
9/13/2020 1:36 – Facebook Post

00:31 Hundred Hours


Only Animals are cowered and respect Fear.
That which through a contest of Will, Strength and Power to Dominate Control and Force it against its will to do be and behave..

Like a Bottom?

Fear and which reveal Insecurity
A willingness to be .. led.
A Blind loyalty to that which if Fears ..

But for Human to even approach the Animal Nature..

( I observed myself be prompted by this A N when I observed the date and the time ..
1:14 p.m
And was contemplating Serenity and Jeron how she is 5..today and he is 18 months
J S… 29. 8 29 2019-2020…
And Isaiah is 8
E R. I C. I H.

So much was being processed and rising but I was Done for the day..
1 14 is A N..
It read to me as Arden Nnamdi were prompting me..
And so…)

The Human must be able to recognize the reason why an Animal allows itself to be dominated by whom..why.
Its because the Animal recognizes the Superiority of the other…
Humans People do not do that..

Animals will turn on any persons unclean and even on its master..
When it is not given the right and the chance to have a say in who its master shall be.

They understand
Respect. Authority

And some animals can never be Tamed or a pet…
Teachers Pet.

Human People will follow even that which they know is Evil by their own free will.
And allow fear to Dominate, show a form of Respect but only that power strength Violence Need, or Gain the get from that other person of their species..and all others..
A respect which is not real…
And thus, most lie in weight when that fear or need is conquered and even as they fear you and show a show of Respect..
Lie in weight and plot their revenge.

To pass through the H O R. – R O R. SCO.P.E.
Of evolving beyond the Uncontrollable Animal Nature which Pets, recognize humanity has the potential to do… Teach them a way even with punishment, to contain their wild impulses based on a Nature based, wired safety device survival instinct…
Fear.. Cautiousness
C F…

One had to evolve beyond what Darwin under stood as the Animal Nature as Evolution- yes an illusion because it was Energetic Spirit
A story.. an illusion but at the same tine, literal.

Children in Costumes

So to evolve through all Animal Nature
= Awareness Naturalness
And thus, the Animal Nature is left behind
The Tail is cut off
Along with your Tall Tales of what it was like being in Existence

Truth is True Clarity..
Its not being “Truthful” all the time
A good boy or Girl.
Its being True to The Truth you sense .
Awareness Naturally..
That which you find yourself moving towards and understanding why ..
Aware that its reminding you of something in you….
Which Wolf you feed.
And why you fed them both…
One to rise and refine self..
And the other, to destroy the Animal Nature of your…expression. speech.

And thus only then pass through the 13th Sign
Ophiuchus A Cle Pius..
Excellent Healer.

One who helps get your house in order..cleanse you of grime dirt disease, bad habits you did not realize you still carried.
Calling you out, battling like a Best Friend Lover Companion would..so desiring to see you on the other side.

Don’t trust words…
Trust the feeling you get when your with that person and the Feelings Sensation you have when ever you leave an interaction with that person..
Do you feel lighter. Happier.. cleaner?

Or even a bit brused from a throurough cleansing, food for thought..
Always some thing added..Increased.

And the only thing taken away, you realise are lies..self projections of your self so profound and deep, that when that Best Friend finally bits the bullet and dives in ( heroically) and rips the tape ( tape recorder programming) off and you
Glare anf flare at that Belove..

1:11 Hundred Hours

And your first impulse is to lash out..
That pause is powered by the Aware self Awakened Memories of the True Intentions motives based on your history with him or her..
Is it Constant

Then if it reaches that point of the Glare Flare..
It is Supreme Love…
01:13 Hundred Hours

Your about to pass through the portal of the only sign.
Represented here by Kasien Thompson
11 29 63..

His Vision Dream he swears was is.( it was priven here) of being buried and Egyptian Gods Animal Headresss taking him tona stage after stripping him of his “Body Suit ” which was so filthy.
While it was being cleaned, he as just light rays was led to a stage where his entire life was Projected
Self Projection

On a Screen.

He was then led back and given back his body suit all cleaned up..

To evolve and pass through A Nnamdis Gate.

11 29. 1963. J F. K. E
11 28. 2020. E A. A J A M. E K. J A M I E

1:21 a.m.
Sacred Portal 121
Yes, I am being used.

Holy of Holiies.
Sho Bread Table

Old Testament.

On The Road… Jack Kerouac. J.K. 10 11

And Wine.

New Testament

O T W. ( I O ) N T.

Bread Body
Wine Blood.

Incense Sixth Sense
Smell and Scent..

Incense was first..

Tree Sage
Alexa Vertefeuille
John Doneghy
John TaylorJohn

See Dec 25th..
12 25.
L.Y. .
C Y/ Y C
Yeshua Christ
Dec to April Equinox
D A to April 1st. APRIL FOOLS
A F.
Alien Father

C Y 3 25. 28.. Y C. 28
01.28 Hundred Hours

28 28. 1. 56. 1 56.. 57
56 56. 1. 11 11. 22.. 5 1/ 1 5. 23.

1:30 am.
Hundred Hours

Same as Army time
1 30
See Time of Post began.

13 Nnamdi..
13th Gate..
Sacred Portal 43.

Ist Sign Ram. NAM. R Becomes N
Naturalness Eternal
M A N.


Your Naturalness Expressed
Flowing through my Example.

Ok.. enough
E N A M. E A MAN..

1:35 Hundred Hours
And a.m

13 5

A C. E.

1:36 a.m


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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