
9/16/2020 20:58 – Facebook Post

T C E. C F. 36. H P 19 84. S. H D.

Emma Lazarus.
E L. 17 Q. A G

2:11- 1883. .

Emma means “Whole Complete”


Almighty God is Here Present.
A,G. H P.

Ellis Island
Perry Ellis Brown Suitcase and wallet.

Lily Perry
Perry Evan

The Shelter
The Elegant Nomad 2001- 2020

Liberty is a Man
20:43 p.m

No more playing Nurse Maid to children humans who refuse to pay attention in the class room.

I do not die for anyone
Their Sins.
But to simply to show a way
Another way of Being in Existence

If you note
Her codes as Lady Liberty
E L. 17
Emeka Liberty
Arden Liberty Freedom L F F L. 36= 9

Emeka Kolo
Liberty C Liscomb

K L.

Kamora Herrington

That the codes of this statue and its poem, date, and titles and enactment I walked through.

B K. B A-A R H. C / Human Race Cee..

Lazarus is The Bible Story, Yeshua Christ
Raised Lazarus after 4 days he was Dead.

9-16. 2016.- 9-16-2020.
Delta Manor Eos 5 019/ 19 0 5
Joeseph Mook. 5 6 OO.
Handed to me for EF .. Stephen Filgueria
Esteban Miguel Filgueira

E F. A. OO 9
E F C. E I .. E 9

Emma means Whole Complete Universal
Lazarus means ” God or the Creator has helped”

You get the picture?
I make no claim as being God.G or The Creator TC or The Source
Despite being made to walk through those scripts of the crypt filled with Kryptonite..
Booby Traps.

As E Family
E Facts

20:56 Hundred Hours
08:56 p.m

20:57 p.m

Of course I am furious..
Wouldnt you
I can forget peoples “sins” but not if they do the same thing over and over and over..
And this play has gone too far.

20:58 Hundred Hours

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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