
9/13/2019 1:08 – Facebook Post

9:42 p.m


…. The Liberty C Liscomb family were watching ” The Martian”

I stayed for a moment, enough to see the Heremes Aries code.
Yes, as in AH.


I felt myself intruded, though invited generously to what was a intimate family ritual.

I am not from your world, because my fundamental way of being is different from all of you, especially in your Coma State of lets call it “Deep Space 9”
D.S I..

Oh, and by the way, the Dragon Fly blue bottle was a gift from Donna O’ Sullivan.

D S. Is Dharma Santana
Eternal Law.
Equality Liberty.

5 12..
17 Q.

I am ftom H.Q.
A literal communication took place between Liberty and I last night which literally took me by surprise.
– Not the First Contact part, I known about since I wrote the book of my mission age 7-8 when I was dropped of by my family onto this dimension.
But rather, by the banality of what I just recognized ( While in the middle of it..)

– But by the absolute banality of it all, it was startlng to realize that this was actually taking place.

J O. D I E. F O. S.T. E R.

1O O. D I E.. F O. S T.A-R. A=E.

/ R . E.T S. O F. E. I.D. O 1 O

I had made it clear that I have been speaking to my Family the E, and to my One Alpha Alien Father..
By the way, I am Victor Emeka Nnamdi Universal “Understanding” ” Stephen” ( Crown)
V.E.N.. U.S…. Aphrodisiac

Hermes Mercury. ..of Air Waves and Communication.
Igwe also means that…

Igwe Chukwuma.

I C. E. Cool as Ice.

And yes Electricity, Stimuli, Impulse..

I can read my Family speaking through each and everyone of you, Air Waves.
A.W… E…


I have made that so clear through the years, I finally gave up calling your attention to it,, and the explainging that facts.
…That supposition of your personal point of view, and that singularily inept, and malicious re-translations of my words, data and intel cannot change the message of truth.

Or the purity, the integrity, of my words, and translate them into a meaning, which your are more comfortable with… is though frustrating but also startlingly comical.

10:11 p.m

It does not change, the Truth…
Or if something is True.

Just makes it difficult to fullfil my last mission but Shrug.. Smh.. rme..
The message and fact is not for me, its was for you.

Which is why I kept pointing out HitchHikers Guide to The Galaxy ..
H.G TT G..
The Dolphins..
Remember them?

This Room called space belongs to E.
Your bodies, souls brains existence..
None of these ” Gifts” belong to you.

They were given to you to put to good use.
And they can be taken away and never returned because you are not the inventors, and source of Energy…
Its Designer, which answers to the summons of The Masters song.

The Beautiful Truth.. E Rise

Happy Birthday Serenity Hines..E

S H. E B A H!

Daughter of Kim Arthur Hines.

K A H!

1:00 p.m

Dear Lord, are we done now with this never ending red ribbon frequency tape of the Earth Peoples?

So we can move to First Contact… with the correct effects, and drama worthy of this play theater, borne in the U.S A
Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix

U S… A M..E. I.

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