
9/1/2017 16:17 – Facebook Post

From Fey Mirach…. Amoza Born….

F.M….Andromeda Beta…A.M. O…ZA….
Born…. Day…. Dorsch…

Last Night when I got back to the Shelter Jose Anthony Roc…He called
confirmed that he was the avatar reflecting the code of the Mirach
Side Girdle of the Princess… N.G.C..404…
Princess Is Sarah… But of course it is not Princess or a Woman.
Nor is Venus a Woman… it is a Planet
“Morning Evening Star… M.E.S….
Morning And Evening Planet… M.A.E.P… Roc is bed 5-16…E.P…
I have been in New York for 16.5 years…

The code is not a planet…. It is the Plan E.T… A Person.. Personality Eternity…
He had the Indian Headdress tatoo on his chest..
I had written that an observing it before…

He called me the Awakener and the Messenger…
And for the last two days, he says that I summon him and he arrives..

I noticed that too…

It just happened a moment ago with Lisa… I just thought of her and she arrived…

There is much more to it…

Awakened Memory… O…ZA…. “OZA” means “He answered the Call the Summons” in OINri Igbo…
In code it is E.O…Z-A… 1-26+1…

Yesterday night, I happened to come up to see that Stephen Colbert was on the Television.
You will all recall that Stephen Colbert was one one of the Magazines Jon Delguidce was guided to give me….G.Q Magazine..
And I wrote the code… Stevan Colbert…
S.C… ( Yes South Carolina the Exit of the Total Solar Eclipse )
Stevan means “Crowned’… Colbert means Kol… Helmet….
( Please see sacred portal 86… Victor… Fey sent me the text at 8;06 am yesterday…. Victor Light of Existence… and it is what lies beneath the Helmet and not that which lies within the Trojan Horse)…
It means Bright Famous…

Erik Ebright is where I stayed for 2 months after leaving Jonn and Donna at 18 Mountain View… M.V…Mercury Venus after spending 9 months…
9-2…. 92..S.P…92… 1992.

3:46 p.m.

He was in Russia- Moscow…( R.M)…And he it was a skit about Donald Trump peeing in the Room formerly occupied by Obama-
In the Ritz Cartlon… The Room was 1101….
Yes Galaxy 1101 as quoted by Nasa… That is designated home in this Play….
But It is not a physical place… It is a Energetic Place..a Dimension called the Eternal Realm and it is a Energetic Frequency Consciousness which ha the Power to Transform everything back to its Original Expression…
All that which is not cease to exist.

The code is E G.A..LA! XY… E 7-1…121..La Sixth Sense…24 25 49…D.I.. NN AM DI.. DI means “IS”.. I.D…M A N..N. E Supreme…
49.. 13…M…4…D… M.D…M in Roman Numerals is 1000 D 4…
10004.. 4 is 5..
I am now at 10005 Face Book Friends.

I had a Vision while I lay in bed in a parallel universe, I was in a place like the Shelter but a different version of it,it had not very sturdy wood floors… Two newly formed companions offered to get me breakfast for me after we conversed….
A moment later Bed 4-08 began snoring…
I looked at my phone it was 7:58…
Breakfast… Nicholas had woken me up in perfect timing by his snoring before
3:58 p.m right…
Today was no different.. No one was going to get my breakfast for me…

I had break fast but once again the exhaustion was overwhelming..
I was being summoned.
I went and lay down…
And my body began to seek to correct itself just as Fey, and Lisa…
Amoza and Lisa have both expressed and experienced…
I am a radio..
Fey.. Lisa… F.L…OW..E.. FL…Florida Sun Shine state.. the 27th.. A-Z-A
Lisa Amoza… LA!

A Rite of passage was again asked of me, and again though pissed off I once again promised that I would not renegade on the action… but I told them that I was growing impatient with all this and that it was getting harder and harder to promise to keep my word through such an insulting play… that I scarce could credit it as true any longer… that they would allow it to go this fat…
I checked the time when it was complete… 11:01 a,m,

I tried to get some sleep… Rest.. Could not got up at 11:23 p.m.
Only Nicholas W bed 48 was present.. And Paul the Mute in bed 4-1..

I went to my place to chill after having Lunch “Labor Day and endured thenick name given to me by some of the Ambassador Staff.. “Buns”
And went to my chill place… Again to wrestle with my wrath of this play.. Tears kept on streaming down my face… Not mine…
My Espirits.. Nnamdi’s…
I saw a T-Shirt with the Word “Normal”- puzzled I had no idea what it meant..
I opened my phone and saw Feys comment… I am not Dortch!..

4:10 P.M..
S.P. 41…

Fey Mirach Amoza Born…Day… Dorsch… A.B. D D …M..
I am A B… BED 4 0 4…Delta Manor… Manifest…Being…

It was not until I got here that I understood the Tears.. Fresh water tears not salt gushing from my eyes…
More Work more betrayal…

This Intel came from Amoza…
4:13 p.m.


Using the Green Bank Telescope in West Virginia, scientists with the Breakthrough Listen initiative—a massive project dedicated to finding signs of intelligent alien life—recorded 15 repeating fast radio bursts (FRBs) on August 26. The discovery was announced as an Astronomer’s Telegram and will be described in further detail in a forthcoming scientific article, according to a statement from Breakthrough Listen.

Since their discovery over 15 years ago, almost two dozen FRBs have been recorded. Most often, they are one-off events, but in 2016 scientists announced in the journal Naturethat they had found a repeating radio signal—FRB 121102. By monitoring and tracking this repeating burst, they were able to trace it back to a dwarf galaxy 3 billion light-years away. Still, the source remained elusive. Nothing that we know of in that region of space could be producing these signals.

Now the Breakthrough Listen team has detected 15 more busts coming from FRB 121102. Vishal Gajjar, a postdoctoral researcher at the University of California, Berkeley, where Breakthrough Listen is based, observed the new bursts during a monitoring effort run. Over five hours of observation, he and his colleagues collected 400 terabytes of data over the 4 to 8 GHz frequency band, or C-band, which is mostly used for satellite communications transmissions.

I had 15 usd and 54 cents in my wallet … + 25 cents…. 79…

R.B.. my last face book friend.. B.R..O.E….
F R B…./ B.R.F…
2016… I was brought to Delta Manor…
121 1102…. E GA LA XY 11 O1-2…C.I…. 11 28… 39… C.I…

First Contact

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