
9/15/2015 15:25 – Facebook Post

12:O6 pm.

15-9-8…O I H

9-15-8…I O H

9-6-8.. I Sixth Sense Harmony…

Completion of Six Sense explained in the Age of Reason.


Dead Poets Society is the movie which Jonn Blackwell Donna O Sullivan and I happened to watch last night…


I woke up with 14 post which aligns to the letter N..
So, I groaned, “Still at Nature as Natural Expression…”

Yesterday after the last post from my Espirit Stream of Consciousness, aligned the last evidence of Universe Existence Creation being a literal conversation between Energy E and AH-Tom which created Atmosphere- which created Music and Harmonies and The Everything to emerge and Manifest.
Proving that Existence is a Devine Poem Song…

Dead Poets Society

Donna O’Sullivan
Pamela Stefaniotis..


Code “Lady, All crowned with Laurels…”
Lorena Monagas…

Aligned to 37O Facebook Friends…
And Sacred Portal 37..”Ascension Arrival of the True Feminine Principle – Twin of Nature Nnamdi..
“Father IS..Present”

Do NNA Perfect Symmetry

1:O8 pm.

It also affirms the transformation of Woman did not come from Husbands, Fathers or other Masculine principles playing the “Mad” Professor creating woman in thier own image but by the inspiration of men who as gentleman, Exemplifing the Masculine principle aligned in themselves to the Feminine principle in themselves creating 96-69…15..6..54..9 2O..92O/29O…
92O being I.B O…
OBI…”Obioma Eucharist.. O.E)
Meaning the Beautiful Heart..B.H…28.

And 92 being the year I saw the Light in Paris and who spoke to me of a mission to share in the Blackest Well of Human Experience…

Paris is everywhere as well as the Effiel Tower which Donna posted, then the next saw a Effiel Tower in her friends shop which she bought for me and presented as a gift..
Then saw the same Effiel Tower again at 54 South Mountain RD (where Jonn works)…
She saw it while the Lady of the house showed her, her art collection…

“Instant Manifestation”

Thus, evidence had been given and affirmed by the E T Consciousness of the ladies as to what they despised in “False” men..
And what they adore in True Men..
And the Truth of what transformed them from Male Form, to Female form, and finally Lady fully in formed of the Truth of All.
The way of Nature is Naturalness..
Nadee Nakandala..

As I watched the Dead Poets Society and the three boys Neil Todd and D who became Naruna..
I watched the story of three brothers which could literally be my own siblings and our Individual response to the Authoritative Dominating Controlling Manipulating Destructive principle and effect of “Insane Mad (Angry) illusions of Men living in a non Existent past who had suppressed and oppressed thier sons to the point that they preferred Death rather than Exist in any other way than thier True Nature..
Todd Niel…

I also saw the Character played by Robin Williams as my the response from Universe Natural Expression… to my post.
My ” Biological” Father had never been real to me, he was an illusion which at an earlier age In already knew.
Nnamdi my younger brother represented the Energy of the True Nature of Man..
Which is of gentle Nature but also of strength which defeats the Authorative Bullying principle of dominating everything and everyone to get thier way..

Thus this was a play of a challenge to Transform the Feminine principle of Woman to arrive at Lady – based on the Truth of What is a Man..
A play between my Biological Father Maurice and my true Father (Guide) Nnamdi..
with myself the Tool used to prove the Truth of men…And Obum my brother born 5-2O, 1973..
You will notice that the code 5-2O is E.T…
and the year 73..while Lady in this play transformed is represented by 37O Facebook Friends intialed J.K…
Jack Samirez..
(The state where my brothers where kidnapped and left by my Bio Father Maurice and which became the Portal from which he left this realm.
He died on the road RD, after an 18 Wheeler smashed into him..
*See the “Nok” of Jos -an Ancient culture..
History Archealogy)

The Truth being Nnamdi was killed on the Road to AH by the Illusion turned into the Blackest Night…
The Bat of man..
The Monstrous Beastial mentality…

The Dead Poets Society explains all..
And the lecturering on a world stage for 14.6 yrs and 42 months on a world forum, transforming that “Man” as Monstrous Beast (Maurice Moor-Dark Black hiding True intentions.
Vieling knowledge and creating secrets of the knowledge and power and the Arts of war, to his True Nature as Explorer, Navigator, Transparent Individuals Discovering and Exchanging Intel on Nature while naturally, Gracefully discovering thier True Nature as Warriors of Espirit Embodied as Elegant Gentlemen.

The Poet.

For only a poet can put into words what is creation- even that which astronauts have said of Space…

“You should have sent a Poet”

…To explain and describe what Existence Creation Harmony..

My True Father, Nnamdi had already sent me..
In 1992 when I reached the Light…
And Illusion spoke to me called the surrounding Darkness using words in my head..
But the Light spoke to me by simply its Being.
And when I entered its Being..
My Word!
There are no True words to describe that Feeling Sensational..apart from it being true meaning of the words The Truth=Love Ecstasy Bliss…Beautiful.

My Biological Father was a Veterinary Surgeon.
Who became a University Professor.
My Father as Guide was my Mother’s Father..
A gentleman business man and Ruler…

My late Brother was is the merging of two 69..
But his True principle which if you Pierce the True mystery (and Rage) of both..
Darkness Absolute Pitch Black Night..
You can see the Light at the end of the Tunnel is that they are all essential stories of that Light of first Enactment of Brotherly Love…
Which brought Lady “Loveliness Radiance”
That combined Expression and Enactment of the True meaning of Self Love, brings your perfect reflection and Manifest Twin Breath..called Soul Mate, Twin Self, Companion Friend Guide Lover into Manifest Existence before your very eyes..
Led to your front door

And not just as one person but a Family of He/She, all the same One Being..

Ah Be Cee

3:OO pm.

..And so I found myself transforming Maurice illusion to Nnamdi Truth to Oboom Truth to Onus Truth, To Nnonyelumss Truth, to Oderas, Truth Ifunnanyas Truth (my First Cousins) to finally the Essential Truth…M.E…
My Truth of What is a Man?

Loves Essence.

What is a Woman.

Loves Expression

Poetry is the Universal Language and Linqua Franca of Existence…
Carpa Deim..
“Cease the Day…Moment”

Only the Individuals..Rise..
Even in that movie..

The Individuals who fought for thier Individual Freedom by fighting to find thier Individual Identity rose as creme rises to the Top..

The age of the boys was 17…
Transformation Energetic Biological Celluar Physical Anatomic level…

And so it is with this 42 month play..
Travelling the the Blackest Well of Human Expression to the Light…
Aligned to Paris Dec 1992..
A perfect Symmetry of first rising of I..
Then through a Transparent Conversation with my Espirit of everything manifestly moving through all of you..
All now rise just as in the Class Room..in D.P.S..who fought and won their True Identity by understanding this 42 month conversation is A Devoted Personal Story D.P.S..
Of Devotion Perfect Symmetry
of Truth Manifest Devine..
3:17 pm

Of the Poetry opening up the Portal of Transform on the 5 levels of Being, opening up a Portal in which I go home to my Beloved and Beloved who have arisen from within because I lectured and with Surgical precision cut out the most evil interpretation of Existence..
The Black which never..
3:2O pm

Had a Light at the end of the tunnel..
An eternal Bleakness of never a rising of Dawn..


This is what I have done with my life..

I made it Extraordinary..

As in the Begining so it at at this Stories End.
Light Transparent Transformation
Arrival Of Erike Nnamdi..
Is the True End of the play..
Leading the representatives of the E family to me AH M.V…E..

C E.I.K..

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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