
9/14/2018 2:01 – Facebook Post

12:16 a.m.



I N … T R… B O ..A.H.

18 42… That is the number I heard a manager call out when I got so irritatted with evil manner of this script of lies decieption of an eqaution which had has long since been resolved.

18 42 is my Bed, and represents sacred portal 42… Buddha power of Ohm..

As you know I have been made to be stuck on that equation of Room 4B since 2019/2017…

Roger Attaway has played his part to perfection, despite the very difficult role he and his line represents..
Going through great hurt, rising from it finding that most beautiful truth then having it snatached away because of a choice he made.
the choice was correct – it involved the Cats.. C -ATS.. 9 Lives but the only part of the equation which he had to complete was to see the cats in thier Human form right before him.

Recall Jonn and Donna / Sophie and the death of Jons Cat?
Do you recall the trauma, that play with Donna’s Daughter at 18 Mountain View ( MV)…
Donna was age code 1957… and was 58 when I lnked with her and Jonn…
Donna Roger.. A… Roger Dean A….Sophia… Sophia means ‘Wisdom”
D R A S… R D A S…
Recall the 5th aspect of the Family of Ten, Wisdom Jonn.
Jonn and Wendy… Abigail Sophia.. J W.. A S…

His line, just like Dawn Piercy and all the line of the E had to pass through the A-Z .. Z as the idea of the end, meaning that they had to pass through Ground Zero to reach the Full Circle..
That is thus, a play in which they were given the illusion of the end.
Meaning that they had to pass through a play of the End… without having memory that that it was they passing through the Illusion of Ground Zero, in a play.
Thus, just as myself passing through it through this illusion that after all I have provebn true and all that should have manifested, that I am still in this Shelter, broke body spasming jerking to rise..
So this Script creaed for all the E Line that which they saw as the Light at the end of the tunnel to seem to be snatched from them at the last minute…
Not all had to endure this… Isabelle Ilic and others no… but it was all based on what role the person was playing in this story of Evolution Awakening…

The cruelty and depth of deception, evil of this play is so beyond what I can describe that at least it is better that you did not know the real reason for this…

I, who do.. who is watching it, documenting it, solving it…
who know that it should have never ever been allowed to go this far, bear the burden of knowing that it went that far, and to know this and be aware of this in nauseating, sickening, horror filled detail…

No… It was to bring Dawn.. and bring the agreement of Radiant Dawn Awakening… R D A…of Existence whose awarensess and memory were in a fit of temper tantrum, and despair of never solving this riddle was thrown into the deepest abyss…
For some one.. me to achieve…

12;58 p.m.

That which waas so obvious… right before your very eyes…
But it was all a matter on what view you chose to focus on…
If you notice Dawn Piercy comment she heard the sound of a Cock Crowing in the back ground as she spoke to her Lover.. Man… L M… Y..
And on the same page, a Isabelle Ilic who has recently united with her Male Form… ..
This is the exacty same pain which most of you the Naturals evolving back to E .T..are going through…
Roger That… R T/ T R… 2018.. Do you understand the play which Roger Attaway represents..?
Link Michael Rogers M R… M R… 13 18… 31… C A
Link Jude Rogers J .R… 10 18… 28… 1O 18.. 19.. S… Science
R.A… 18 1… S…

C A S… Consciousness – Creation Art & Science… C A S ..Explained… Proven True.. As A Matter of Fact…By Emeka Kolo Representing Mann of The Secretions of Life Eternal…

C A S E… P.T… A -A.M… O F… B .E. K.R. MO T.S O L. E

Do you see it… CASE PT… A-A.M… OF BE K R..M OT SOL.. E…

The Case of Benjamin Button..

1;13 a.m.

E T C..O.. B B… R O… V…

Yes, even now, I am solving and linking..

See the last message I received from Roger was at 11:59 p.m.
I had just spoken to Kyle Murphy and he said something in the vein of “I will fight for you” we were mulling over the reciept Roger sent which was not clear…
I walked back to the shelter desk top and reflected whether I should message him or not – and in perfect harmony his message arrived… as if magic.. I prefer to call it perfect timmimg… Which is the Pt..Point of all ths.. Pointing Out.. the correct point or view… to FOCUS on…

The Beautiful View…


Beautiful Hill… Munoz.. Means Hill and number 9… in this case Roger Attaway aligns to the Beautiful Hill ..

Recall Belmont Stakes.. Justify won the Triple Crown…2018…
And Americam Pharoah won it in 2015 * The years I entered the System.

Trainer: Bob (e) Baffery.. B B.. 2 2 + R= 18.. 22 .. V.. 19.. 23… W
Double V… V V V.. Triple Crown..
Ridden by 52 year old Mike Smith… 52 E B… M S…
Owner as the ownership stake is split among four groups. China Horse Club, Head of Plains Partners LLC, Starlight Racing and WinStar Farm are all listed as owners of Justify.

American Pharoah ( PH ARO..AH.. its a code)
owner Ahmed Zayat.. A-Z Trainer
Bob Baffert…

My older face book friends will recall that play… and my solving and moving that riddle…

Kassim;s Father, and then his older brother were gambling men. His elder brother owned a Gambling House.

Alpha Bet… A B… Does it begin to make sense…
This was a an impossible bet.. all the odds and Even the All were against me.. to solve this riddle…
* It was not the solving of this which was the Headache.. it was it being prolonged…

Triple Crown I solved and linled in 2015 when I first was sent down into the system at B.R.C.. Left it after two months..
went to 18 Mountain View.. Stayed for 9 months Upstate New York..
And then 2 month in Miami Florida…
9 2… link 1992 when I went home in Paris but was sent back or asked conned into comming back to help show others the way.. ( which I did not agree with)
link Kyle Murphy age 29… 92/29…9292… 184… R D.. A H D..
( Roger Dean Attanway… David Hooklyn)

Bellvue… Beautiful View…

Roger lives in Florida the Sun Shine State… 27th state…
1-27-1960… Do you see….?

A-Z.. A.. A-A.. A Full Circle…

Roger Attaway sent me 25 usd..
Any one following the play know that this is the correct code…
there is no Z.. It ends at Y. Male Chromozome.. Man Moon V E S… sine.. Sign…Signs..
Y- A… But in this version the play.. Zero was made to be real… Instead of Z- EROS… Zoroaster Zoro… EROS… It became this play of passing through Non Existence.. Zero.. 0…
Oval Office… 0.. fear.. As the Cosmic Egg
Washington DC and the White House.. H W…
Hudson Wendy… H DOUBLE V.. H VV Correct code…
Harvey Wienstien… ? to get these men who were not men.. rage of woman..
Correct code was to get H VV… H 22 22 8.. H H.. V=5.. H E..

See the Script manifested from disobedience to the Law of E…

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