
9/10/2017 21:36 – Facebook Post

9/10/2017 21:36 – Facebook Post

9:01 p.m.



O.K.. so lets get this out of the way…

I saw two cars one after the other when I got here…
one with Black Smith… and the other with its supporting message

Basically Alexander Hephaestus ..A.H..
Anastasia Hart…

And then, just now HMA 6327….
From these Face Book Play to Lisa Natalie Johnson
I arrived to meet Lisa at Ellie’s near the Oval after I had already reached 1008 Face Book friends.

To refresh your memories, to those whom I address in the Future…
1006 is what I began with…
1000 is M… In Roman Numerals.. R.N…Roland Neil formerly of bed 4-5… now he is in 4.B….
The person is irrelevant… it is the fact that I moved his true code meaning.. Champion Passionate Cloud ( Hurricane Tornadoe ) to from room 4A to 4B… Awareness to Being….

Then I received 3 New Face Book Friends…
and it moved us to 1008…
Meaning that at the moment I completed accepting the III…
First letter initials.. G.K.M… 7 11…Manifest.

1006 M.F…
106…100 is C…C F…
J.F…A O F…..

1005.. M.E…
105… C.E…
J.E….A O E…

And 1008…M.H…Man Harmony…
108…. C.H…( 38)
J.H….A O H…


Ma-risk a… She Risked me as Alexander.. Alejandro… Se sacred Portal 70…

Mariska Hargitay… M.H… Order… Hmmm really?

(Meddling.. I grumble..)

1006… 16… 15…18…. P..O..R…E..S..

Of the Skin… yes Lisa Natalie Johnson.. remarked the loss of moisture i my skin….


S.E.E…E.R.O.S. S.P….E….

See Eros is my Sacred Portal I exit the “Delta” through…

I had 24 USD left..
Lisa gave me 21 usd… but 1 was from me.. for the tip…

so she gave me 20… She owes me 25.. not 24….
( It was not intentional her saying 24.. but it was her E.T spirits intention.. See the post of the Rape… and the sacred portal 24 featured.)

So she basically gave me Truth… T… That I spoke the truth..

210;00 from J.D…
20 from L.N.J…
21 20… 41…

But the monies all come from the 155…
155 Sacred Portals…

* Dear Lord, just see how I have been raising the Intelligence and the Consciousness of the World for 5.5 years, publicly, and again 16.5 years in New York and 45 with my E-Spirit…
And still no Appreciation Gratitude Expressed… A.G.E…
Good Lord…
Tough Crowd… chuckle…

So with 25 left… which is the Y.. Chromosome.. Male…
and sacred portal 25…
We see that the …
9:24 p.m.
I.X…. The 9… are still contesting… the Nine…

E N I N I…M.E.F….Man Economist Finance.. Engineer Farmer..
Lisa Natalie Johnson.. Manifest E.F.. 56…

So 155 – 25.. is 130….13 is M…
But I just checked there is no sacred portal 130…
just 131 A and B which I will post…

Sacred portal 13 shows a Woman.. Witch Sorceress manipulating moving her children without regard for feelings and the Hell she is creating for them…

I have 22 USD left in my Wallet…

As you can see the Y was challenging me…
Y can not be a Woman… it is the Male Chromosome…
So crazy Wicked Witch of the West.. W W O.T.W…is still challenging I.E…M.M.OT.WO…Manifest Word “Mot” of the TWO Men.. and the Twins…

Ah Just recalled the license plate of the car linked to the Woods direction… it was W.O.E….
Woe betide the one who betrayed E and Nature and Maurice…
M.E.N… MN.. 13 14.. 27…
HMA 63 27
72 36…A.M..H… I am in Room with temp 72…
See sacred portal 72….

72.. 7… 36…9…. 9 9..A.M..H…

Lisa Natalie Johnson in harmony… but who is the Source the Original Source of the Reflection.. on her T.Shirt…
Obviously Moi…

Emeka Kolo

9:36 p.m.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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