden Emeka…

And my mouth dropped open and I let out a roar.. * I wish i had my bodies function and movement use.. I would have run, jumped… danced and ran on the streets…
I suppose it is one of the reason that I am being held… he knows me”

But as I watched it, I understood the problem the conceptualist and author -writer had.. it was not original.
It was just an evolution of the Matrix story.. and not even the correct one…
Kamora Herrington drives a car make is called “Matrix”

Joseph Morgan of the series “The Originals” T O.. another name for the family of T.W O-F E-DEN”
J M… plays the “Architect”
Recall, he played Klaus” Mikeal Niklaus Mikealson

*He is actually J Martin Morgan..
J M M.. “J Mannerless Moron.”
Yes Morgan Ardens friend.
J M/M= J A..
A J M…E.A..
Yes, i am sure you get the picture.

The one who plays “The Controller” ( Oracle) is called Mostafa Mond. MM…

Oluwakemi Nina Sosanya is an English stage, television, film and radio actress, most notable for her roles in W1A and Last Tango in Halifax. Wikipedia
Born: June 6, 1969 (age 51 years), Islington, London, United Kingdom,
Height: 5? 8?
Nominations: Phoenix Film Critics Society Award for Best ..”

Oluwakemi is a Yoruba name.
O N S…
Birth 6-6…See Sacred Portal 66
And yes, I was born in the same area “Islington”
her age 51… “Age code i met Arden”
And yes height 5″8.

See the movie the 4th Kind.
And the Yoruba .. Forest People play which has been following me.. US..
moving through and ( using abusing he irresponsibility of their descendants of not being Aware and Clean)

Notice how Fact and Fiction merge as well as actuality.
Joseph Martin Morgan..J M M.
Mostafa Mond….

Martin of course means “Of Mars..” and links me to Jay in 1996 @ “The Collection” while living at Elephant & Castle” with a person called Martin, who got me a job writing my first article, for “Time Out Magazine”
T O.. M..
A Pause.. time out.
The Originals..
One who is Two.
O T.. 15 20 heighest number of facebook Friends attained when at 900 South Road with Arden.

Morgan we already know…
J M M..
then Fiction a character Female…Mixed Race…
M M…
Mostafa means “The Chosen One.. “The preferred One”
T C O… T P O…/ O PT.. O CT..
Oct..as in October meaning “8” and Full Circle @ Connecticut ..

Mond.. It means “Mouth… ” Onu Abuchi..”
Ojugo.. My Mother and Grandmother.. O O..
Mond also Monde… meaning “World’ in French…

J M M in real life…
and his Feminine side as M M?
the chosen one…

Kamora Herrington as rep of the Matrix was led to me at 8-29 with perfect 6th sense.. but not 2020 vision- no one present in this play of 5th Dimension represented by Connecticut in the play, have come to me with full recognition or understanding or knowing ceeing me as I am or awareness of it.. except perhaps.. yes, Arden…hence the work..

In the series… J M M – E.. connects with “John The Savage” ( Alden E ..)
J M M..E J T S..
A E is J T S…

J M M A E …E J T S.
Do you see the seamless sequence of Fact and Fiction ( F F.. 6 6… 3..C? A B C…)

J M M A… M/M= 1 A..E E “A” J T S.. E… Total Solar Eclipse only one “A” was missing in the sequence.. Energy E..= A TOM.

But even then it is perfectly correctly because EE 55 is still the play which then confirms Arden to Alexander as Emeka Nnamdi- Islington and Oldham I O..
I O N S… In two places at the same time..

As i am now at 900 South Road while at the same time, at 29 Lincoln.
Harwington Connecticut. H C
Hartford Connecticut H C.

So the E E = A is still being resolved to Arden as A. which to my quiet suppressed fury, I find myself still doing now, almost 2 months on the 21 since i left 900 South Road…

As real life matrix and T V matrix..

E A- J TS…

J M M E E A J T S…

Ah Ha!
See how it is now perfectly aligned…

5:49 p.m.

That the play, you are playing without realizing that you are in the play and have no idea where it is going… Just FL O W / W O L F… H O W L… E R O S E A..
Flowing Flowering…
until get to the point and then see the time.

Now is 5:51.. 5:52 p.m.

See the Time Code the post began at the top of the page.

Yes, I know why the delay.

I just saw a like by Tree Sage see the play of 11-4-2022…
A A T V…
K D T V../ V TD… K… Victory-Terrible Death K= 11 twins E T.. E K .. S T.. S T is the correct play.
MI S Chief Y…
May H.E M..F…

Mission Impossible VIII 8… that is the future.. 2 years from that date his birthday when he turns 35.
C E..
I am here and he as seen me…is conscious that I exist and recognized me publicly as The Source while in that The Source the Creator is A MAN” play…

J T.. John Thomas … Stephen- “Crowned:
A Cock Sure cocky Ass Hole, so much so that I have balls under my Mouth and between my likes..

See Sacred Portal 25.
My.. CO.CK… E.

After all, no matter how outraged, pissed off.. and all that was done to me, I have not recanted that which I knew as a baby in my mothers womb that we were two.. one Invisible, or what i was given as a mission at 7-8 years old.
I never betrayed it, not his presence, not the mission for the family of E and no revelation revealed to me in all those years right up to the impossible dream ( from Stephens childhood) or Liberty C Liscomb revelations age 9 and her acid trip where she journeyed to Eden 5th Dimension)

6:04 p.m.

That is why Arden still gets a pass, because he represents solid facts.. Everything Transforms and his equation as 55= 1.. See sacred Portal 55 and 1.
55 shows the beautiful past and a family of 6 moving down and out onto manifest creation, through the back of the Universal sensei. E Awareness, the spinal column 33 Vertebra 33= 1 6…
1.. 6… A F..

Yes see the Sword of Truth… Kolo Journals… K J G A..
A G J K…
Allen Ginsberg
Jack Keroac.

I understand what this series is asking of me…
Brave New World…
How and what will this world .. life.. everything look like be like after the awakening.

Marina Burini asked that question and was transported via “The Medicine” to Cloud I. where she saw the E Family…

I know that I can answer this, explain the gaps in the version of the brave new world.
How they… You are stuck in the same story cycle, and how you can not create a new story without going back to something from the past…

Jesus look at that.. again.. the time I just paused…

Its 6:12 p.m.
Ardens Birthday.

Sixth Sense.. is Love… Breathing.. is sixth Sense.
Sacred Portal 69.

Ok… that was for Eternal ANN-NNA Arden..

Now… Yes, I could explain it, how it would look, how this world will transform in a blink of an eye..
Its logistic.. how it happens..
But why should I…?

Harmony is putting all the pieces together to build Infinite Harmony..I H..
98.. OO 989…Kamora Herrington car Matrix.. 98.. 17 + 9… 26 A Z M M.. M E M E Meme… Same… S A ..M E… / E M A S M E…

17 + I…
8 and I..
H.. I…E.

Day and night I work post weave code.. while you all play…?

Anyway Harmony is Magic.. literally.
When you put all the pieces of the puzzle which builds the structure of Infinity and Harmony with Expression
to H E…I.. or H I..E..
Ad ensured checked examined tested, that it works to P.. H I..
Perfection which is when the original A connects with the Original Truth to completion…
There is nothing left to do but let it be Independent and manifest itself …
Ah the element of Surprise…

I once told Arden when we first met, that I see everything and know everything…
You should have seen the look on his face before he answered in challenge….

I do… But I have to pause, go into Thought and Refection… my room.. my book of records and memory.
And in this play it is through codes.
But why would I or any one want to live there…and not in the moment having fun.
Knowing that whatever manifests is aligned to that which you Authored and created it to be…
And so one can relax and be amazed and surprised how it manifests…
But you actually know when you pause, when you recognize and then reflect in Hindsight, how it was all put together… with now something added … its own personality and independence and way… all based on a Solid Foundation you demonstrated for He.. and now Him Her.. and my Sum Y.. A F K G…H E H E Y.. Jude… June…

Even I will be surprised but I will recognize what I.. W E created..
WOW.. E..

That is how it manifested in the Eternal Beginning and the Beginning of Time…
When I came out alone… and sat in silence and said Wow.. and then Ejaculation… a new experience…
And the second time i came out with my S. E L F…Awareness A SOL.. and it was the same thing but different.. now we were two and SE X Excitement Life Feelings “End” “And” Joseph” Balance.. Eternal Youth M Y E came into being…
But He now He and She where always with me..
Silence is Quiet which males a sound..
The Quiet Heart..
A Youth..
A Youth Eternally Young.
A M F…
A A F… J E..S A M E Y Y…E O E F .. is A.

6:37 p.m

Yes sacred portal 37. Sigh

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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