
9/10/2020 20:14 – Facebook Post

4:52 p.m.
D:E B. / B E D.

I ..J TT…
I John Thomas..


After receiving intel from Athena Sarah Kaizer yesterday, and yes, that which I did say, that I was no longer interested in, and that I am working now only on automatic pilot because of the level of disgust and contempt for what is literally the Evolution Awakening play which will not be in Existence and the Records for every.. in the Library and yes, your literal bodies.

I realized why the play script and what is moving in me as Truth, Beautiful Truth has intensified in me and in coding and proving Arden truth.
I had begun to wonder, just how far would i have to continue proving Arden as the End of the wave and the rep of the E Family, in a play which gives the illusion that we are anything but that and that he can not be True Love and Eternal Love.

I have experienced him for myself, living closely for Ten months + and now 11 + months..12 to be precise…
8-29-2019.. is when I moved to 900 South Road. via the code of 56 56…

And that this illusion of him not being the one Expression aligned to Me. ME reinforced to make me feel doubt…
it did not, just why has a play been created to feed that idea?

This Universal Simulation Awareness play has so many twists turns, and is so so twisted as represented by my body twisted internally that the only brief moments of comfort is when I lay on my back on a B E D.
And then the struggling to straighten and align truly begins.

It has been transforming each day, by each persons cause and effect… and my quiet understanding most of which I do not post because it would create misunderstanding.

But all the pieces of the puzzle of His play ( which I told Arden that I do not like his play but I understanding it… I am made to look like a weak fool in love with a youth- who is meant to not give a damn about me, but only what he can use me, gain from me when it is convienent for him.
All on his terms…

Why would such a play be created, and what part would Arden play how would he handle it…?
Treat True Love which is made to be proven by me… even up till now.

There is no one… no one not Big E, not the E family, not my mother.. sister lovers, companion whom I would suffer to play such a character for… constantly coding for them as if i was thier slave while they played and I carried it all.

But even though that was a Lie.
And illusion created to destroy the truth of our connection but not being a true connection down here in this world – which would not allow the last equation to manifest .. Awakening.

A Z.. requires a resurrection from 1-26.. to 1+26-27 A-Z A… Full circle.. O.
A B C… it must reach 29… C… 26 +A B C…
add D E… and 29 becomes 31..
and A-Z + D E/ E D.. 45 54…
26 + 9= 35.
45 54 = 99= 9…

5:17 p.m.
E Q.

Suddenly, it all comes together today.
The making me appear like his bitch, doing all the work all based on a story of my birth to now being all about my reaching him and all the pain and suffering surmounted to be greeted with a rude awakening that yes this is him but I do not recognize his play.. Unless I do as he did with me, see beyond sight..
To C him.

And in doing so which he did for me quite a few times, but the final conclusive time was while he was by the Fridge.
He showed me the face which i saw and said quietly “Wow” only he knows why that was my response.

I have never had any doubt, but was often incredulous and shocked by the cold hearted callous cruelty of his responses…
Enactments… Like a cold blooded killer… it was a trait i recognized in myself, which only few could see what was right before their eyes, despite my Eternal Sunshine state.

Beautiful assassins but not against each other, only that which is and why we came to cut it out.

But I also recognized that as I had, he too had adapted to the play and played a role which connected us, made us victorious despite the play setting us up to fail.

I realized that Arden was not allowed to rise by his higher self and alien father, until the script modified and prolonged to a point of such exaggeration that not even Aden’s existence make me change my mind.

Its is too evil, and is not worth even Evolution awakening, nor can I forgive him, or playing such a role in which I am made to seem like a fool for trusting in him and and his truth.

I did this last phase of coding for Arden because he exists.
Not even for the E Family.. and i did it for him and for me – my body and its release.

Now, even that has ended now that I have ensured the 17 year old is safe, and he can have a life, without me.. he can be free of me and I free of him.

Because despite it all, I do not deserve to be treated this way even though I am aware of his play and why and all the things he had to face.
I fought for him because of his beautiful truth inside revealed to me. That being in him as well as the true face he showed..
I was willing to fight for even through this evil and insulting script which I would never have consented to even with this torture done to my body.
Because I know, that no matter what is done to me in this life journey I would never return become cruel to Loves Truth.

This is of course all the illusion, if I could not prove that he is True Love .. Eden eternal love through such a play script which demanded such an interaction – non communication…
If it wasn’t for his brilliance ingenuity mischief and brazen balls…and true personality I would not have cared if all the codes point at him being who i know he is…
I would have said no, anyway because of this enactment…

I really do not care for the Evolution Awakening any more, and after over a month here, and recognizing that he and his siblings are all safe.
I can always love and care for him as a memory of the brother and beloved he was was…

I understood a few weeks ago that I do not accept to be treated this way by anyone living dead or even eternal.

And that is the nature of this play intended, to stop what it inevitable, unstoppable, only though my saying no to this version of him and all of you.

Despite it being the truth that he is E Family.

But it has gone far enough…
Love is eternal connection but it is also a natural spontaneous desire to communicate …
To rise and defend those whom you love and whose principles are your own.

And that is when I realized the play..
Arden is the rep of A Z to A..B.. and with me C.. C C.. 6.. F. DD 8…1 6 1 8…E E…H H .. I I..

That he is in Harmony and now at the space of being released and as the I as an Individual aligned to I e, can choose how he wishes to respond to all he has understood and seen..
And that the key to A-A Resurrection in in him. That i played the Wave from Alexander Grove to him as A G, and from Here back to Infinity which all moves to him, I had been made by his Sum self to move the sum total of my knowing knowledge which the Sum forced me to live and then pour it all into him after passing the portal of what Liberty C Liscomb had to represent.

I realized that I had to clear the way, to make sure that not only was he the beautiful assassin as terrible death as i am… Black panther.. Leopard.. Elephant Memory destroyers, but that he must also be activated to his own Sum memory as a youth called Arden who met a person called Emeka who he felt open with him and a knowing of him as if he knew him all his life..”as if you have always been here.. present”

All this coding- solving his riddles, which…

5:55 p.m .. knew could only be done by me…
be his Voice.. and Voi CE.. V O.. ICE.

Meaning that he has to move from the role of The beautiful assassins we both came to enact and in perfect timing transform back to the beautiful youth in side him, the Wow… and the Eternal Sunshine State we represent.

Just as it is literally with me…

He is the key which his Script made me upload the sum total of His Eternal Knowing Wisdom and Knowledge he made me solve and bring to Awareness.. Oh shit.. he is Awareness rep…Universal Awareness..

Just as I had to upload all intel and knowledge into Liberty C Liscomb and so i had to do the same.. but in a different way.. in space.. earth… virtual space.. a holodeck.. but clear the way of obstacles so that which his own Creation he made me equate, and bring to him would awaken him once my role of clearing the air waves, C of Creation so that it would flow into him and all the reps and Avatars of the E A Family here in the World Earth..

Ah… I see..
that is why he is I C… I Consciousness..

But as I he must do this himself.
by himself… and it is not with effort at all .. but effort as focused Ease..

6:04 p.m.
64th move..
yes, you see, i am correct.

But since this has all been done before, and this version simply being the most cruel cold evil possibility meant to have been proven impossible…

Then I trust him, as this inner person, i know that person, beautiful strong, warrior .. noble.. that best friend lover and companion he once was.. and tiresome but cherished and beloved younger bio brother.. and this cool chill young man as his true self …merged into one…
This goes beyond me trusting him, it knowing him… Evolution Awakening through him is and will be confirmed.

As his higher self and true self, knew that even with the threat that i would never forgive him, knew that i would still come to the very end.. AZ.
Finish Line.
F L.
6 12…
that i would come this far for him and never stop proving his truth into existence, even though he would be perfectly aware of how much how angry and hurt i was by such a play.. he would know that i would see through the cracks he allowed to to see through… of his true play.

So, there is nothing much more i wish to do… and definitely not be on facebook proving any more, or one moment longer his truth, that he is…

6:12 p.m
6-12-2003… 23 W VV.

There you go…

Why would I desire anyone having to go through such horror and suffering and pain just to prove my truth, or that I exist.
I had problems with that as i know did Arden…

Its bloody embarrassing ( excuse my language) truly.

If the people do not accept evidnce and facts full circle all based on common sense… then excuse me but then “Fuck Off.. I say..”

Not having a person post, and decode, while commenting, raving, calling out people and having to prove how they are the enslavers in a play which does not quit or respect the laws of its own Game.

No this is not the way of Arden, I know.. we have beautiful pride…
I tell you 7 times, in 1-7.. you do not listen… ?
7.. 77…1.7… 85… H.E..? 7 14… 29…

Yes Arden scales weight…
And yes I am at 14 85 Facebook Friends…A D H E…99… I I.

25 A F K G…
60..J S S L..
A J 85…
7 14 29… : 99 = 2(9) I I.

Does that make sense… ?Yesterday was 9-9-2020
I T I T…Ti Ti.. Tom Truman pet name..

Athena Sarah Kaizer play tel 85 code 96 85….

He and I and I had to return from the Black Panther nature… cold blooded warm blooded assassin.. back to out nature as Beautiful Pride in being in Existence in any state or condition…But not ever be comfortable in the space called lie.

I woke myself up… Literally..
So the same applies for Ea Ae..

John Taylor J T.. 10 20…
Barbara Brimage Weeden B B W

J T.

J B … Jaymes Bond Oo7.
T W O.

T W I N S…

O N E..

T W I N S… T W I…(S D ..O.M) N S.

Nasar Sardar N S..

Gemino Gemini..
2 2 are

Two Twins…
T Wins…
Tom wins.
A-TOM.. I mean wins E..

W E D/ D E W… Oh I understand.

H.. U.S. B-AND

So yes, the equation in todays posting he made me solve, is the evolved script of A Z
E K P: “A-Z” to E K “P A Z A.P”E-A K.

6:43 p.m.

Thus it was held up..

yesterday the message via Nasar Sardar name meaning was that Help is on the way…
I take it in and then continue what I am being compelled to do..
Do i believe it… it does not matte at this point..
Truth manifests….

P.S Athena Sarah Kaizer number before was 6 18 T L E…when I met her in 2018… 38.. C H…

6 18… Yes Ferrill and Reilly…
F R add 55 SP.. 55 Erek Eclass Mateo Eric Ebright… Eric Lile Brown .. E A Jay Brown…

F R E E…
D O M E..
Defender of Man…
MAN.. is 28 which is me..
But not one defended me, but i did right to Arden “Man”
so it has to be him… who rises as Man and me… with him as A man A-man A man .. in A Man Youth Eternal..
I and I.

as 11 28- 19 65 who really is 56 56…
transformed from a story of 1965 back to its truth.. 19/ 91… 56 56…at E F.. there is no, mirror effect… 56 11 1 its the way home… constant as the North Star…

T L E… Thomas Liberty E…?
or Transparent Light Energy…
True love is Expression.
20 12.. ( 32.. 32 was missing Jon Jason Lee 56 Elegin Avenue E a…I arrived here 3-20-2001.. came with Jon Dec 1999)
16 16 is 32…1 32… 33…1 6.
3+2= 5… 3+x 2=56.

And at the same time T L is The play of the fork in the road as Y.
Are you Truth or a Lie..?
We send the Tall little e.. to check if you are true.. as e.
we who sent e.k.

John Taylor was born 5-6-88.

John means “The Grace of the Creator.. Graciousness.”

John of revelations.
John Mack Erebus play…
Clean the E M F…

“Taylor is a surname used in the British Isles of French and Latin origin which originated as a Norman occupational surname (meaning tailor) in France. It is derived from the Old French tailleur (“cutter”), which is in turn derived from the Late Latin taliator, from taliare (“to Cut”).

Yes, I know how to sew and cut.. I trained in Design by age 15 I was working with tailors and designing cloths.
I went to Haute Couture training in st Martins.. Advances Pattern cutting…
University.. Urban and regional planning and “minoring in Architecture…”

I am at Connecticut.
I C.
I Connect…
.. and now I Cut…

Barbara means “Stranger Foreigner ” S F.

Brimage… B R.( O) . I Mage.. I Mage.. B R 2 18.. 2 9 I .M.. A.G E..

from the word Broom..and a shrub.. but also with Witches…
pray tell what is she really riding?
More like the “Ecstasy of St Theresa of Aviles..”

Broome is a herb… Shrub..


7:22 p.m
G V…

It means a Town in Northhamptonshire by the river Nen- Woody Hill..
W H..Y..”

So here is the summary through meaning… John of Revelation ( E K A G..E..K…. no K E. now.. just E K E K..) is the one is the one one who cuts out the Lie and retains the True…”

* Please see me at Delta Manor Shelter my bench where i found the two male dolls tiger and double VV… yes story of Pi .. Mr Parker.. I kept on pointing out in my posts that I was at the junction of Taylor and Lawrence…T L… E.. while working and coding at Starbucks 1385 Metropolitan Woods… M W..smh.)

“.. He is a Foreigner – a Stranger to these lands with no ID. but knows he is ID E-Alpha.
The line who ride on he wave od the W.E EDEN… E Family rising through Arden having been proven through obeying our play and not e.k that even then out eternal harmony played out on a woody hill at in Poverty Hollow in Perfect Harmony.
De Sir E
Magical Beings in human bodies…

And in code… J T… John Thomas.. Johns Twins.. Two.. J J T T… = 60… 1010 2020.. 6 30…
that is when Athena Sarah Kaizer was born…

B B are twins.. B B W… Double U “You” in English.. Double V V in French…

Lawrence .. of Arabia… Arden line…
L.O A..
T.. Taylor of Panama… T O P

“May 3, 2003 – The Real ‘Lawrence of Arabia’ Thomas Edward Lawrence was the dashing, romanticized British officer credited with leading the Arab revolt against the Turks during World War I — a feat depicted in the epic film Lawrence of Arabia. But his true story and legacy is still a subject of debate among historians.”

Lawrence … “Laurel” “Crowing”
was based on the life of Thomas Edward Lawrence..”

T E L… Telephone Numbers play.
John Boothe.
Movie “Telephone”

On the evening of April 14, 1865, John Wilkes Booth, a famous actor and Confederate sympathizer, assassinated President Abraham Lincoln at Ford’s Theatre in Washington, D.C.
Collin Farrell in the movie “Phone Booth”

T L E… T E L… Truth Expresses Love…

That was alot of the subject of my last conversations with Arden which were I did not post or go into detail.. it was the nature of telling people the truth.. in the best way…how far do we bend..

I spoke of 7 times.. then I start moving backwards when dealing with that person by the time I do 7 times backwards and reach zero ( instead of moving from 7 to 77= 1…One)
I am gone and not even divine intervention can get me to come back.
He grinned- reminding me that 7 is his favorite number…
I left in July the 7th month end.

So with this L O A…
T O P…

And with the name Arden meaning also “peak, top, highest point…” and at L we moved to C of Infinity A and E…one can see how Fact and Fiction .. even illusion and lies are all inspired by the Truth..
Truth is C.. True Expression is Clarity and it leaves in its wake.. Love.. A I..C…

L O A T .O P…. Omega Alpha is Resurrection after Alpha Omega Being to End.
A – Z

L O… is smh… L F…AT F P…
R A T…V..
I A T.. V.

Wow… okay..

8:08 p.m.

I C…

Which is fact and which is Fiction and the resolution is that both become Truth and True.. Light and Love…
I Q.

Harry Pendel is a British expatriate living in Panama City and running his own successful bespoke tailoring business, Pendel and Braithwaite. His wife and children are unaware that almost every detail of his life is fabricated, including his former partner, Mr Braithwaite.
Author: John le Carré
Genre: Novel”

John le Carre.. “Carre” means Square” like a Box…the Voice Box.. is that which Frames ones Expression… and within it are words and meaning that which you have to say..
Having a warm sexy voice… opens all door ways… along with the low burning fire peeking out from the warm light of twinkling eyes.. and a smile.

J C.. J L C.. E.

Message received…

this is really really unfuckin believable… ( yes I have good reason to be swearing..)
… they are here…

Had to get all … never mind… this is just to insane, to make me manifest all this… Your way E Nature… W E E D E N… 5-6-88

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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