
9/1/2015 18:30 – Facebook Post

5:25 pm…

Thank you Lady Andrese Harris Burton for being for being the first Drop in the O C E AN US of this play.
A perfect response to my last post of what represents the E Harmonious Individual Expression.

The Echo Response affirmation already came from Universal Existence and Universal Nature both through Heaven first (Heaven being this Facebook play set up with sat-elites in Space) through my new Facebook Friend
Zinhle Zinhle Tsepiso…
And then Earth World… Through Donna O’Sullivan

Welcome young Lady…


Z is 26..26+26= 52…+2O…T is
See Sacred Portal 52…2O and 72…

Zinhle is a Zulu Name meaning “Beautiful” Beautiful Child”..


Tsepiso means “Promise”

Noni Promise Life
The representation through a personality who in the Family of 1O E line, True Creation story represents the 4th Aspect or member Tree of Life, Great Spider, Womb of Creation, the Web of interstellar and human expression, Possibilities..
The I’m possible Promise which had to be kept.
The 4 Dimension transformed into its Truth by the 4th aspect of Creation joining the last aspects of Creation 7-8 “Unity Boom Boom! ”
And 88..1 Harmony…C. E Harmony…
By linking the bridge (Ponte) of 4-5-6…
The Fifth being Wisdom Jon Graceful Self refinement (Represented undercover by myself) and the Sixth Sense and the Sixth Age moving us from.66- 77- 88…99..OO..O2
Represented in this play by Jonn Blackwell as Instinct Reason and Donna O Sullivan Intutiion Fact…I.R..and I.F.

(66=12 3…77= 14..5…88= 16..7…99= 18..9…OO=1=E…
1 Expression Creates the Individual..
The Intended Hue Man Being..
Thus, 3..5-7-9…1.E

Now played out.

P.S Donna asked me about the Equation
C= E.H…M ..D…which I posted as N.
I had meant to write M…but N came out..but there are no mistakes.
I then understood that C=1..
1 Consciousness shared with three people
A.D.J…A Dee Jay..
Add E…me.


Stone from Heaven which is my 95O:OO USD valued Jade Elephant with Joseph Carey…J.C.
Jonn Charles wears a Jade Stone around his neck.
JA DE means JA Of …
But I and the E do not represent anything Physical literal since everything Manifest has its Energetic Source..
I know exactly who Jonn Charles is…
As well as Joseph Carey whose name literally means “Add the Black Soot..Ashes”
He is Ja of the birth of the Illusion of Fear and the First child to be born of the Womb of The Mother to go down the birth canal to experience the Truth I created and the lie it created to experience why Truth is Supreme…All that is real because it always brings forth Love and Consciousness Being Expression Beautiful..

Thus, from C we get 3 in 1..
Thus C is 1+ E +H…1+13= 14…N..D…
Code Nikoma David
Code Nwanna Daniel
My Grandfathers Name D.N.Umeano
But is really E.N.D/D.N.E…4 14-5…meaning that 1O as Letter J is really 1-O..
One full cycle 123456789O..
Thus 1=A..
Alpha Omega
Thus C is 1, 14 is 1-4..5…6

*All this from a mistake which was not a mistake..
This is the power of E Harmony…
Even while Imperfect
I’m Perfect.
“I’M Possible..

Potential Kinetic Expression
Fulfilled aad Complete.

The Sixth of the family of 1O is Beautiful Pride..
Which would mean from this play (We were at 3 56 facebook friends..56 had been already completed with Dawn Marie and George…
Thus, in Truth Donna a 7th Child is Unity Harmony and Jonn is Unity Harminy who are now both representing the U.H/H.U..H.U.M..A.N children evolved to 28..88 Harmony Earth Heaven aligned.

Donna then Jonn…Are thus 78…
The pasr.See Nasa M.W 78 classifying the Milky away.
I am 87…56…11-1..already played out thus, thus 78 represents the Past which was always in Harmony, but it was a Story evolved finally to 88 28…88 is 64.. Jonn Blackwell..
8+8=16-7…7 is Donna.
6+4=1=A…Albert…268/4th St. Born 74)
7 is G…
Silver Marina Burini Mac G4 (74 )…
Code 71-(G.A)…3O..C O…C…A…E…1-5..)
Jonn 51…E.A-A.E…
88 is 1+7=8..
Universal Harmony
Ready to Evolve.

ZZ..T…Ruth…Donna…Andrese…Zeina Zeina…
Zeina Hanna…

ZZ T means then not ZZ as the End but the successful Transformation of D N.A to D.N.E..
The End only being for those existing as Illusiins- not being thier True and Natural Refined Self.reaching their full potential and highest Human possibility before transforming through the Crystalization Chrysalis process into Wil-Liam.
Lovely Men
Ladies and Gentlemen.


“Thank you Beautiful Child, Beautiful Child (2x Heaven Earth..Above as well as Below..A.B (12)
For keeping your Promise..

And on Earth, it was Donna O Sullivan who spoke up immediately about seeing Andresse Harris post – notifying me that not only did Andrese H B get the process and Equation of Individual Expression correct but she enthused excitedly
” I can learn from her!”

Heaven Earth aligned by two sisters
Afro and Causian A.C.
Linked now as One Being..
A.B.C..D.E..H….M.O.N…Manifesting the O Naturally.

Nuno Ordens Miguel..
E N.O.M..E…Emmanuel E Manual Emecca.

6:29 pm

Welcome Zinhle Zinhle T…..E…

5+2O + 52…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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