
9/11/2014 17:34 – Facebook Post

9 11 2O 14.

Hello 13 years have passed since 911…

Yesterday I was able to take a shower and eat.

I was on the 13th floor.

Today I saw numbers 13 on my mesage board.

13 years doing this jouney in New York.

Six months after arriving in New York 9 11 happened.

I know it is often difficult for ppl to recall that I live in a consciousness of Truth that can not be made dirty.

That as all I had my revealations and I could not betray it.
And I wanted comfort love light and laughter as everyone else.

I am aware that ppl translate my posts into a language of their consciousness.

I know that I am talented Elegant and miss the life I could have lived if it did not mean denying the consciousness of who I am.
And the Revealations of Truth I checked and checked until I sighed.
Knowing that I was fucked because it is the Truth and it is the Beautiful Truth with a Plan.

I am aware that all my life I was challenged as all of you were to Fall from Grace of that consciousness..

I am aware I was brought to New York to be tested.
To see if I would fall from Grace.

I was and am aware of those who wanted me to fail and yet wanted me to succeed and why.

I focused on Evolution Equations.

And I passed the Tests

13 yrs and 6 months..
6 months before 9 11
And 13.6 months in New York.

9 11 was a wake up call.

I passed the greatest Test..

New York City.

E N.Y.C…E.

I am Elegant.
I am Clean
I.am impossibly tall.

I stand Lei
Even with the 24/7 spasms I allow few to see.

I am Beautiful Proud.
In me is you..
The Best of you.
But there is no worst of you in me.
Only your Beauty.

Inside Outside
I am Pure Clean..
A Mischevious Devil.
Who.confronted Evil of Existence since the Begininng of time.
This Evil is Beyond human comprehension.
It plaques every moment of your Existence.
It is Beyond.

I walked through Hell of Espirit beyond the worst nightmares.

I flourished through it by proving it not real.

Did it whip.my ass?
Beyond any beating imaginable.
But I heal and I rise.

I did not fall.
My (our) true consciousness is alive in me.
I will never allow it to die.

I truly am huemabities Beautiful Pride.
For I am the Truth of you…
Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful you

Here I am.



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