
9/11/2017 21:26 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 113

A.M..Dawn Divided the Divided the S.E.A ( Red Cee) So the Eye could See the Sweetness of Land and C..

My code is not A.M.D…


It is “I..A.M….E”

Fractaling As Emeka Eze.

This was not about me.. it was about you so you could see..
And that is why I was contained in a script of the A,M Dawn which included rescuing the one who claimed that his father was the one…
And it is the “Father” who has blood on his hands…
See sacred Portal 119.. A.S… Heart Bleeding Red Red Drops…but I put my best foot forward,,
9-11/ 11 9…

My Grandfather D.N.Umeao…
D.A.N….D.A..Nnamdi. not he…. only in the story of time.. PA-Rent…

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