
9/1/2017 21:05 – Facebook Post

8:29 p.m.


All this to bring about the Evolution of a Species…

This trial of an horror beyond belief… of idea’s, actions, expressions of Humanity which created such a indescribable Hatred by the Observers of this Realm.
Not the Guardians, but the Observers and Keepers of the Laws of Cause Effect, that Humanity was given all their Bad Idea’s expressed and thrown back at them.

I spoke about this years ago, that the Universe is Harmony and that it is made of an Energy of Beauty.
It absorbs only that which is Beautiful Expression, Harmonious which it then uses as Jet Fuel to move the Galaxy and Creation and all Inside and Outside forward to its their Individual and Combined Destination .. I.C…D…Indented in all things by the Source.
It is in the Golden Ratio, it is in the Dna… there is no excuse.

All know this.

And thus, Expression which are not of Harmony Existence are sent back to the Source of it, in this Case Humanity.

Link all you movies From Predator all the Violence, all the ungrateful expression, everything…
And link what Nasa sent out into the Universe on crafts hoping to find Alien Life… They sent the best of Humanity.
But they never suspected that the Higher Intelligence would come and spy on them…
Or that Humanity have been observed.
That they were part of a play and had been placed in a Quadrant – a sort of Nursery code Orien Laplante born Pelham Park..9-17… I.Q…
As a potential of Intelligence and Infinite Quantum
/Quintessential potential who could prove dangerous to all Existence because of the great potential and power planted in them as a species of the greatness they could be as the possibility of being the Ambassadors to unify all Existences and and Creatures in Creation…

Humanity could be that Beautiful – vessels for their originals selves if merged with these Highest of Frequencies of Existence the Eternal Ones.. The Two merged together…

Ah what a merging and emergence of such splendor of the Source…

But they also had to prove themselves, not to the Source but to All other frequencies in Existence.
Who were skeptical about such a Body as literal Living Art.
But almost entirely from Imagination ( Nothing.. a Story) and Light.

And thus, the play was created to prove the Beautiful Truth of Humanity but not as the Supreme Beings themselves, but as what they could and would evolve to.

Responsibility comes with being in Existence…
And Existence is Expression…

That is obvious…

Anyway, I have written enough about this over the years, including in my Original Creation story written in 2004.

When the Species began showing signs of being Cruel Viscous Evil… in the eyes of the Alien Council…
The Source was blamed and thus, a search to find the Source and hold Him-Her accountable to clean up the QUAD..RANT…

*a piece of type metal of less height than the lettered types, serving to cause a blank in printed matter, used for spacing. verb (used with object), quadded, quadding. 2. to space out (matter) by means of quads. Origin.

A Space.. to Space out matter…

Quad as in 4… 4 sides.. as in Court Yard.. Square…

Rant… Noise… Polluting the Air Waves…

8:53 p.m.

O.K… That is completes the 53 Code…

The trouble is, that when they found the Source…
Which Nnamdi identified… Not only did They not believe it, but sought to test him, but put him on trial.

The Trouble was that they were not his creation…
They were Nnamdi’s his Masculine and Feminine aspect…
The Head of the project the Play …University School.. U.S…
And even then, only the Naturals were…
Those of True Nature.

The Rest were not real.. they who were programs, and the programs injected into the Matrix so the students could discern that which was True and False.
The problem was when Fear Virus began to multiply spread by the Naturals not taking responsibility for their Expressions and thus becoming infected. And the rest is History..


His Story…

Yes it was His Story which became My Story once more by being forced to clean up his mess…

9:04 p.m.



Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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