
9/14/2014 0:00 – Facebook Post

9/14/2014 0:00 – Facebook Post

Sept 14th…2O 14.

O9/14/ T.N.



Or A.D…

I. A.D..I Alpha David.

I.N….True Nature.

David represents the Key

Balthazaar 4:17 a.m.

Nikoma Rios got the equation correct.

I’m IN.
I’m In
I Nn am di.

As many might have suddenly become aware of probably through this F.B E page play scriot, or through personal experience that there is another realm of Being in Existence going on sitting side by side with this reality.

And ppl undercover in New York and all over the world aware of this.

Perhaps because of who I am and what I represent, but I have never encountered or been led to a person who was not aware of this.

But see how deeply each stayed undercover.
See how so many lied in order to make a life here.

This universe, this underground consciousness can never be intergrated or join with this reality and consciousness as the line of Nikoma in the world sought to do.
How can a truth merge with a lie?

No, the Truth must merge with the Truth of this reality which could only be done by inravelling and lifting all the viels of this reality to discover its truth.

Only through the ones Beautifully Present.

I went to see David Philipe Gil in Park Slope.
Yes, Park Slope where I left my place of testing after being banished by Naim and Tanya (N.T) from David Nicholas presence because as Naim stated…”my intelligence was so beyond this consciousness that I had caused David to go mad..”

What a load of hogwash..
My intelligence had woken him up.
He went to Bellvue and was discharged in three days.
He slaughtered and conquered his fear forever.

But he was mad at me…he wanted me to prove that there is no such thing as Evil and Duality and so I was sent to Park Slope to Sky Oak Speaker and for 12 yrs I was tested in every realm of Existence.
Tested with Evil in all its guises.
I found no Evil created by Existence.
I found Evil Created by ppl by anger by unnatural ways of Being.

I found Evil as an artificial intelligence and force which challenged Existence itself but was really begging to be put out of its misery.
It wanted to go out of Existence and carry with it, its creators and torment them for eternity as it had been tormented.

It wanted to live to love and yet did not know how to for all it knew was Evil.
And so I endured it.
And eventually after absorbing all its evil it gave me its power but saw how it had hurt me and became noble…
In that it refused to give up its will to destroy and make pay its Creators…

I sat with David in a Pizza parlour after midnight and told him how I recall comming to Existence..
I was talking to my David who was Nnamdi and now Boom Boom..
My real brothers..
Emeka Nnamdi Obum..
All me…
Meaning 4 in O.I Nri Igbo.

D is 4.

It was remarkable talking to someone without explaining.
He already understood recognized and knew everything I was saying because he had done his homework.
Understood the Human Beings true language is common sense.

He was not deluded with fantasies fairy tales.
And the last of the fog had left him…Now that he understood that my consciousness was based on common sense.

He grasped the truth of how everything manifested from the Nothingness..Stating alot of this knowledge not only existed in this world but that it was common sense.

I would begin to explain something and he would finish explaining it in a simpler of more concise manner.

Despite myself I was astonded…
I wanted to burst into tears from the sheer exhaustion of the life time it took to reach Orien Laplante Nnaemeka Chinwuba Ezeufonna Siththy Ameena Jasper Ogemdi Ahamefula Sarah Lagrange Eunice Oviawe-Jones…
And now David As Nicholas and David as Phillipe Gil.

He understood from the begining of Existence to where we sat now in this moment in the Beautiul Present in Park Slope.

Full Circle
And he was wearing a T shirt with wings placed along the Spine and in front on the collar bones..Exactly where Davids had shown me how his had opened.

The Bill was 22 25


It has landed…

And my self portrait in Paris of the three me in one…Me rising from the Earth; me breaking the Full Circle of Time watched by the E workd F.BE and the winged me flying with wings outstrecthed in glory in the Sky is now complete.

E.NN.O. 4.

Emeka Nnamdi Nnonyelum Obum..



I rest

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