
9/11/2018 12:14 – Facebook Post

9/11/2018 12:14 – Facebook Post

11:30 a.m.



I have to admit that I am exhausted…
17 years ago almost to the day my Bristish Passport was stolen and I knew that it was the begining of a mission, which I had observed that the intensity of the first part of my life was training me for.

I knew I was meant to come to New York, as early as the time I was a boy.
I knew it afer I wrote the story of the end of the world and the beginning of a new one.
I knew from by all the messengers who came to me as early as 1987 to tell me that I was mean to come to New York, these messages and messengers continued through every country i moved to- England Spain France, Turkey where one of the last messengers Durek Verrett came with his message which was literally come to New York or else..

I chose the “Or Else” because I did not believe in Destiny, Fate.. and because I had the memory that there was nothing to do, that everything was Perfect…
I knew this world and reality was not real, and later recollected that it was an Universal School.
I also did not trust this force who insisted that I come to New York, as if I had no choice in the matter.

I had not memory of a God who could make me do that which I did not wish to to or did not apply for that job and most of all, did not really ask me, my permission.
The idea of something so who had that kind of power, to make me do Its will was somethig which made me naturally say no…

I actually called Kassim my room mate here a Bully last night because 5 days now I could not sleep, it was not his fault that for 23 months I had been placed intentionally in rooms where people with the greatest sleep Apnea were always neighbors.

It was not even the shelter whom I blamed, it was the force and the play which I as in, this battle between what incomplete men and woman created- a ridiculous idea of God.. and the idea of Good and Evil.

I aplogized to Kassim, and he spoke to me today channeling not that God who had been doing everything to create the illuson that it had the power to irk my every move….
But it was the E .. the Victorious Energy ( see sacred portal 28 )which was moving through him.
What took place this morning after yet another night of battling this force of Evil and Non existence..
The convsersation… confirming that Victor…
The intel…

I have been living for an entire life time split between this Physical material world and the spirit Mind world.
And yet the two worlds being divided is not real or true.
All is One…

Recall the code R.O. G E R…. ?
I posted it yesterday and then Roger Attaway arrived as my face book friend age code 1-27-60. 58…
Eternal Harmony.
I recieved a beautiful quiet and simple message from him yesterday, when I was at 1158 Facebook Friends.
He is 58…
58 represents Eternal Harmony… Victorious over the Idea of Gof created by Human Children in Fear and disobedience to the law of be Clean.. Clean your selves, stay well groomed.

I am exhausted from living in Shelter for Mental Health, and proving the Truth even here after 29 years, and 17 of them in this script in New York living without income I.D, family, compansionship, naviagting the fear and doubts of Humanity while I solved the riddles of Existence, and as told that I must be crazy to do so, and yet my knowledge sought after and suspcision as to why I did not charge any money for it…

Roger Attaway R.A… Represents the change, the transformation of all that suspiscon and doubt.
They way he responded to my response to his message…

And so, I am exhausted at having reached his line and what this reprsents, a victory over a Idea which was destroying Everythng and holding back Evolution Awakening… this idea of God Fear.. Instead of Beautiful Expression which created the First principle of Existence- Eternal Harmony.. E.H..

11:59 a.m
@ 1159 Facebook Friends…
Do you see it.. ? That is Eternal Harmony… Beautful Expression is Symmtery Meaning which creates Perfection.
And alignment. Mastered…
A.M.. Dawn..

That is why I am tired, I have been in a Battle, a Battle beyond belief. not to be understood, but for people to understand what I am saying for their benefit, because it is your truth our truth… of Origins… The E..

And finally the Fear and Doubts of my intentions in being present not only here on face book, and in the U.S. but also in the Spirit realms and the realm of Mind… The living in duality, the proving empircaly through Mind Building that which Spirit really is…
E E E… All E
All one…
All E EE… 555.. 15th Letter… O… 1+5 A+E.. Atom +Energy..
Expression + Ahtom= Fact.
Not Fear..

12:06 a.m.

I am ready to collapse… but since my portal home and the wave has yet to arrive, I will take a short break nap rest and I will be back…

ROGER is That… R A

Jono Andrew J A…

Marco Weckerle M W 69/96…

M.A.. H A. ( ROSE) .
R A.. J A..M W..

The Palace built in honor of True Love
Consciousness Beauty Eternal…


2012 32 5….

12:11 p.m..

Based on a “Songe”
Song of E

12:12 p.m

12 11 .. L K… L O O K… K O L O… K IRTAN

12/12= 1.. 24… One Day…

12:13 p.m

L.M… Loom…

The Weavers

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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