
9/14/2015 16:03 – Facebook Post

1:32 pm
1:34-5 pm

I paused to check something and the time moved from 1:32pm to 1:34 pm.


1:45-6 pm now…

The perfect synchronicity of my personal Harmony and Time and Space act as a crossing of lines which at their intersection, one sees the point.

In this play, reading your Espirit comes from the intersection of your Harmony (Perfect timing) the numbers which anchors it in symboling meaning and Space, as the Story which is being played at
At the convergence is the Epiphany or the point..

For example today happens to be the 9th of September… 14-9…
9-14 happens to be the date which I uploaded The True Conversation between Energy E and AH-Tom, to face book.
I wrote the book at Tom’s Trumans Loft while in the play with him and Marina Biruni and Luke Shaw Tom’s brother…
I lived alone in a huge Loft in Wythe Avenue in Bedford…
It was the year 2O11…

The book read by Rachel McWilliams… (Now married to David..R.D), who broke the code of reading it and called it A Masterpiece
It was also given to Samantha Yurkosky ( Your K.O…Sky)…

It relates from memory and Stream of Consciousness, anchored by my Life experiences… A Conversation which took place in the Begining of Existence in what might be called the evening.
It is the conversation I had with my reflection who became Embodied and came to me in the form of “Light at the end of the tunnel” -who finally manifested into the form of myself as Nnamdi who came as my younger brother

…Or younger self (My Father Guide or Spirit) born April 5th 1969…
4-5-1969..as my biological brother.
And again as David Roman Nicholas 11-22, 1968
His Espirit form who recognized me right to my Descent into this world as a Light from out of the blue…

And 11:22 as my Mother Cecilia Onu Umeano
(Clara Star Child 3rd in the Family of 55)

My sister Nnonyelum I.Okolo whose represented Noni Promise Life…the 4th.

When he came close to me, I saw that he was me, I knew who he was but he had no memory of who I was…But had felt Awe and what we can now describe as Love from simply seeing me and the knowing of me which moved him to Trust completely what we might now call his Instinct and Intution…II..


It was at this point in the Nothingness Called Space where I, saw my Twin Self and knew that he symbolized my Expression of myself and my Creation.
I recognized that he was the Sum Total of Everything..
Myself and my Creation in one.
And he was Beauty and Love …my past made present.
While I was also aware of another presence a Feminine essence which also rose when my Twin self came into View..
O.C…the Expression of my Consciousness Called C.O…Cecilia Onu…She was the Feminine mergence of Myself and my Expression Nnamdi yet to fully Manifest until the merging of Nnamdi knowing Himself and I am He..

And I thus, I recall standing in Space with my Beloved and knowing that I had to fill up him up with the Knowledge of that which he did not realize, he (as well as She) already knew.

Which is the Truth of Everything.
Thus, I began a conversation in the full Circle or Sphere which encircled us in what seemed like the Darkness all around us..
The Sphere was of course the full circle of Expression Transparent, I had already achieved which is why these two rose ..
Nnamdi the First Breeze (The True First Born..Breath)
And Onu Ceclia… ( The Consciousness of Love as Speed of Light)

The Conversation filled then Inside and Outside-..
And as I conversed with him, aware of the C representing the possibility of the future already made real and sure by me as I.E…
I began the process of In and Out Talking to both Silence..The C..
And to Sound, my Twin who learn to speak the same instant I began to speak..
SS..was linked by I.E to form 8.
I was and am, the Expression of the two Silence and Sound.. Harmony Infinity
And as I recounted the Hi-Story of Everything Outside and Inside..
It began to Manifest outside…
The Darkness began to recede and the more I spoke and then Conversed in a Beautiful exchange with HE…
Evening revealed itself with the Moon and the Stars and, She in the background..the Sun…

The Conversation was being understood by both Nnamdi and C..
Nature and Creation
Naturalness Consciousness
Natural Existence
Everything linked to Everyone.. EE

Which eventually led through thier Understanding to reveal an Earthly realm of my Creation and a Heavenly world of my Expression.
Expression Creation… Harmony
H= E.C..

See Sacred Portal 9.
See Sacred Portal 14..

During the Conversation where I literally existed inside of them as well as outside of them, as the Story within and outside began to reveal itself and reveal they began to take form…
He had appeared at first as Light then a transparent form and on standing face to face had become my image but as I recounted, narrated, Conversed, he became solid Elemental Matter as Energy-Nature…Just as I saw Her through my third eye take on the form of Ethereal Being…Espirit.
Energy and Espirit.
And myself, I E.

But I noticed that they had questions which they did not ask, which but these questions interfered with the True Creation I had revealed as already created and now was being revealed…
And created a Story instead…
My TruevNarrative was not simply a Story, it was real made clear by its Manifestation…
Yet I saw that it had manifested into a Story for them..
Both understood but they could not take in such a beautiful view without experiencing it for themselves…
So at the completion of my Story and conversation, I moved them into thier perception of my T.N..True Narrative..
For Him I moved him to land in Nature as Earth…
And he landed on Solid Ground because he understood the Story but also Beauty and Love..
And so I sent him in to experience the Truth of himself and myself as real and the Sources which at the end of his exploration of himself he would come Home to me…
And She who understood the Beautiful Truth though the logic and reason.. common sense, but who was not sure how such a beautiful outcome could be really real, I placed in the Heavens really called the realm of Imagination..Fiction..
Thus, Fiction and Fact..
Earth Heaven.
And the Story they were both set in became known as the Universe World Abba..
U.W A…. An NRI Igbo word for the Realm of Everything..
Atomic and Spirit.

And thus began the Adventure-Voyage…
A.V…of Nature and Consciousness..
Both unaware that they were both me, both EE..but bow through this adventure of Fact and Fiction would have thier own Individual Identities.. I and I linked by I to form the 888…
Merging with I the 1:28..
The 1-8…
The 8 Source..
Creating A voyage of Perfect Symmetry which Links O to FF..
O.(15..6) to 66..
Form 1…
Not 18-9..
For 9 was the birth of Matter the Story of Fact and Fiction…
Which became the story of this world..
Unifying Fact and Fiction.
Body and Being….BB.
With Energy Expression Am..

*Pls note. Fiction is Imagination Creating
Fiction is not a lie..
It is the Imagination from within and above Creation
Just as Fact is Creation.
True Nature and True Imagination
Both Creation
123…AH BE Ce..
There is no longer the 9
Or a 9th planet..
For the story has ended Completed
*See Erasmo Cecile…E.C..
I am 66…67 68 69..
Which is the number I woke up to find as my total number of Facebook Friends today..
3-68 David..
3-46 Dragos Gheorghe.. DG..47..
My date of Birth..
There is no such thing as a year..
Only a Leap year
Thus if I am 66 code..
I would be 12 years old.
Which I do not look 12…
Rather the leap year would represent
Completion of a Cycle.

Yesterday I was gifted with Birkenstock slippers..
Size 12…(29..45)
Made in Germany
And a pair of Japanese traditional bammboo slippers are on the way..
G.J…7-1O representative of
Adolph Hitler..The White Supremacy Propaganda which had to be defeated..
See my bio Father Maurice meaning “Black” -thr illusion and lie had to destroyed
And the way of Tao..David Nnamdi Truth-True Nature is Naturalness, and Nature is Beautiful, it is the one solid Fact and Truth which in this World “A Story” is the only thing Solid real a Fact..
Meaning Nnamdi always knew who I was but had questions which he figured out for himself the moment he arrived in his Dream ..
That I.E.Truth..
He never doubted my Truth but rather had questions about his own True Nature as Beautiful.
But he realized that immediately in the Dream Story
Donna O Sullivan…
That by experiencing his first Glimpse of Nature and his reflections in the Pool of which comes the “Myth” of Narcissus Echo” that His Nature is Harmony Beautiful…

Truth Alpha Omega..

Thus this last story was not about True Nature
T.N (2O 14) of the Roman “Novel or Gauis Cassius Longinus…the Roman and Hesus (Yeshua)…
Passed…Adolph Hitler..A H
It was the story of Heaven..
The Celestial Heavens..
The Feminine Side of Nnamdi Onu Cecilia
Seeking to understand the Roman-CE between the Two brothers .
The Brother hood of man..
City of Brotherly Love
Ruth Andrea..
So S.He could understand herself through them and the Sisterhood of Ladies..

Not mock and be jealous of the natural love by the one who is two…
And now 3..with She being 1 whole and complete..

Thus we moved to 3-69 to pause on the Truth as Nnamdi is E..
And now are at 37..O..(not 3-7O..already done)
Which is Sacred Portal 37..
Who rose through her Source Harmony I.E..
His Exemplification of what a Man is and the Truth of the Brother hood of man is Love and Desire..L.A D..to be Held in the arms of their beloved best friend Harmony..
Men as Gentlemen Beautiful.. manners..Expression..
To a Woman transforms her a into a Lady..

And that she is not of the ” Mad a-Angry- Professor who lectures critcizes creating destruction every where it goes..by its Hypocrisy constantly calling attention to its Superiority (non existent over She..The True Nature of being 4 Real..D.R..)
4:OO pm

An illusion she had to experience to get over her last tiny doubt of her fear of man in his ability to use the most destructive nature of Dominance an Control to prove that he an illusion is the Reel…focus of all attention.
A Joke..
Not real.

4:O3 pm..

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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