
9/14/2015 17:02 – Facebook Post

4:O5 pm


Thus, the date 9-14-8
Aligns to Iona Carmen Udroiu Bhakti liking my face book post which I posted 9-14/14-9…2O11 of the True Conversation Between E and AH Tom the twins DD…(Posted 4 years ago..D)

To a post of Brooke Elizabeth Banwer of It is Complete 9-14…yesterday which she posted under one of my posts which I commented as man reborn through self regeneration from every 7-1O years on the Cellular level….

To today’s date 9-14-8
Code I.N.H..
In Harmony…

To Dominik Filipiuk like of a post dated March 2Oth..
3-2..8…Being exactly 14 years to the Date I arrived in New York from J.F.K. air port
(14 is letter N…A D..
Andrese Donna…N..Nature Nnamdi the Truth Nature OF Man is Beauty Harmony..B.H..28..88)
Jeff Kollman
Jane Frances K.
J.K…1O 11
Where the Taxi from the Airport was playing Janet Jackson album entitled “Control”
A play which set the tune for a battle with the non Existence of the Illusion of my Father as the “Black”
An illusion …which absorbs Light…Black Hole..
And Light as White- Transparency… Which is real as that which Reflects.
Making Black the “Vampires Parasite’ lie
And White Light Transparency..
True Generosity as the Grace of the Creator Light which creates the ability to Reflect upon things and thus, See…Cee

To Donna O Sullivan having a Dream last night of being in a Holograme and her hand being able to pass through matter and even the Illusion of John as Maurice my Father.
Thus, Piercing through all illusions- a play with actors in which only She is real..

To my new Facebook Friends name..
Jack Samirez name meaning..


SAM IRE Z…SAM went to the END..
Samuel (Samantha) means ” He is as God Nature Harmony)

Jack comes from the name John..”The Lord Creator is Gracious ”
It was also a term to denote “Man” in the middle ages..
It also means in Hebrew Supplanter..

C.K are also my Intials…JA is 1O-1..
A.O.A..AA..A…Effiel Tower..

Samirez only meaning I found was as Samira Samir…
Which means ..

“A Gentle Breeze in a hot summer day.
and ” A Beautiful Conversation in the Evening…”

True Conversation (T.C…Tom Cruise Mission Impossible V) between E Energy E and A.H Tom..
The Atmosphere Harmonious which creates Music of Harmonics Universal Expression Manifest Awareness Naturally…
True Nature
Truth Beautiful
Toilet Bag…
Tom Benzain
Tom Be Z Ion of Transformation..
From A to E..
E to A
All through a Evening Conversation
E.C 5-3
Which caused Beauty Harmony
To rise as One…
Those who are 4 Real
4:54 pm

Beauty is the True Nature of Man
And Loveliness C…The Ladies

4:55 pm.

And so ends the Bully, the Billy, Bill and the Being Ill as the Nature of man
Ill a Noise…Chi C Ago..
As man Superiority to woman and the Black depth of man as the Black Hole and no light of Sol in Him (or Her)
Total Destruction by of Supremacy of the lie of man..
4;58 pm.

I am Homme
Man Homme
Nwoke..Youth Consciousness

When all coincide the lines and the Story..
Then that is the moment of Epiphany..

The Fact that All is True.
5:OO pm

That is not Proof of Harmony
It simply I.S..
Fact Manifest
5:O2 pm

P.S I also noticed that Jack Samirez went to a college called Kololo..
My last name is Kolo and I just did the Equation of LO.12O see sacred Portal 12O
Fritz.(Campbell..J.Campbell J.C) Venneiq
Venne IQ…Venez I.Q…
VE..NNE (Victorious E ..”Mother “)
Fact Cirrulum Vitae
Of this Life 17 pages of what I did in this world working professional before I came to New York age 33-34…
Which Grace Rothschild felt Caucasians especially Americans would not believe
But also the Curriculum Vitae of my Life and me Expressed Truth..
17 pages is Q..
Quantum Quantative Quality Queen Qualified… My Qualifications .
By being compelled Forced by this sub Human monster and Beastial Way of thinking ” Conscious?” Way of Perception prevaient in this world of Truth.

It also established that my True Conversation between M.E and My Self and I formed a College University (University Place *See Rob Barr …A Facebook friend and Beloved to me and our play and first meeting at Unuversity place 13 years ago and David P.Gil Play all on Facebook)
A Universe which Humanity is still trying to figure out this day…
A Conversation is what formed the Galaxy Cosmos Loves Being (Gaius Cassius Longinus Beloved).. A True Mind Being Map..on display above below all around and within ..
Being Body…)

How Ironic-Droll, that 42 months on Facebook so many presumed that thier challenges to this Truth, I am completely aware of, would think that their opinions are of any relevance to me apart from being a measure of thier lack.. Of Grace humility.. Ghosts who from whom I could measure how unconscious unreal and ill Human Expression is…

“Kolo” means Slavic (B-eau Gens) noted Nenad M Djurdjevic.. (DJ Ur Deejay E Victorious)
on my birthday means Round…
Sphere… a Solid Circle Filled
Two Balls.

Kololo College.
Means Kolo 12O
Kolo-Lo Completion
Jack Samirez
Has including myself
26 Facebook Friends

Of course, I know who I am
I already have and Had
my I.D

Time 5:35 pm


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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