
9/15/2017 18:32 – Facebook Post

From Olivia William Murnin
…O WM…

O Woods Metropolitan … Star Bucks…
Nasa.. MW87…

6+9=15.. 15=Letter O…OE..

E O W M 69..

M.W.69…F the other Face Book Friend has disappeared…
And that I am Olivia’s 2nd Face Book Friend…
The other is Victor Manuel Dominguez Maza…

I am Victor as well as Emeka…
I am Manuel Manu… ( Emeka Manu Stephan in Paris 1992 Dec)
I have written the E Manual on Face Book…
Dominque is a portal I passed through so many times always betrayal because of fear of his sexuality… Right to the Room 4.. 007… The Lines of Cowards… Fear… and False Accusation in the Blue Print of my life story…
*And though on bed 4-007…
And myself in bed 007 B.RC..Room A…
M.W.69…FGone undercover and forced to play a Spy and a Secret Agent of “God as the The One True God.. The Wave and Particle of Truth.. The Twins.. And now her Universal Body Harmony Echo…

Maza… M..-A-Z-A….

Maida Vale Mountain View… Delta Manor.. M.D…

M is 1000 in Roman Numerals…
v is 5…

1000 1000 500 50…
1550…Full Circle.. O.E..

Peace Bee O.E

6:30 p.m

Full Circle is also First Contact….

6:31 p,m

F 31…

Not the Africa Pangea World Challenge…
Fear of First Contact…

1022 Face book friends..

1E..O.W.M…69…Oe…15..56..Filled with Sixth Sense..

1022…A.O.B B… J.V… J.O.V.E…. J.O.5 E… J.O.E E…Black Brown….

6:35 p,m


Victory Signs…5 Ladies of Youth…

6:36 p,m..

Full Circle…. a bore…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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