
The Story of Atom and Energy E…

9/14/2011 11:04 – Facebook Post

9/14/2011 11:04

The Story of Atom and Energy E
Hello Everyone, just finished writing a book called the story of Atom and Energy E. Which is basically a story of how I perceive creation to have begun, instead of a big bang as the scientist claim, it began according to my own research as a hum of conversation between the two, Atom and Energy which created a magnetized vibration, link and hum… of pleasure at the conversation which brought the cosmos into view and life.

The whole idea was that Adam-Atom had to discover if he had dreamt that conversation or not and what was the nature of the energy of the conversation. This enquiry led Energy E, to spirit AtomAdam into creation where he could determine for himself what was real or false true or a lie. So Adam explores with his inner self Eve (Eve means that which comes from within breath-energy) exploring creation which is allowed to have have two aspects, that which is real and that which is false… the illusion and the truth. But what is real is beyond true and false and simply IS.

And that which is false is not real-a lie- created by his own doubt and self questioning. Through his journey on earth- or the illusion of earth he comes to understand the difference between what is true and what is false by his own investigation and in the end realizes that the vibration that brought him and everything into creation was pure and true love.

In a way the story and book of conversations is Adams exploration of the truth of what love really means and his purity comes forth from his desire to find the truth and in understanding the truth he understands that everything in creation vibrates with the first energy which is love.

The understanding of this according to my equations and investigations (validated recently by a mathematician and computer scientist well known in this field who came to a very similar conclusion) is that the old world view of constant duality and conflict is ending and the new frequency vibration of the original energy of love (called sharing and caring) is being born as a new consciousness. And that the only way to live in this new consciousness is to purge oneself of the illusion and false ideas of self by cleansing oneself through investigation into one’s own truth, to find that you are beings created by energy which became atoms which end with us becoming solid end products of Energy Adam Alpha beings, (E.A Examples of what we were originally created to be and evolve to) moving from energy of existence to atom (energized and magnetized through true expression) and then finally to solid form. Light beings- but according to my investigation this had to be proven by certain human beings who unconsciously and consciously embody that truth to the very end.

I wish to share more of this story and my findings with the world any help would be appreciated.

Contact me at Thenomad1999@hotmail.com. (Current email address is e04654837@gmail.com)

The story is basically about the awakening and how it could actually happen

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

9 thoughts on “The Story of Atom and Energy E…”

    • Original Comment by E:

      Your the only one JF who investigated pg… now I know why the play ended with you and Eze Nwanyi… This is what I was demonstrating on FB….for 13 months by having a conversation with Existence who was responding by using ppl who were unconscious and unaware…that there perfect timing in becoming my FB friends and the meaning of their names was linked to a weave, giving it meaning. Prince Obioaha is brilliant lovable and can read the code. I am not surprised but he is impetuous and impatient to shine, which is cool but he must read the whole weave before jumping to conclusions…That is where the secret lies, in patience to get all the information first… You exemplified it by coming to this page where no one had the time to investigate. I honor you as the the consciousness that I speak about… You are Consciousness of Africa Aligned here in America… There is so much ego, I see with ppl even the family. A lack of grace self restraint, manners… they get excited and start roaring before even investigating the play….They all want and want for themselves…I love them but they are like greedy children who lack the understanding of proper respect….In the end play this day of the Consciousness and Royalty of the end play I choose you and Eze Nwanyi…. Others have been chosen in the west and all over the world quietly… but Africa is gracefulness… and I have seen the evidence of grace in u.

      • Original Comment by Joe Fisher:
        Honor to Yenna’s ” FARI ” ( far eye ) ; SEEN !!!

        In the 70s ; I was given a ” Seed,conscienciousness/ministry;ordination “; In Calabar , Nigeria ; To archive / relic ; And told ; Secure it in America ; it would have it’s ” Relevance ” ; in the future ; With your fellowship ; and ” Joeseph ” ( adding ) ; I think I have a lot to add ; I was also named ” Fisher ob Men ” ; My weave is tak’n an fascinating revelation ;

  1. Original Comment by Obioha GM Kanu. :
    You are right Brother Emeka. I do tend to be impatient at times. I’m working on calming my vibrations much further in that respect.

  2. Original Comment by E:
    9:14 p.m right now is
    See the date of this post 2011.
    I N.
    See sacred portal
    149. Alien Father Alpha
    14 9. N I.
    Aurielia is 14.@ 900 South Road
    I N N I.
    9:17 p.m right now.
    I Q.

  3. Original Comment by E:

    I find that it interesting that you commented here James Echols, the truth is that I am demonstrating that I am in a sort of Enders Game, a play and though I appreciate your good intentions- no ones comments are relevant who do not understand the play because all of you are simply Avatars, some Avatar descendants in a play which is going on based on my being brought to New York to take part in a Universal Play which all Humanity were qualified to take part in by the yes no decisions they made in their lives. As you can see, the equation J.E.. formed with people where I am staying at last night, it then continued this morning with the first person I saw being Jacquai- last night it was Jamel… J E/ E J… It is a manifestation of what you are reflecting as part of My World in a play which was designed to see who would could represent the Evolved Species and recollect the Origin of the Species… It is very fortunate that peoples opinions do matter – despite the play being gracious to you all witness it..( and of an evil so diabolical and cruel to me personally that I do not even have words anymore to describe it except to indent on these pages as I solve it in front of such a world that this is happening… and quietly wonder what is the point … there is nothing in me which can ever forgive such a play.. or script… manifested…) …I am forced to take part in it while listening to the Mad Ranting of Human Egomaniacs who project everything as part of themselves when they have given no empirical evidence of what they claim. No James, the Humans are just pawns and tools, moved in a play in which I sought to bring to their attention but their Ego’s and projections prevent them from taking the time to figure what is going on… It is actually from observing the Avatars and the Expression their “perception represent.. Nothing.. but as Zero- except for the few aligned to common senses who investigate and observe the Script… Is the why this species are so well qualified to go out of Existence. They are so unworthy of Existence, they fail to comply to their own rules of Empirical Evidence, Fact Finding, Research.. 6:49 p.m.. There is a reason the Script is linked through the book Enders Game… The funny thing though, is apart from the judgmental inconsequential expression of these illiterate creatures, who are so delusional that their their expression words have any impact on that which is, is that there is also the True Humanity. who are the best of the species who are the Ones this play was designed to bring forth from the Collective Mentality of the current world as Zero and Negation… Non Existence… Not even Potential…

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