
9/11/2014 23:04 – Facebook Post

21:57 P.M.

9.11..2O 14.

Code 7 G. E.
Yesterday completed with J.Stern.

Code today 34 C.D.

I met up with David Philipe Gil…
I was not sure we would meet.

It was not pivotal to me but it was pivotal to the “play” I am done with the “Play Script” but it is not done with me.

I woke up at 11:22..
I went to bed at 6-7..
The code as I mentioned is my Mothers C’s Birthday and Davids Nicholas Birthday.

I thought of David but it was no longer my concern.

But some texts later he decided to come over.

I am was indifferent bt was glad to see him.

I knew that whatever why we were set up to meet would rise up naturally and speak through me.

It did it was a Revelation

But we met up.
He took me to dinner at U.F.O after we had discussed for.a while my consciousness.
It was as if I was clouding the fog of his eyes of my.consciousness and the true meaning of my.posts

The problem was not mine, I had elaborated and explained the way I see link and percieve reality again an again for at least the first 2O months.

I no longer cared what ppl assumed I was weaving with Existence..
Letting ppl know what I was doing was a courtesy which did not concern Existence.

Ppl had no choice but to answer the summons of Existence.

But something happened where his mind cleared and suddenly with my having to work on him (well.just a little) he was not only understanding what I was really saying for the first time.
But as he realized what my consciousness and expression had been saying all these weeks he became excited.

When he arrived my body went crazy it bowed. David responded by bowing then it forced me to kneel infront of everyone.

My body or the Energy within it.
I said “yeah yipee” to myself.

A beautiful girl smiled watching as my body danced streched moved me.

I had no control.

As I knew we had moved forward in the Energy Realm where I am still imprisoned.

I had tried to escape yesterday but after 13 yrs and a life time…It still proved futile.

I could read.
I knew that I was still with the Pyramid the Apex with J Stern as 7 while I was 9..
Which he had given me yesterday…in dollars..

1 8 2…..1+8=92..

After which Fritz posted Evidence of what happened in Pelham Park 4 yrs ago.

J.Stern had said 4 more days I would wander..(in my.mind I said Bull Shit)

I knew the.next code was David as D.
D is the 4th letter, we had gone beyond numbers..

David made a comment abt their being a force delaying the awakening.
He spoke abt the Energy of 911 and I spoke of the great battle I had with a Darkness so Evil but an illusion made real.

I reminded him how he had morphed into an Egyptian Priest.
He responded by telling me of someone once telling him.that he had been an Egyptian Priest in a past life guarding a great Evil…

I.had played that role.in real time.
David had played that role.in the Dream…the School.Universe.
J.Stern had also been dreaming..

The stream of information affirmations comming out of David was remarkable.
Much like J.Stern but his were generous to.this play..

He had.mentioned U.F.O.resto I linked it to Nnaemeka Chinwuba Ezeufonna..
Eze U.F.O. Nna.

He had no cash but wished to at least share a meal.
Two three resto later closed…
We settled on U.F.O.

I began really explaining the way my consciousness as an art and science worked.

He was not only finally.truly.getting it but he saw its beauty and how it is F.U.N and real.

We went to U.F.O and I continued demonstrating..

“Your a sensie
You could open a school
Your Face Book..a Book”

But you chose to do it this way..
I.looked at.him as if he were mad..
Gesturing to.my.heaving and writhing body..

He paused and it really sank in I saw.

“No you are being forced!”
cause no one would volunteer.

As I linked I watched a human being truly begin to see me.

JinX-NiRe Jin had rushed off to her meeting with her friend…she had had enough.
I did not force it even though I knew why her Elemental Espirit had brought her into.my.presence…
But here right now I am the Riddle Solver of Existence..
As Jinx stated, ” Story of your Life Emeka”

But with David as we linked the code of 2O 14 as the Awakening date year
From 7..(G) 34..3+4… (C.D)
2O 14…T.N..
I saw myself finally being truly.seen and respected..

I saw the Espirit first then the man truly begin to understand who sat before him and the Truth of the Insult done.

Common Decency…C.D.

“You know ppl.might see your pists as complaining..”

My eyes flashed to.lash but I saw his purity..

I quote the years as codes and also depth of meaning and consequence..
Yeshua Christ preached or did the public wrk for 3 yrs.
I did the wrk in New York for 13.6…

Tell me David I said as I watched him.pay the bill I knew he could ill afford at this time..
Noting the code the tip as 8
And 56 82….28 65…
See sacred portal 65..

How.much is this exchange worth financially.
…and thank you.for dinner..

He paused…
It is worth finacially beyond it is foundational of all Existence Being…

I was satisfied
David is rather conservative in such matters..He had spoken absolute sincere truth.bc it is the value I had recognized of its worth but he was the first to.truly.equate despite paying for an over priced dinner.

Foundational as in the Base of a Pyramid
My Consciousness 3..

Now you know why all this force in.me and myself have such quiet deep profond wrath for all the ppl it.led me to live with, for the 29 months on F.B who said my value is to be left hungry broke walking the streets and living in a forest..is my worth..
13.6 yrs in New York
22 since paris
25 sincd London
29 since Nigeria…

And David Bowed.

“You are Sensie”

And of him,, David,
I am proud.

Existence is a Man O.I.


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