
9/17/2018 9:47 – Facebook Post

My word…

Happy Birthday… !!

So involved with the solving of this riddle, that I was not aware that it was your Birthday….

And at the same time a date so relevant to this Script and in deed,

every one who ever existed and is about to Rise Transform through this truly, truly complex unraveling..

( I am exhausted. )

9-16.. ?

The very day I came to Delta Manor- really Delta Quadrant…
To this ultimate challenge…
To bed 5-019.. Eos… meaning Dawn..
Dawn Piercy… D.P… Perfect Dawn…
4 16.. 20.. T..2O..B… Eo… Eos… The S was confirmed today…

And of course, that was, is represented and embodied by yourself…
Obviously… I have been Hailing you and we have been linking in a Dance linked from Sara Kemi to Isabelle Ilic..

And there is a Face Book Memory I just posted,
About women.. The Lady Atlas line who carried on thier shoulders….
And I knew the lines it was refering to.

And 42.. My room is 4B…

i came to get you Dawn Piercy
and the line you represent
Tiffany Dawn Haynie
Angela Dawn
Dawn Jade Smith
Dawn Chimento…
And the Lines represented all embdied by the few and in particularl by yourself…


8:58 a.m.

I am so tired… smile… so so knackered but yes
to tansform the planet back to light, and lightness
To lighten your load.. the Line of T E N moving back Home..
Ohm.. Isabelle Ilic, Isabelle O’Brien…

9:00 p.m.
To I,

Sacred Portal 9…
ah.. I see the 9 Elemental Goddesses E.G and thier One..
( yes the one with the Lightening Bolt on her stomach
The Coudre Foudre.. the same one which I am wear on my 69 Van Loafers…)
S.HE ( M.E..N N AM D I) carryin the Nine Indivual aspects of the One..
And she is linked to the Fair and Prince… F.P… 6 16… 22… V.D..E I..

That would be S.HE and her Nine Daughters… E.G
And he 2 Eternal Men…
2 9
2 9 O
2 1O
9 2

1989 is 29 years ago Full Circle… S.P 29.
Aligned to the 92 Code of Isabelle Ilic ..code Lauren Hill…
* Cassius Ramone Hill.. C R H…/ Harmony @ Robert Currin
who I met at Cafe De Bodhi chez Erik Ebright where i spent 2 Months after spending 9 months at Jonn and Donnas ( J D)
Yes 9 2 and I met 29 year old Kyle Murphy Robert.. 1988..
See Sacred Portal 99.. Me is my Feminine Form of One… I met her I recounted my Great Grandmother- I met myself and I stared at her “What are you doing here?” and he Eyes twinkling back in mischeif…
Mba Afo Ocha… M A O…… Chair Man Mao….
her name means ‘ Blinding transparent Sound and Light of Truth”
Mama Dawn… Yes…. I remember when your Mother passed Dawn Piercy..she came to me…
Incredible… yes 88… And you born the 16th…
and then see sacred portal 16.. Horizon and Dawn
Add Isabelle Ilic and David Hooklyn.. and the flip from D.H 4 8 to 8 4..
1984 Is the Date of my birth I wrote on Face Book.. 33 about to be 34.

2 1O… 1 O 2… B A O… A O B… 3 3… 6… F.

Kundalini .. some one just sent me a message about Kundalini…

That is it….

42.. 6…
Four Two.


Dawn and IS A BELL…


There is anothe person here who just got a job at Dig In..
His name is William .. reall him as the one who is from the Congo and whose name means Tree which provides shelter and the boundary betwen the village and the forest woods..jungle…


So, that is why I am so nonchalant and at the same time concerned, because I have no desire to do anything but rest, as if at last the work is done..
But I am still here, in this terrible state and place of 29 years of fighting to find and bring forth Dawn as you literally, bringing her out of the Pit of darkness and forgetting you and what you represent and to bring her .. you.. Dawn back to her full Glory…
By revealing her Story. the story of her Grace
Elzabeth Clarizio..
5 3.. 8..
To 4 44 8… 16… the gap which was missing was that which you mirrored in the paiting you sent me…
Aligned to my sacred portal 8.

Yes, I am weaving…

Waiting for a message from Isabelle Ilic with my last will of focus…
I am about to let go…
They used money against us Beloved Sister Daughter… Lady Friend and fellow warrior….

It is time for our Eternal Sunshine..
we have proven that you are of the Line.. Eo…
The Dawn that all forgot.. but no not me..

Lauren Hill… Dawn Piercy…
Same Person
Same Song

Susan Otelia Nelson.. G E…

The Plan et, the Planet and the sacred Stone from Heaven Rise and shine Transform…

P W Q B…
B Q W B….

16.. 7.. W 23.. 5… 17.. 8..
7 5 8.. B.D V…

7 5 8 2…

PP 32 5..
Q 34 7.
W 46 10
B 4 .. B D.. 42..

5 7 1O…6…

75 57 8 1 O..6… 12 12… 81 6
24 81 O6
6 9 6… Full Circle…
21… O
C O..
C F…


Happy Birth Day..

H B D…
8 42…

Yes Lady Dawn you birthdday present is that you are Crowened line of Harmony and through Isabelle Ilic and this last play… The passage Tunnel of Love… Kyle Kylie.. Robert Robin… Emeka Esther..
S.L.. Sarah Lagrange…
Angela Marie Alexander A M A…
Andrese Harris Burton A.H.B..
We go home..

9:42 pm

I.. D.B..

B D..I… Birth Day I.E…

What alignment..
9:43 p.m.

I D.. C..

I do not want to do anymore of this.. this is more than enough clarity, it is time to move my focus away, it is time for this to manifest the truth and not riddles games and codes..
it is time to rest….

Isabelle Ilic is the last for me.. end it after or play..
9:45 p.m.

I D..E

Edi.. Edith Ukamaka Umeano E U U …. My second grandmothrs 8th child… You..
I see you and Patrcia.. E.P.

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