
9/1/2015 15:11 – Facebook Post

12:26 pm



Artificial Intelligence Harmony…
I.AH…I, AH!!!

Don’t twist my words or Expression to suit your agendas…

I had a foreshadowing that after reaching 358 Facebook Friends that the number on the “Score Board” would descend

So I was not at all surprised that after reaching 3-58 Facebook Friends which is Sacred Portal 58 which has been aligned to the code E Harmony.
Both Jonn Blackwell and Donna O’Sullivans codes of 8-5/58…align to it being achieved full circle from date of Birth Age Car license plate and to Embodiment of the E literally moving in them..

3-56 which is where we are now, makes perfect sense because it is Sacred Portal 56..which shows a family of E knocking in the door of the Fifth Dimension. These Beings are the E.T line if E who have been watching and directing this play..
They are beyond the Aturian Andromeda play of Awareness Alpha…
The play set up to establish which Creation story is the Truth of the Universe..
There is a Story beyond Atom Alpha..
The True play which Tom Benzian described correctly was to find the One who could prove the True beginning of Creation…
Which exists beyond memory..
Beyond the Source as the Light which the most enlightened Beings of humanities time line had reached.

But this is the story which goes beyond “Nirvana” and the state of Nothingness…
To reveal that before there was A…Awareness..
Creation Manifested into a physical form, before the “Big Bang” BB…
Before the birth of that “Blinding White Light” of the Birth of Awareness and Consciousness..
Beyond the Full Circle and the point of it all..
There existed and Existed a Force beyond the Light, beyond Dark Matter called Energy..
There Exist a realm where everything was and is real…
The Original world.

Link the story of Siddhartha Buddha in the Palace before he came into this world to understand why there was pain and suffering.

Beyond the highest experience of Humans in this time line of 15 Billion Years and 15 thousand years..
I am introducing, through and by Manifesting it into Existence the story behind human memory of a realm which Exist where each of your highest potential already exists…
This was our play of getting the E Line incarnated in the physical plain…

Thus, I am Manifesting that story..
The Evolution of all the correct steps of the Truths discovered by man..

Through ages of Instinct. The first Chakra which is Sex…Instinct -Sex. .not fear…
To 2 Imagination. Creation
3 the Stars Logos Navi gation (Avatars)..Order
4 Balance Heart.
5 Voice Expression…Throat Chakra..
6 Sixth and Reason..
7. Vision Crown Chakra
8. linking the Body from 1-7 to 8 Harmony Infinity which is H.I…allowing the Being to Connect with the “Supreme Self” which then moves in you…
9 represent the understanding and attainment of Individuality the “God Head” which is really gaining not only your True Nature having explored Alpha OO-1 234567 8OOO..
Which means each person was born as O a perfection of Symmetry of Energy Light..
E L..
Emmanuel Luna..
Then you experience the Illusion of Light refracted and broken down into colors..
This is an illusion..
It really is a Child born from O then formed in the Womb with a Body in 1..with 1-7 already contained in that Body…
But the 1-7 has to be experienced outside also..
The 1-7 stages is really a Story.
The stages of the story are the Illusion of Energy Light as Colors…

On reaching 8 which is Expanded Light of O as I…by experiencing and grasping the True Story of your life, aligned to the Human Collective experience, which you balance out through the “In and Out”- Breathing…Life Death
(but all really Death as Transformation when you realize your whole experience of life is constant Transformation of your view of your life until you reach 17-7-1..Ascending Descending at the same time. But before that you will continually experience Death as recycling… Of life time after life time until you understand that Death is the transformative quality of Perception …because you are reading a book.. The book of life and can not make any emphatic judgment until you finish the book of 1-8/-8-1…
*which I did yesterday with the Arrival of Facebook Friend Hawa Ali…
Aligned to Andrese Harris Burton..
See H.A/A H.B…
A.H (B) H.A…!)

Thus, the In and Out is you being the Actor Observer/Observer Actor of your life story.
Not real because it is a Movie..
But the experiences, emotions and essence of what you gather from experiencing the Matrix and Illusion ” Colors” Rain-Bow…is real.
It forms your True Nature….makes you understand the Truth of yourself.
Which becomes so solid that if need be, you can stand as a rock of Ages with your Truth against a whole world..
And the O cean can come as a Tidal Wave but still the rock will remain.
Breaking the Tidal Waves Flow and path.
Thus 1-8-8-1 is the completed Story of Colors and you born Natural as O..(98754321..then you are born..-9 months in the Womb) ..then moving through the “World” you alingn through the experience of In and Out as both breathing as well as Experience of In and Out of the play by being Observer Actor then Back to Observer To Actor to attain Balance of every full circle of 1-8..
Moving you back to your original self as O-9..but expanded now to 8…
The 1 is 8..the Return…
But it is now Aware of Being is being Aware Conscious Devoted Embodied Exemplification of your Truth..
Which then moves to two Circles of your physical O1-9..(in the Womb, crossing the Galaxy)
Then the “Return”- the Energetic Experience of 1-7-7-1..
Then to O-1 to 8 the Circle..O
O which is now the O filled with the Expression of 1-7..till Harmony..8
Then the O1 and the 8 O merge..
Hawi Ali representative of that code of 358 Facebook Friend..
C..E H…
Conscious is E Harmony.
He Cees..
Then the two Circles merged into one by your now Exemplifying Being through your own Consciousness Being Aware…Meaning you have now your own Individual Expression which you must Express and Embody Publicly P.T, and Transparently at the same time right to the Point.

The point transforms you from a number in the Matrix..evolving from a Baby at 1 to 2&3&4-5-6-7-8-9…
At 9 once you have established the evidence made fact that you are now separate from the Big O Of Intial Expressing of the Universe..
And are now Unique Expression of both Universal Existence, as well as Individual Exisrence Experience and Existence Known always deep within you…
You align them to one Expression Existence Energy Exemplified =Essence..of Being I.
EEEEE-5+5+5+5+5= 25…BE…

Being O (Filled Circle) Fact Beautiful Individual

See B.I 29 in code name meaning Zeina Hanna Z H..(268/862) Played out From David Roman Nicholas born 1968- Donna O Sullivan… License plate E H.F. (5-86)
Jonn Blackwell visiting me at Bedford which he had not visited me at since 1986″
See me 19 in 1986 where I won a Victory for the people through Fashioning and Style…
See it in my meeting Jon at age 19 in 1990.
See it in the alignment of then 19/)Chukwuma Ogbonna..in last years play..

And see its meaning in the daughter of Donna
Sophie…Zeina Meaning Beauty and Sophie meaning Wisdom…
And Anna – Ana Leonardo Caixas…
Meaning Grace..

The point of Being I (The Individual)
Is Grace Beauty Original Wisdom..
RO..G.B..I VV…
Gracefully Bowing out of the play..
Now that you the “Arrow” has hit the Mark and Point.
Of it A.L.L.

An Educational Movie
An Experience
But this is not your life.
But it did help you discover the real you.
Then refine it. Clean it to Diamond Solid Light..
You in a Diamond Crystalizes Chamber
Column Beam
Now teleported out of the Matrix in Mind as Space.
Landing here in Mind as Manifest Being instead.

The realm of E..
E Art Harmony
Earth True..
No longer a number but a 9 transformed into an Individual..

Emeka I.V. Kolo..

Which makes sense why we moved from 358 back to 356..
Proving here in this day the 1st of September
That the location chosen by the E.T to complete this play and Manifest through me and every word I have been “programming” into Existence and Being- through exemplifying the above detailed Equation and Experience of an Individual..
Who starts out as the Source Collective becoming detached from the Source as the Collective Light.. C L.
To experience a voyage through “Space” as Mind..The Womb.
Then born here in “Death”
To travel through Death by honoring life..

And Graduate to becoming an Individual.

We watched the Graduate last night.

So no one should ever speak for another person especially a proven Individual.
For each Individual has his or her own Unique Expression.
And they speak for themselves.
Non can speak for them
Twists their meaning, distort pervert or assume to exemplify thier meaning.
Because this is the real Source of Evil in the World

People graduate to Individuals when they understood the point of view of All..
Then formed themselves and their own point of view then proved it Fact..
Created thier own Expression Language Style.

As I have spoken for myself on my posts..

Thus no one can assume what I say..
For it is Written..

“HE Wroteita”
Explained it..clearly
42 Months..

You can not include yourself into the Ultimate Individuals world..
Only he or she can invite you in..
Because only the I.E have the True meaning.
Hence only they can judge if you have grasped their True Meaning
Of their Express Experience to become I.E
Shared so Gracefully Beautiful Orgasmicly Wonderfully Full Circle..
As a gift to thee before they “Beam Out and leave the Chrysalis Chrystal -line stage to metamorphosize (Through the process of Osmosis)
To their True Selves.
The Beautiful True Ones..

Meaning ” God’s the Circle O8/8O.is satisfied…
You now get to go home.
G-Ode is Harminy
G-Ode is the People.
The Children of Light Expressed Experience..
Jon Jason Lee.

And I, and am the Expression of Essence
Eternity Immortal Truth.

3:11 pm


Chukwuemeka Kolo.

3:12 pm

Consciousness Love.


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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