
9/12/2019 18:35 – Facebook Post

2:17 p.m

B Q.. Being Quantum.

2 17 South Whitney.

9-12-2019 ..
I.L. T S..
Infinite Limitless. The Source
9+12= 21. Add 9 months in the Universe Womb.
20 19.. 39. C.I . Consciousness I.
Understanding Consciousness Infinite Harmony Attained
( yes, despite the view)

Happy Birthday Serenity!
Kim Arthur Hines daughter
Tree Sage
K A H.
Alfonso Hattie. My Facebook Friend who arrived in perfect timing
Andre Hodge
Liberty C Liscomb response the next day.

Happy Birthday to Arthur Hur
One of my oldest facebook friends..

Anastasia Hart
Welcomed me on my arrival to Connect

“Authoring Harmony”
Identified by Nadee Nakandala within 3 days of becoming my Facebook Friend.


That is A H. 11.
K A H..
Serenitys Birthday Today.

From A.H from both Emeka ( Moi) and from Liberty.
E L.
L E…
Liberty fluctuates between 121 and 125.in weight.
One to One… which we are having right now.

1to 5
12 5.

The Code of her home portal is 917.
Before this, I was at the Home Portal of Jesse Macias portal 319-317 Fair
5 17 he used as his code.

* Before that I was at 219-217 South Whitney

Now despite my being fed up with this role, and my body as a literal Merkabah Elevator in which all frequency have been using as the portal to speak to you through me ..
– truly not an amusing experience,
I find myself at a persons portal called Liberty reflection the True Intelligence Quotient of Humanity, a.k.a Common Sense..
And her name just happens to be Liberty.

She is 5:8 inches tall.. statuesque as the Giant Statue at Ellis Island.
Same height as my sister and my mother in her prime.

She comes from Virginia
The place my sister lives.
She is age code 43
*See my Sacred Portal 43. “Door of Life”
* See my Equation for Infinite Energy.

My bio.sister lived for decades in Washington.D.C. W 43.

Virginia is the Gate Way to the South.
Washington is the First State.

D C is 4 3

5 17. E.Q. Expression Quantum
9 17. I Q. Intelligence Quotient.

E I Q Q .
59. 17 17

John Mack code tel is 59..
Office N.N. is 509-511.

E I. Ellis Island
I E. Infinite Energy.

Stella Antley S A.
Sent me some intel today, stating that for the first time in 823 years, ( H.W… H B C. E)
That this year in the 12 Month, Dec that there will be 5 Saturdays, 5 Sunday’s and 5 Mondays in the same month.
12. Is L. 5 5 5. Is E.
L.E E. E.

12 15. 27

27th State
The Sunshine State

Liberty saw the Time Code
Tom Chris.

And asked me what it meant..
How could I tell here its represented the completion of which She represents

12. 15.
444. 555..
4 5 Billion year old Planet.
Nnamdi born April 5th.
4 3’s. 3 5’s

I was engaged in a conversation 82-83 year old father, 82 83. H.B. H.C.
He spoke of being ready to leave this world.
At first I supposed it was because of the State of the world and his being fed up.
Which he said was one of the reasons..
But there was something in the way he said it..

He had been born in Chicago, and left as a youth with his family to Virgina.

.. I suddenly understood.

If you could regenerate and rejuvenate your body back to optumum function would you wish to stay.
His lit up, there was a spark of electricity
And by God, I saw the flicker of Eternal Youth.

Yes, he said, with a exuberance, and almost reluctance at his being forced to take on such wishful thinking.

“There is so much I would do” he smiled happily, then quitely and then back to the tall, disciplined imposing and no hold bars, direct eye piercing man who had looked at me the first in such directness that I found myself calling him Sir.”

And he asked me if I had a wife somewhere around, to which I responded about my work not giving me that pleasure, I.had so dreamed of companion and children.

He asked about my work and suddenly we were in a short and truly sweet conversation about Evolution, Natural Evolution and its being the natural order and law.
That all things must evolve.
We I spoke of the Stories people follow blindly at which he grunted in disdain at its absurdity of religion and what naught.
He commented on the need for facts and empirical evidence.

We spoke again very briefly about how Humans as we know them would have to become extinct, and I spoke of my findings.

And in but an but a moment, 15 minutes or less, as he munched on the black grapes of Dionysus, ( my favorite fruit food)

We had the conversation which we both deserved.

Of course, I already knew him in my energetic spirit world, though my Grandfather passed away at age 71.. and would be 99.. 100 yrs old this year.
Its was the same energy,
The same frequency..

He is arithmetically 31.. 32 years older than I

6:31 p.m right now is

I recognized that energy of Thor Odin..
Which made me call my Grandfather Black Zeus,
Exact same Energy.

6:33 p.m

E I. 17 17.. 17/17 = 1 A.. 34/43..

E I A..H

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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