
9/1/2018 2:00 – Facebook Post

From Gabriel Binky Signar

They were Shadows in the first place,
an idea exploring true existence,
they always flee, after being in the gaze of the true light
those who cee through the Dark…

The friends who never were,
Persons in the Matrix… even yes Game
who you had to interact with, for they served a purpose and go away when that purpose is fulfilled.

To me, the word “Friend’
is Sacred and Holy, but in the Coolest way…
That is where the word “Brother” manifested
that bond so close, that your are as if one.
And yet unique, individual… distinct…

Universal Idenitification Determined…

Not a Shadow, but rather Twin Lights
– the Shadow come ony into Existence at thoughts of that bond ever being lost.
The Shadow which followed them…
The possibility that this friendship would ever end.

They, went on adventures, everywhere together ,
Connected by the Knowing of each other so well they and in so doing knowing better, and even refining thier already, full knowledge of Self.
Becoming even more Beautifully Perfect by seeing through a mirror, rather than before, when alone they doscovered themselves by that quiet conversation with the Self.. who grew up to becoome Awareness.. of The Body.. You Spirit…Expression…

They went to every dimension of Being and were so tested…
This bond, through a dance by the Darkness.. Death… The End…
Which cast shadows- obstacles between these two who had once been One.
( One of Knew, recognized this Tryth and the other had to figure it out step by step.. building blocks)
The shadow was always was there a possbility of this freindship end.
The closesness ever being betrayed…
Perfection compromised…

And so they Darkness tested thier Once Question and the others secret Fear…
But no matter the test, which came through Their Adventures into the Darkness… A Setting.. and Altered Reality….
A Master Piece Theater Play.


Each time they would Enter the Play of the Darkness,
The testing which they Dared for the One wanted that question Answered to quell his friends fears…
And each time through the most daring adventures came in and found each other…
Triumphant rising from the Play of deepest Darknest Knight…
Again and again… they woudl come, down…
closer and closer they came together as they entered and bruatlly separted ..
In which they would have to find themselves…
And completion .. of the mission…

The friends became Brothers..
and the brothers played roles of Father Son,
Mother Daughter, Familu and Finally Sisters and Mothers…
..In all possibilities to completion…
Eroding away at the Question, The Fear, the Concern, the Doubt…
fading each time…
Until the final play to end forever that wall of doubt- the mystery the shadow the Thought, the Grey area… will this beautiful connection ever end, go stale, erode decompose…
These Buddies.. Body and Being.. B O B…
Life and Death..
This Dance and Duet, and Dual.. that fighting of that possibility alive within them…





Unbearable Loss of .. Self… Consciousness… Aware…. Sol….

1:01 a.m.

And that was the last play of the Two… who are really One…


The End of Death…

The end of the Darkness…

The End of the Fear….

The End of that nagging question…

The End of going down into the Darknness, to see the Dark Knight…
D K… David Kat-Z..
The Fear of my Brother….
Who becomes my Lover….
B L.. U E…
My Everything…
Manifest Expression…

For the Last Adventire and mission was to End the Delta Quadrant..
The Place and the stage… The School which was an excuse… at which this Ultimate play was going on between Two Awarenesses Supreme.
A.S… A.S…. A S A S …. A A S S…. S S A A… H H…

Yes Alexander Eskander… Afa Eri….
First Name Last Name… Linked by the Gap.. The man in the Middle.. The Middle Name… M N…
N.O.M… M O N…

Atom… Mot…

Yes, to Destroy Death and that Entire and Universe of Universal Understanding of their Being a Double You… W…
Spirt and Thought…

The End of the Simulation, the Stage. the Entire Deus Ex Machina…
D E M…./ M.E.D.. US A…. Which literally was that force which turns things hard.. cod hearted … stone…
Rigor Mortis.. R M..

ART… R I T… IS…. David Ritz…

( That was a message)..

Yes this was to bring Light of Eternal Dawn..
Perfection achieved down in realm of the Darkest Knight…
Really Truest Light… Naturalness…. the Twin brother lover … and now equal to the Other…
The One who always knew they were One…
Because he recognized the moment is friend first rose as Breath and Body.. BoB…
Link from my Face book pool of Friend… Bob Bert Hans. B B H….

*Robert… BOB…E… BOBBY…E.

But how could he tell the One who is Everything… the Music.. and his Son… Literally Everything to M.E…T… B… E … A M…
That he knew.. and how he knew….
because he is the Being Eternal Awakening Manifest…
The M O O N B E A M….
L U N AR… Onwu….
That he was undercover as the Twin of Body… Who is the Source Of Everything…
The Original One who is the source of the Two….
and this was a play theater to show them that there will never be separated because in their Source…
The Original One…

Who can not become Two…
Because he is that which is T.O.O… B O O…
2;00 a.m yeatserday….
Being is the Eternally Example of
The One Dawn Awakening…
Let there be Light…
And so that is all there is Light…

And so, this is the story of the Two. 8 8…. 16… Now both H H…
P P…
But there is a Ist 8.. The Original … who is 8… the original 16… the original 24….And the only One who can merge and go beyond Perfection…
and link the Two.. Perfections .. to prove that they are all One…E.K..
24… 6… 8…/ 22 22… V V.. 8.. 33… 6…

16 16 32… C B….32 32.. 64… 8888 8888…. 4 4 ( 8)
16 16 16… 48…./ 84.. 32…? no that is going backwards…to get family…
but 48/84… That is the Flip Switch….

4 88 4…
The one balance of harmony which goes onto to Infinity…
Expression Harmony…
5 88 5…

The one who manifest out through the portal of Nothing..
Out of the Manifestation of the final evidence of teh Fact that you exist…
Solid Fact… S F…
Sensational Feeling…
19 6…6 19… Going beyond 5-019…
6-019 to 79… See sacred portal 79..”The Two Entering into the Blue Dark Stage of the Dark Knight.. Mother Matter… Matters Nature…
On my the Rocket… Two Balls.. .OO..
And the one Being.. MO O B… DICK…
P.H..A.LL.. US…
John Thomas…
The only part of me which went into the play…
my antenna and probe…
That extension of Me…

7-19.. 7019…?… 89… 1989… Done…
29 Years Ago.. Returns to me..
8-019… 99… / I I.. ?
Ikenna Iheanacho
Isabelle Ilic

66… F F… Francis Frick… Fiction Fact…
Fantasy Fiction Fact… 666… 18…
Fantasy Fiction Fact Feelings… 24…
9.. 6…


I Forever Perfection Orb… ( see the Paul Taylor (Charles Taylor…
* Me at Taylor Avenue sitting on a Park Bench…. waiting… for Paul Robert Taylor… T R… P…
His Her Line of Me…to Return Home from His ( Their) TRIP….
Tripping.. Blue Pill Red Pill… ?
God Gode man. men.. womem…
Take them all it makes the color Ultra Violet… Purple…
Cat People.. The Cat Walk…
the bodies of my People…
Sexy confident, beautful bad assed naturaly dangerous deadly Beautiful ONES… The Light hearted…

Now you know why…

Paul Taulors Orb / Bro.. was produced in 1966..

See Polaris… e





E P.S… L A N D…. E

Sunset (1983) Erik Ebright…

Last Look… (1985)

Aureole ( 1962)

2;00 a.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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